Vitamin E 對回鍋油品質的影響
家庭中為了節省油量的使用,常將所剩的油品另存於容器中,以待下次使用。近年來,已有不少文獻報告指出,這種「回鍋」的使用方式,往往使得油品品質變得相當低劣。近來市面上有不少的油品,標榜添加天然維生素E,使消費者趨之若鶩,作為一種吸引消費的手段;這激發了我們極高的興趣,因為在文獻中已知道維生素E在室溫下確實可抑制油品的氧化;但添加的油品經過回鍋後,其對油品的影響卻仍不得而知。我們利用鐵鍋油炸澱粉食物,並經由反覆的油炸與冷卻,模擬更真實的回鍋情形。並添加抗氧化劑,包括維生素E和酯化的維生素E,以及回鍋次數等不同的變因進行實驗,進行油品品質的化學變化的測量。經由實驗結果顯示,經數次的回鍋烹煮,油品品質因為一連串的化學反應變得十分低劣;另外,添加酯化的維生素E的油品在某些方面的確減少了某些不良生成物的形成(如游離脂肪酸、羰基化合物等),但在某些方面如氧化程度的比較(共軛雙鍵的生成)卻與一般無添加的回鍋油無異。反倒是添加維生素E對於回鍋油品質的影響在實驗結果的每方面看來,不管是酸敗氧化或是裂解成羰基化合物都能夠有效地減少或產生抑制的作用;故添加維生素E對於回鍋油的品質的確有正面性的影響!Cooking oil is often reused in homes in order to economize on its use. In the past few years, many reports have pointed out that ”reusing” oil this way always changes the properties of oil and makes it spoiled. Also in the past few years, many oil products have appeared on market that highlight the fact that vitamin E has been added, in order to attract consumers. This attracted our interest, since we know that on the basis of several studies, vitamin E indeed has an antioxidizing effect at room temperature or below. However, it is not know what effect vitamin E has on re-cooked oil. Therefore, in this experiment we simulated the re-cooking process by frying steamed dumplings in an iron wok with soybean oil, and repeatedly cooling and re-using the oil. Variable factors were the added antioxidants(vitamin E and vitamin E acetate) and the number of re-cooking times. The chemical variation in the resulting oil was tested with regard to acid value, viscosity, carbonyl value, and the value of conjugated bonds. The results indicated that as the number of re-cooking times increased, the quality of the oil had undergone a series of chemical reactions and became spoiled. Also, the addition of vitamin E and vitamin E acetate indeed reduced the formation of certain unhealthful products such as free fatty acids, carbonyl groups, and so on. In certain respects, such as the quantity of oxidized components in the oil, there is no obvious difference between ordinary oil and oil with the vitamin E acetate additives. However, the addition of vitamin E to cooking oil, based on the results of this experiment, can effectively reduce or suppress processes causing rancidity and breakdown into carbonyl groups. Therefore, the addition of vitamin E or vitamin E acetate dose have a positive effect on re-cooked oil.
約瑟夫數列(Josephus Series)
所謂約瑟夫數列,就是有n 個數排成一環狀,從頭開始,殺1(個數)留1(個數),求倒數第k 個留下的數會是多少?約瑟夫數列在台灣的全國中小學科學展覽出現多次(如下表)。全國科學展覽與本題類似的作品
資訊界演算法大師Donlad E. Knuth 在其著作The Art of Programing,CONCRETE MATHEMATICS,也針對該數列作詳細的說明。唯,不論是歷屆科學展覽或是大師的著作,對於該數列,都只是談及殺1 留β或是殺α留1。
筆者則在2005 年暑假,曾經提交於全國國小組比賽作品「老師無法解決的難題」討論到n 個人排成一圈經過殺α留β,最後留下來的情形。
本研究是將α、β、k 和n 作為變數,求:當有n 個數排成一環狀,從頭開始,殺α(個數) 留β(個數),則倒數第k 個留下的數會是多少?
需符合α、β、k、n 皆∈N,且n≧k
1.直觀觀察:發現在每一個循環中,當n 等差α時,Aα,β,n,k 則等差α+β、n- Aα,β,n,k 則等差β。
3.循環觀察:發現每個循環的尾數n- Aα,β,n,k 都小於β。
4.循環尾數:設計公式求出每個循環節的尾數n、留下數Aα,β,n,k 及n-Aα,β,n,k 。
Joseph Sequence is the problem that discussed the situation of eliminating1 and retaining1 in the circle formed by n people. Joseph Sequence has appeared a number of times in National Elementary School and Middle School Science Fair in Taiwan (as shown in the table below). Past national science fairs and researches on Joseph Sequence
The publications,The Art of Programing,CONCRETE MATHEMATICS ,by the expert of mathematical calculation in the IT industry,Donlad E. Knuth,has provided detailed explanation on it. However, all of those only discussed eliminating 1 and retaining β or eliminating α and retaining 1.
