

Super Oil Absorbent Form Rubber Waste

There are three main threats that give disastrous outcomes to the ecosystem, oil spill in the open sea, non-biodegradable wrapping plastics and logging to accommodate the paper industry. The current oil absorbent available in the market nowadays are more of fibers with hydrophilic characteristics. As a result, the oil been absorbed cannot be reused and causing total lost to the oil companies. It is estimates that billions of Malaysian Ringgit(RM) lost due to this cause for the past ten years.\r The objective of this project is to produce oil absorbent that not only created from the Empty Fruit Bunch(EFB) as a recycling initiative but at the same time able to reuse back all the absorbed oil after that. On top of that to this, we also hope to produce a biodegradable wrapping paper from the same material.\r The initial step towards the production of this eco-absorbent is known as Compounding Process which involves the grinding of the EFB along with some used rubber. This is then followed by adding flour to the mixture and then cooked until it is matured. At the end of this process, the product is grinded into refined form. Based on the investigations conducted, this eco-absorbent able to absorb oil five times of its weight and using a minimal pressure, the absorbed oil can be recollected back hence use onwards without changing the oil physical or chemical properties.\r On the other hand, the eco-friendly wrapping paper made out of the same material also showed high durability and tensile index. In addition to this it also showed high flexibility folding index which enables this wrapping paper to be shaped and folded into various forms according to the customer needs. All of these positives characteristics suggest that this eco-friendly wrapping paper able to replace the conventional plastic wrapping paper available in the market nowadays.\r In conclusion, we are one step closer in reducing the environmental pollution by using the EFB to produce the eco-oil absorbent and wrapping paper that it’s not only stressed on recycling the waste materials and precious oil resources but at the same time helps to save billions of Ringgit by the oil companies.


本實驗目的在於嘗試降解傳統塑膠材料。實驗中選用極為常見的傳統塑膠,聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇ploy ethylene terephthalate (PET),與生物可分解材料,聚乳酸poly lactic acid (PLA),將兩者以不同比例物理性混摻,並以豬胰線脂肪酵素Lipase from porcine pancreas, TypeⅡ (PPL)進行降解,期望藉由生分解材料可被完全分解的特性牽引傳統塑膠材料進行降解。\r 本實驗共分兩階段:第一階段實驗中,將共溶劑揮發製膜進行降解,但由於溶劑法所留下的孔洞,影響了降解速率;因此,在第二階段實驗中,改以熱壓的方式製膜解決孔洞問題,並於降解後以儀器分析降解情形。結果發現:混合薄膜經降解後熔點有下降的趨勢,此可佐證確實可以生分解材料PLA牽引傳統塑膠料PET進行降解,且降解速率和結晶情形和分子鏈段纏繞程度有關,在PET與PLA濃度同為3%時降解情形最佳。


本研究嘗試以沒有經濟價值之農業廢棄物,經由化學反應轉換為氫能源,並藉由化工程序來達到連續製程。 我們用爛掉的香蕉為基質,從校園及生活周遭的環境尋找產氫微生物,發現可生產氫氣之微生物隨處可得。在培養溫度35℃下,選擇不同濃度之基質,發現基質濃度與產氫量成正比,且產氫微生物適合在弱酸(約pH=5.5)環境中生長。 以此條件進行連續式反應,當反應槽體積為700ml時,經過26小時後,槽內基質消耗殆盡,此時開始連續進料,當進料流速為138毫升/小時,則水力停留時間為11.67小時,產氫量為5.43升/天,最後連接氫燃料電池,可得到連續產生的電能。另外本實驗也以爛木瓜進行批次反應,同樣也能獲得氫氣。 經由實驗結果可得知,利用農業廢棄物為基質,可運用化工程序發展為連續產氫製程,且應用於實務上,能提升全球環保的概念,我們期待能開創一個能取代「碳經濟」的「氫經濟」。

Transformer Robot

Nicholas’s project is a transforming robot, who he has named Reggie. He's about a foot tall and can transform from a biped into a vehicle and vice versa?\r Reggie has been Nick’s project for just under a year now, mainly working on him in technology classes. He operates without physical connection to anything else, so everything he needs from micro controllers to power is stored somewhere on Reggie’s body?\r Reggie is controlled through a programmable Arduino board (programmed in C++) that is connected up to a motor driver, for controlling the two driving motors and an SSC-32 servo controller for controlling the 14 servos via serial port. The Arduino uses the SSC-32 to coordinate the servos movements using pre-programmed sets of movements stored in procedures in order to complete all actions.\r All the parts were produced on a 3D CAD system to begin with, as well as the robot as a whole, although the design did change drastically over the course of its construction and now is considerably different from the original design as there were many problems and complications ranging from space to torque issues that called for a change in design.\r Most of the parts were from the servo erector set from lynx motion, although some of them were used in the way they were intended to and most of them were modified slightly. Some parts Nick manufactured himself either on a rapid prototyping machine, a lathe or milling machine and sometimes a combination of them or even high temperature soldiering?\r Currently Reggie is capable of driving and standing up and is currently radio controlled. He will eventually be capable of walking and modifications to allow him to (such as stronger leg servos) have been made to facilitate that, but it is possible more may have to be made.

