


在「植物的秘密生命」這本書中提到植物在電場或磁場中會生長的更好,我最近正好學到了電磁場如何產生,以及一些產生電磁場的方法,所以本研究即利用螺形管線圈來產生均勻的電磁場,並用運用安培右手定則來控制磁場產生的方向,來探討電磁場在不同條件下對實驗植物-綠豆生長的影響。本實驗使用銅質線圈纏繞鐵碗的方式,且通入不同大小電流來改變磁場的強度,以探討對實驗植物-綠豆生長的影響。本研究所得到的結果顯示:(1)綠豆在通入電流50mA 時所產生的電磁場可促使綠豆達到最好的生長效果;(2)栽培綠豆環境中所架設的電磁場較高,可使綠豆表現出較為明顯的生長速率;(3)促進綠豆的生長並不需要二十四小時都通入電流;(4)綠豆在N 極朝上的電磁場中生長的速率較S 極朝上的磁場中要快;(5)在較低溫度環境中,電磁場促進綠豆生長的效應較為顯著。;It has been mentioned that the plants will grow faster in the electronic or magnetic field in the book of “the secret life of plants”, I learned about the knowledge and methods of how to produce the electromagnetic field just now, I use the screw wire to produce electromagnetic field and control the direction by the Amplifier’s rule to investigate the growing speed of green beans under electromagnetic field in those different temperature. In this experiment, I use the wire to screwed around the ironed bowl, and make different electric current to generate different strength of electromagnetic field, the results indicate that (1) The faster growing speed will only exist in some strength of electromagnetic field, (2) The higher ironed bowls that full of screwed wire will result in the faster growing speed, (3) It will not need electromagnetic field all days, (4) The green beans will grow fast in those north magnetic pole than those in south magnetic pole, (5)The effect of electromagnetic field to increase growing speed will be significant in higher room temperature.


本研究的目的在於探討螺旋狀剝皮對植物生存以及芭樂果實的影響。實驗的設計是將選擇的植株或其枝幹分成四組,分別施予環狀剝皮、螺旋狀剝皮一圈、螺旋狀剝皮三圈及不剝皮等處理。 研究結果顯示,螺旋狀剝皮不會導致植株死亡,且於處理部位下方會長出新的枝葉。芭樂果實經100 天的生長之後,不剝皮處理之枝幹長出的芭樂重量都在 300g 以下,而螺旋狀剝皮一圈之枝幹長出的芭樂有重達300-400g(5%)及 400-500g(5%),最重的達 490g;螺旋狀剝皮三圈之枝幹長出的芭樂也有重達 300-400g(占 7.7%)。此外,與不剝皮處理者比較之,螺旋狀剝皮也有助於高甜度芭樂比例的提升。 本研究成果若能成功應用在其他果樹上,有助於提高果農產收的經濟價值。 The purpose of our study is to examine spiral bark-stripping’s effects on trees, and observe what will happen with this treatment, especially in the survival of trees and fruit of Guava. The experimental design is as below. First, we divided tree samples or branches into 4 groups randomly, and then treated each group differently with girdling, spiral bark-stripping a circle, spiral bark-stripping 3 circles, or non-stripping on the trunks or branches. As a result, spiral bark-stripping did not cause death of trees. Instead, new green leaves grew below treated area. After 100 days of growth, the fruit of Guava treated with non-stripping weighed below 300 grams, while some fruit weighing above 300-400 grams(5%) and 400-500 grams(5%) grew on those trees treated with spiral bark-stripping a circle, with the heaviest of 490 grams. Besides, there are some fruit weighing 300-400 grams(7.7%) growing on those trees treated with piral bark-stripping 3 circles. The result shows that spiral bark-stripping, compared to non-stripping, promoted the proportion of high-sugar fruit. This study provides a possible way to increase the economic value of fruit harvest if applied to other kinds of fruit trees.