The researcher proposed “Problems unsolved by teachers” in the national competition, and discussed the situation of eliminating α and retaining β in the circle formed by n people. This study continued the summer project of 2005, and conducted research on the question of when is the last kth person eliminated in a circle formed by n people. In the paper, α, β, n and k were independent variables and the research process was as follows:
1. Direct observation: the series shows equal difference in each cycle.
2. Classification: to search the pattern of the series based on cα,n classification.
3. Use the end number of each cycle to obtain the pattern.
4. Reverse induction: use the equal difference of each cycle to induce when the kth person would be eliminated.
當我們在開車享受冷氣同時,此時冷氣水正一滴一滴的滴水,造成水資源的浪費,在環保意識抬頭的今天,我們即針對此一問題進行研究,主要將冷氣水回收起來,並運用在補充雨刷水箱或者提供引擎水箱或冷凝器降溫作用,是否達到提高引擎工作性能及降低冷氣冷房效果,進而達到「資源回收」的。實驗結果證明在補充雨刷水系統最符合環保概念;另在引擎水箱噴水作用時,可縮短風扇運時間並增加停止運轉時間,可增長風扇使用壽命,對下水管溫度亦可降低,可防引擎過熱;在冷凝器噴水作用中亦能明顯提升汽車冷房效果。When we enjoyed driving with cool air from air-conditioning, the condensed water from air-conditioning system is dripping from the system drop by drop. It caused the issues of the waste of water resource. Facing the greater public awareness of environmental protection issues in Taiwan, we are focusing on this issue to have further research. The idea is to re-cycle the air-conditioning condensed water and re-fill it in the water tank of wipers, the water cooling tank of engine or the cooling system of condenser. The purpose is to improve the performance of engine and enhance the cooling efficiency of air-conditioning system. It is helpful to meet the objective of water resource recycling. The result of experiment has shown that re-filling water in the water tank of wipers meet the goal of environmental protection well. Also, the water injection in the water cooling tank of engine could reduce each operation time of cooling fan and increase the idle time of cooling fan as well. It prolong the equipment life of cooling fan and lower the operation temperature of Low water pipe which prevent the engine overheating. Meanwhile, It is proved that the water injection in the cooling system of condenser can enhance the cooling efficiency of air-conditioning system.
因國際原油價格上漲,因此對研究及發展具潛力的生質柴油引起高度興趣。傳統以加熱方式在適當觸媒下將低碳數醇類與油脂轉酯化生成生質柴油。但以強鹼為觸媒使用過量會讓部分反應轉為皂化。而利用微波,使微波腔在極短的時間內產生電場,使具有電偶極的分子朝向電場方向迅速排列而產生轉動,快速地增加分子間的碰撞頻率而加速反應,但不破壞分子結構。也嘗試利用超音波來生產生質柴油。試驗方法為利用SD-22 柴油引擎測試所生產的生質柴油,並收集廢氣檢驗,評估其污染性。實驗後發現,微波能將一般加熱所需的60 分鐘大幅縮短至4 分鐘,甲醇溶液能生產較多的生質柴油。其中1.40%氫氧化鉀甲醇溶液且油與醇莫耳比1:9 效果較佳。氫氧化鉀甲醇溶液0.80%且油與醇莫耳比1:5 效果亦佳。製成的生質柴油能讓引擎發動,廢氣處理後經分光光度計檢驗氮氧化物,生質柴油確實能有效減少氮氧化物污染。
Due to the fact that the price of international crude oil raises , people look for alternative energy resources actively. Therefore, I have great interests in doing researching and developing the biodiesel through many ways. The traditional way is to transesterify the low carbon alcohols and fats with the suitable catalysts by means of generally heating. However, the overuse of strong bases as catalysts may turn the experiment result into saponification reaction. This study made good use of the microwave to generate electric fields in the microwave cavity in an extremely short time. Owing to the effect electric fields exerted, the molecules with electric dipole momentum rearranged to rotate rapidly .Consequently, the frequency of collision among the molecules increased without destroying the molecule structures. Also, I applied SD-22 diesel engine to test the produced biodiesel and examined the collected exhaust to evaluate its pollutant. According to the results of these experiments, the conclusion was as following: the microwave could shorten the Transesterification reaction time from 60 minutes to 4 minutes. The methanol solution could produce more biodiesel than the ethanol solution. Besides, the 1.40 wt % Potassium hydroxide solution with the molar ratio of oil and methanol 1:9 had the best efficiency in producing biodiesel. On the other hand , the 0.80 wt % Sodium hydroxide solution with the molar ratio of oil and methanol 1:5 also had the great efficiency. All the biodiesel we produced enabled the diesel engine to run smoothly. The exhaust inspected from the examination of Spectrophotometer resulted that the biodiesel did less NOx pollution to the environment indeed.
The purpose of this study is to set up a quick, easy and economical way to evaluate the ability of different concentration of various antibiotics to penetrate biofilm and establish the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of various antibiotics. The susceptibility of five antibiotics upon sessile cultures of Bacillus subtlis ATCC 6633, Escherichia coli XL, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Sarcina lutea ATCC 9341 were measured ATCC 27853, and S. aureus ATCC 29213 proved to be very difficult to eradicate, with only Gentamicin proving to effective at achievable drug concentrations, but the S. lutea ATCC 9341 biofilm was the most susceptible to the Penicillin. The results demonstrated that for biofilms of the same organisms, several hundred to thousand times the concentration of a certain antibiotic were often required for the antibiotic to be effect, while other antibiotics were found to be effective at the MICs. The concentration of antibiotic to penetrate the biofilm is proportional to the thickness of biofilm. Indeed, our research have already indicated that the use of MIC values to indicate antibiotics effectiveness is misleading, because MIC values can not represent the actual effect of anticbiotics on microbiologicals that have developed biofilm. The antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of antibiotics to various bacterial biofilm are different. The susceptibility of the mixed biofilm depends on the physical and biological change of biofilm. Our biofilm device offers a new technology for the rational evaluation of antibiotics effective against microbial biofilms and for the screening of new effective antibiotic drugs.此研究之目的是要建立一套操作簡便、快速且費用低廉之生物膜厚度產生方法,藉此探討不同生物膜厚度對抗生素抗菌之影響,進而完成抗生素對生物模之抗菌圖譜。本實驗將測試五種抗生素Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633,Escherichia coli XL,Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853,Staphylococcus aureus ATCC29213和Sarcina lutea ATCC9341之抗菌圖譜。試驗結果顯示Gentamicin對前四株試菌有較佳之穿透力,對S.lutea ATCC 9341則是Penicillin。實驗結果證明最小抑制濃度值確實無法實際有效地表達對已形成生物膜菌體之抗菌效果,要完全去除生物膜之抗生素濃度是為最小抑制濃度之數百倍到數千倍,而且抗生素用藥濃度隨著生物膜厚度增加而成比例增加。不同抗生素對不同菌株生物膜有不同之抗菌圖譜,混合菌株生物膜是否會促進或抑制抗生素之穿透力,端視其生物膜結構有無改變。本實驗方法可以做為一種快速檢定抗生素對細菌生物膜敏感性之新技術,同時亦可有效地篩選新的抗生素藥物對生物膜的抗菌效應。
伏打電池中,若兩極的電極種類及溶液種類均相同,僅是兩極的溶液濃度或溶液溫度不同,兩極間就有電位差,稱為濃差電池及溫差電池。典型的濃差電池中 ( 電極為電解液正離子的金屬片 ),濃度大的一端電位較高,電池電壓與兩杯溶液濃度比值的對數值成正比,且在相同濃度比值時,硝酸銀濃差電池的電壓最大,其次為硝酸銅、硫酸銅,硫酸鋅濃差電池的電壓最小。硫酸銅溫差電池,若電極為銅片,則電池電壓與兩杯溶液溫度差成正比,且溫度高的一端電位較高。
我們將硫酸銅溫差電池製成太陽能電池,在太陽下曝曬3 小時,電壓可達 13.6mV, 電流可達0.76mA,因此只要串聯數個電池以提高電壓,再對鉛蓄電池充電,就可以達到方便、實用與重複使用的目的。
In a voltaic cell, if the kinds of both electrodes and electrolytes are the same, but the molality or the temperature of the solutions are different, there will be potential difference between the two electrodes. We can them molality-difference cells and temperature-difference cells. In a typical molality-difference cells-its electrode is a piece of metal which is the same kind of metal with the cation electrolyte.-the electrode with the higher molality has the higher potential, and the potential and the log of the fraction of the molality of the two glasses of solution are directly proportional, and when the fraction is the same, AgNO3 has the highest potential and then Cu(NO3)2 and CuSO4, and ZnSO4 has the lowest potential. In a CuSO4 temperature-difference cell, if its electrode is a piece of cuprum, then the potential and the temperature- difference of the two glasses of electarolytes are directly proportional, and the electrode with the higher temperature has higher potential.