The special life cycle of the Nymphoides indica: The veins and petioles of the pleustonic leaves can asexually reproduce adventitious buds. Pleustonic adventitious buds will change the density of the plants and sink into water. When the root of submersible plants attaches to the bottom of the pool, they will extend stems to the water surface and resume the life cycle. Reticulate sigmons and astral sclerenchyma appears in the process of transformation. Astral sclerenchyma merely appear in the species of which its leaves float above the water surface, and Nymphoides sp. are the most obvious. The cell wall thickness of astral sclerenchyma is even. The cells are hollow and full of water, and they will utilize water to change turgor between axes and spines. This is also proved in imitating experiments. The reticulate sigmons are frequently seen among aguatic plants, and the horizontal structures prevent air space from collapsing. These two structures make the thin stems of Nymphoides indica sustain the leaves instead of being crushed by the floating water. 印度莕菜 ( Nymphoides indica )獨特的生長週期:浮水型葉的葉脈和葉柄可以無性繁殖不定芽,浮水型的不定芽會改變植株的密度而沉入水中,當沉水型植株的根系在池底固著後,便會以莖延伸出水面,再次展開浮水型葉的成長週期。轉變過程中會出現網狀的橫膈和星狀厚壁細胞。星狀厚壁細胞僅出現於葉片需由水中浮出水面生長的植物種類,而莕菜屬植物更明顯。星狀厚壁細胞其細胞壁厚度均勻,細胞中空且充滿水分,會利用水分在中軸與突起的棘間移動來改變膨壓變化,在模擬的實驗中也得到證實。網狀的橫膈在水生植物中是較常見到的構造,水平方向的支撐可以讓氣室不會塌陷,兩種構造的作用下使得印度莕菜細長的莖能夠支撐葉片,不會被流水沖斷。

聞音起舞一 聲音對跳舞草小葉擺動之影響

跳舞草(Desmodium gyrans) 屬多年生木本豆科植物,其特殊之處在於小葉會對外界的聲音有所感應。本實驗以訊號產生器固定聲音強度,發出2、4、6、8、10 KHz不同聲頻之聲波刺激跳舞草,並以每5秒為單位紀錄小葉擺動角度之變化,分析其擺動週期、擺動幅度等不同的變化。實驗結果為跳舞草小葉之擺動週期與擺動振幅是隨著聲音頻率的增加而呈現sin函數變化之圖形。Desmodium gyrans (Leguminosae) is a perennial woody plant. Acoustic waves can stimulate stipules and cause to oscillation. This experiment used the coroma to immobilize strength, emitted the frequency of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 KHz acoustic wave to stimulate stipules and recorded the changes of oscillation angle every five seconds. We calculated the oscillation cycle、oscillation span, and analyzed experiment data. The most importance result is that the experiment graphs of oscillation angle and oscillation span with different frequency of acoustic waves display sin function metamorphic diagram.

Adapted prematurity in Cuscuta campestris

平原菟絲子(Cuscuta campestris)處在不穩定或養份不足的環境中,吸器(haustorium)的生成個數會明顯減少,並加速開花結果的速率。不同於其他植物的早熟,平原菟絲子早熟時會產生自我寄生(self - parasitism),且結空穗機率明顯較低,顯示其對於不穩定環境的耐受度提高,並提升子代存活機率,稱之為適應性早熟(adapted prematurity)。相對於一般寄生,自我寄生吸器生成時間較一般寄生長,吸器大小並無顯著差異,然而吸器數量較少,且較為深入宿主。起初推論自我寄生為演化中的缺陷,這樣造成其無節制的寄生,對生存有害。但是經過長期的觀察之後,發現其生長狀況並無受到影響,而是週遭環境不穩定,所促使暫時分解自體本身的養分,以度過考驗。

Prototype for the production of Biofertilizer

The Latin American and Caribbean regions have one of the biggest cultivable areas in the world, calculated at around 576 million hectares. Nevertheless, 16% of this land its affected by a kind of soil degradation. Previous studies have shown that the vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) can fix phosphorus and other elements to plants, is an important micronutrients transporter, increases the water potential of plants, can bioremediate the lands affected and prevents lixivation. These effects are very convenient and can replace the chemical fertilizers which produce collateral damage to the environment. For the reasons mentioned above, this prototype for the production of vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizae, denominated as a biofertilizer, is presented. The prototype consists of an aeroponic system which disperses, in aerial form, nutrients to the host/trap plant roots where the fungus produces its mycelium web. The fungus propagation consists of an artificial union of isolated and identified spores of the mycobiont ,which we want to propagate, with the trap plant roots. The specimen identification consisted in a staining and clarification method (Phillips- Hayman), and a taxonomical identification. In order to prove the (VAM) benefits, two experiments using Sorghum spp. were carried out. One consisted of a comparison between the plants with VAM and a control without VAM. The second one consisted of a chemical comparison between control/fertilizer/ VAM plants. These two experiments were subjected to a water stress test for 10 days. The prototype achieved a production of roots mycorrhizae between 50-65% of colonization. The taxonomic identification corroborated that the mycobionts propagated and the controls were the same species. Experiment One demonstrated that the mycorrhizae treatment has more height, stem diameter, fresh/dry weight than the control which doesn't have VAM. We also conducted the Student’s t Test to check the previously mentioned hypothesis. In Experiment Two, the control and fertilizer treatments had a similar percentage of Nitrogen and Potassium, and the mycorrhizae treatment significantly increased these two elements; nevertheless, the fertilizer and mycorrhizae treatment obtained a similar percentage of Phosphorous. The water stress test was for 10 days - one month after planting. The results were: the fertilizer and mycorrhizae treatment had the same resistance to the stress, the mycorrhizae recovered faster from the stress and the control specimens presented a lower shrivel percentage than the other plants. One of the principal gains which this prototype has is that the trap plant doesn't die after collection, and the plant only needs to be inoculated once in the plant’s life because we only prune the roots. In nature 90% of plant species present some type of mycorrhizae association, hence the feasibility of this prototype for introduction, use and application of the fungus as a biofertilizer. 1 Centro de Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial y de servicios N°24 2 Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Victoria