We use CuSO4 temperature cell to make a solar cell, and put it under the sun for 3 hours, the potential can be 13.6 m V, and the current can be 0.76m A. Therefore we can make several of them series to get higher potential and charge a lead storage battery. By this way, we can make a convenient, practical and recycled battery.
大氣圈、水圈與土壤圈是構成自然環境的三大領域,三者之間相互的影響,原本這些空間都具有極大的包容力,亦所謂「自淨能力」,許多的物質進入其中皆會被氧化分解或稀釋而消失於無形。近年來由於工業發展、人口增加,產生大量的廢棄物,長期、密集且迅速的堆積於環境中,使得天然的自淨能力無法應付而失去功能,造成嚴重的後果。就土壤而言,雖有較佳的自淨能力,但是一受污染,除了嚴重破壞土壤品質之外,同時也會直接或間接污染水源 (如:地下水)及空氣,對動植物造成危害,並且難以回復,實不容忽視。本實驗探討:一、土壤淨化能力是否受到不同地區、不同土壤性質的影響。二、同樣的土壤,對不同的污染物(色素、肥料、重金屬)淨化能力強弱的影響。實驗結果顯示大肚山土壤過濾溶液中的色素、磷、及重金屬中的鉻、鎳、銅的能力較中寮及大甲土壤強,只有氮與鉀的過濾能力較大甲土壤差,所以這次實驗中大肚山土壤有最好的污染淨化能力。實驗結果將來也許可以應用於土壤處理場址之適宜性評估。The air, water and soil are three parts of the nature. They affect each other. In fact, they have the "self-purity ability" - they can disassemble many polluted thing by this kind of self-purity ability. These years, because the industry development and the population explosion make lots of waste, the self-purity ability cannot do its best. The soil has better self-purity ability, but if it is polluted, it will not only pollute the water (ex: underground water) and the air, but also damage the animals and plants. We cannot ignore the serious result. This experiment will discuss:1. If the soil self-purity ability is affected by different area and different soil specificity? 2. The different purified results according to the different pollutant (ex: color, fertilizer and heavy metal) in the same soil. Results showed that Da-Du-San soil had strong ability then Chung-Liao and Da-Cha soil in filtrated color, phosphor, chromium, nickel and copper in the solution, but had weak ability then Da-Cha soil in filtrated nitrogen and potassium. Therefore, Da-Du-San soil had the beast pollution-purity ability in this experiment. In the future, results may be applied to the suitability evoluation of the soil treatment place.
AI 演化技術
此研究之重點在於如何建構一套人工智慧方法,人工智慧含多種進行方式,例如以類神經網路訓練近似於人腦之結構,而專家系統係於不同的科學領域內以自己之所知判斷。我們先以 John Holland 的 Genetic Algorithm (暫譯基因演算法,以下暫稱GA)的理論來實作出一套人工智慧系統之方法。Genetic Programming 係以GA為基礎之實作方法,主要的內容不出基本的演化定義;在這次的試驗中,首要為先定出程式欲演化成何種類型,在此我們先定義為排序型的演算法,經過分析實際程式之結構後定出適合基因元件的資料結構,分化為兩個部份進行,一為產生器,亦為突變,交配器,一為評審程式,亦為執行器,兩者使用相同之基本元件,再以不斷的交配和突變以達到全域最佳化。我們將兩種部份完成後,加上現有的PVM 分散運算函式庫來增加演算的速度。
Abstract The research mainly discusses AI. AI, involves in several types, for example, neural network(NN),which adopts human-like training method; Expert systems determine and make decision by what it has known. We will use John Koza's Genetic Programming theory to implement an AI system.Genetic Programming theory is based on GA. In our experiments, we have to define what kind of applications we want : a sorting application, which is divided into two parts - a producer (along with crossover and mutation operations) and an executor (along with judging operations), is an easyimplemented algorithm. Our program, also with PVM, will approaches global optimal after evolutions.