AtbZIPs 轉錄因子及其下游基因啟動子的特定序列之研究

Arabidopsis thaliana bZIPs(AtbZIPs)是一群影響層面相當廣泛的轉錄因子,一半以上的 AtbZIPs 基因表現受到光的調控,且近九成的分子機制尚未明瞭,因此探討 AtbZIPs 在植物光調控機制中所扮演的角色將是個有趣的課題。AtbZIP16 與 AtbZIP17 皆被推測會參與光的調控機制,然而迄今少有文獻針對這二個轉錄因子進行更多的研究。因此,我們想藉由細菌單雜合系統(Bacterial one hybrid system)的方法,找出能與 AtbZIP16 與 AtbZIP17轉錄因子結合的 DNA 序列,以瞭解此二轉錄因子調節下游基因表現的分子機制,並探討其在光訊息傳導途徑中所扮演的角色。針對 AtbZIP16 與 AtbZIP17,本實驗分別找到了 7 與10 種可能的結合序列。首先,經由資料庫比對分析,我們發現其序列上帶有的 motifs 功能,主要參與在光調控、環境逆境反應機制、組織發育、賀爾蒙調節、病原菌防禦、鈣離子訊息傳遞等方面,其中又以光調控佔最大的比例。再者,藉由將 motifs 的功能繪製成文氏圖,並與 HY5 (AtbZIP56)做比較,結果顯示,這三個轉錄因子雖同屬於 AtbZIP family,據推測皆受到光的調控,可能參與某些相似的生理調節過程,但都各自具備不同的功能,影響植物體的發育。如此的差異,表示他們有實質上的不同,值得我們更深入的研究。整體而言,本實驗結果除了說明 AtbZIPs 的功能確實廣泛之外,也顯示AtbZIP16 與AtbZIP17 是執行光訊號傳導很重要的調控因子。Arabidopsis thaliana bZIPs (AtbZIPs) is a group of transcription factors affecting a wide range of responses in Arabidopsis. The expression of more than half of the AtbZIPs is regulated by light, and the molecular mechanism for roughly 90% of these AtbZIPs remains unknown. Therefore, the roles AtbZIPs play in Arabidopsis light signal transduction is an interesting topic to pursue. AtbZIP16 and AtbZIP17 have been suggested to participate in the regulation mechanism mediated by light. However, only limited studies for these two transcription factors have been previously performed. For this reason, we intended to determine the DNA-binding sequences for AtbZIP16 and AtbZIP17 via the bacterial one hybrid system to reveal their target binding sites in the promoter region of their downstream genes and to speculate their possible biological function especially in light signal transduction pathway. We have identified 7 and 10 possible recognition sequences for AtbZIP16 and AtbZIP17, respectively. Using motif-finding programs analyses, we found the motifs identified are mainly involved in light and stress signaling, tissue development, hormone regulation, pathogen defense and Ca2+ signaling. Among these regulation pathways, sequences involved in light regulation owns the highest proportion. Furthermore, a Venn diagram was generated to compare functions of genes regulated by AtbZIP16, AtbZIP17 and HY5. Results revealed that, although these three transcription factors all belong to the AtbZIP family and are predicted to be regulated by some similar physiological regulation process (e.g. light), they still possess distict biological functions in plant development. Further studies are thus required to put these transcription factors into their shared and unique biological context. Taken together, the results of this experiment not only indicated light is a key regulation factor for AtbZIP16 and AtbZIP17, but also showed the function of AtbZIPs could be diverse.

Mushroom Cultivation

The first aim of my project is to learn more about mushrooms: their lifecycle, their structures, the nutritional value of mushrooms, the medicinal values of mushrooms as well as the biological importance of mushrooms.\r The second aim of my project was to find how mushroom are cultivated in the world and specifically how they are cultivated in Namibia, where climatic conditions are rather harsh for mushrooms. Through interviews, I aimed to understand why mushroom cultivation is not widely practiced in Namibia and what are direct economic advantages of mushroom cultivation in Namibia.\r The third aim of my project was to see whether I could find cheap and economic methods of cultivating mushrooms in Namibia, a semi arid country where humidity is so scarce.


Mirabilis Jalapa is a wild flower, which is often seen in countryside of Taiwan. This plant blossom regularly every day around PM 3:00-6:00. Since its regular behavior, it has the potential to become a model plant for research on circadian ryhtem. According to the on spot observation, a Mirabilis Jalapa will bloom consistently, whereas a minority of flower will bloom earlier or later. First, we observe how Mirabilis Jalapa response to disparate environmental conditions. Under a short period of light(8h) and an average period of light(12), Mirabilis Jalapa acts as normal. But under a long period of light, it flowers approximately 1h ahead of time. When under a continuous light, Mirabilis Jalapa shows a regular flowering in the first four day, and after that, circadian rythem of flowering terminate. The ripe flower buds mentain unbloom for 10 days or more, finally end up withered. Meanwhile, floral meristems are also suppressed. Temperature alter seems affct the flowering slightly. Second, we use SDS-page to detect protein divergence 6h interval.But as many of the earlier attempt, the floral stimuli is not sensible for average protein qualitative analysis. So we decide to take more direct approch by genetic experiment. From supplemental material of article” Orchestrated Transcription of Key Pathways in Arabidopsis by the Circadian” we obtain a group of genes regulared by bioclock in Arabidopsis.With Bio Informatics we choose 41 single gene, and compare with sequences in other species, designing promotors to isolate similar genes in Mirabilis Jalapa. Use rt-PCR to detect the level of certain gene expression,and compare characters of those genes in Mirabilis Jalapa with those genes in Arabidopsis. We also blast those 453 genes to the database of animal, trying to recognize some genes that is widely separated between disparat species. And test these genes in Mirabilis Jalapa to confirm this result.本實驗先針對紫茉莉開花生物時鐘的特性進行觀察,並以不同的變因測試對紫茉莉開花時鐘的影響,紫茉莉個別花朵開花生物時鐘並不一致,長日照會對植株造成開花時間提早(約1 小時)的影響,全日照則會對花芽分生及開花行為造成抑制,溫度對於開花影響不明顯。而後利用蛋白質電泳對不同時間點的樣本進行分析,由於開花激素存量極微,故並電泳結果無明顯差異。再來以阿拉伯芥已知與生物時鐘有關的基因中經過生物資訊(Bio Informatics)預測在紫茉莉中存在與開花及光週期有關之基因(CAA75629 CAB56039 AAB60305 AAC49807 AAA82068),針對該基因進行表現量的測定,驗證該基因與開花生物時鐘的關聯性。針對動物界與植物界中已知與生物時鐘相關的基因進行交叉比對,希望找出跨界廣泛存在的生物時鐘基因,接著測試紫茉莉中該基因的存在與否及表現狀況與其他物種的差異,驗證該基因分布的廣泛性。

筆筒樹凋萎病防治法 -病原Ophiodiaporthe cyathease sp. nov.拮抗菌之篩選與應用

近在台灣新發現的筆筒樹萎凋病,造成大量筆筒樹(Cyathea lepifera)枯萎死亡,對於此疾病的防治已成亟需解決的問題。先前的研究中,已確認病原菌為新屬真菌並命名為Ophiodiaporthe cyatheae sp. nov.。本研究則在於以生物交互作用方式進行防治,尋找拮抗菌,針對特性實際應用。 研究中因實驗素材與操作方法的差異分為細菌與真菌類拮抗菌兩大主軸,且皆成功自土壤中各分離出數種有應用潛力的拮抗菌。細菌方面,尋獲並經鑑定為Burkholderia gladioli,對於病原菌有良好抑制效果,然由於此菌本身安全性有疑慮,實用上仍有待商榷。真菌方面,拮抗菌以超寄生方式與快速的生長能力制伏了病原菌,期待透過比較消除病原菌的速度,篩選出其中最強大適切的拮抗菌種,運用於實際田間病殘株處理。