CryptoDefender - afast way to encrypt your files

1. Purpose of the research\r Nowadays, many encryption software are available to computer user. However, very few people use them which result in many cases of information and data leakage due mainly over the Internet. Most people use USB Flash Drive to store and carry confident files back home to work on. When the USB Drive is lost, the files stored are often leaked. To prevent this type of incident occurring, “CryptoDefender” is developed to enhance files protection and to change user’s habit in handling confidential information. \r 2. Procedures\r “CryptoDefender” is an add-in for common application software, e.g. Word, Excel, etc. It will appear as a new tab in the ribbon which provides the software an alternative for saving and opening a file. It protects the files in two ways: encryption and steganography. The data is first encrypted into cipher text as these encrypted data will be hidden in an image file to lower suspicion of readers. All of these procedures will be done by one click. For encrypt and decrypt, the user just needs to click the “Protect” and “Decrypt”. An extremely fast way to encrypt the file is “Quick Protect”. It will randomly choose an image from the image folder according to their file size. This function saves the time for choosing an image.\r 3. Data\r The method for steganography is using last two bit of R, last three bit of G and B to store the encrypted data. In 24-bit bitmap, RGB is represented the color of each pixel and each of them is 8-bit. The leftmost bit of each byte contains the highest value, and the right one contains the lowest value. Therefore, any change in the rightmost byte will only cause a minimal change in a byte value, and the color as well. 2-3-3 method is adopted to replace the pixels as encrypted data. It is used because it is in coordination with the program’s fluency. 2-3-3 is obtained so that 1 pixel will contain 1 byte of encrypted data. For R, the last two bit will be replaced by encrypted data. For G and B, the last 3 bit will be replaced by encrypted data. If the Bitmap size is larger than the encrypted data, random data will be replaced into the remaining pixels.\r 4. Conclusion \r “CryptoDefender” is user-friendly and efficient way to protect important and confidential digital files on most personal computers. This software will help to change the user’s habit in securing their information as to avoid data leakage even when they are accidentally lost.


颱風來襲常常帶來驚人雨量,容易造成淹水、洪水等災情,民國98年芭瑪風災過後,我們實地考察蘭陽溪流域,流域內發生淹水或其他災情的地區主要有兩處,分別為上游的寒溪地區以及下游的五結地區。五結地區因為地勢較低而造成淹水,位在上游的寒溪地區卻也災情嚴重,所以選定寒溪為研究範圍。我們多次前往研究地區,量取河堤高、河道寬、經緯度…等數據,利用Google Earth影像輔助,讀取該地高度值。利用這些數據推算出河道容量、排洪能力、集水區大小,並討論在某定量雨量下,該地區的水位高度以及流速等數據。經過計算,在芭瑪颱風最大時雨量110mm/hr的情形下,寒溪地區的河道應該可以承受這些水量,發生潰堤的主因不是溢洪造成,而是水流的流速沖刷堤岸所導致。

Asymmetric Total Synthesis of GlaxoSmithKline’s Potent Phosphodiesterase PDE IVb Inhibitor

Phosphodiestarase of subtype PDE IVb inhibitors are considered as perspective drugs for the treatment of the central nervous system disorders (depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease). Pyrrolizidinone Glaxo-1, proposed by GlaxoSmithKline, is a highly potent PDE IVb inhibitor (IC50 = 63 nM), then conventional phosphodiesterase inhibitors Ro-20-1724, Rolipram and Cilomilast. However the activity of the Glaxo-1 was studied on a racemic sample, since the asymmetric approach to its synthesis has not been developed. Therefore the purpose of this research was the development of an efficient synthetic scheme enabling enantioselective excess to both (-)- and (+)-Glaxo-1, which can be than subjected to biological studies. \r The key stage in proposed asymmetric synthesis (-)- and (+)-Glaxo-1 is stereoselective [4+2]-cycloaddition of the nitroolefin to an optically activity vinyl ethers, derived from (-)- or (+)-trans-2-phenylcyclohexanols. The resulting chiral cyclic nitronates are transformed into a functionalized cyclic oxime ethers using tandem sylilation-nucleophilic substitution procedure. Reduction and decarboxylation of these products lead to optically pure Glaxo-1 and the regeneration of chiral 2-phenylcyclohexanols (91%). \r Thus both enantiomers (+) and (-)-Glaxo-1 were obtained selectively in average yield 12% from isovaniline and nitroethane. The study of biological profiles of each enantiomer of Glaxo-1 will be conducted in near future.



Biochar: the Solution to the Next Green Revolution

1. Purpose of research \r To investigate the feasibility of using municipal cellulosic wastes as feedstock for production of biochar in pyrolysis, the effects of metal catalysts in pyrolysis, and the applicability of the produced biochar as a fertilizer\r 2. Procedures \r A. Investigation into the characteristics of (metal catalyzed) pyrolysis of various cellulosic wastes \r 1. The cellulosic waste (and catalyst) was weighed and put into a boiling tube. The tube was stopped with a plastic bung with holes. A plastic tube and a thermocouple were inserted through the holes. The other end of the plastic tube was submerged. \r 2. A Bunsen flame was used to pyrolyse cellulosic waste. Temperature and time of reaction were recorded. Gas produced was collected underwater. Biochar and bio-oil were obtained and weighed. \r B. Evaluation of adsorptive capabilities of different materials \r 1. Blue light absorbances of KH2PO4 solutions (mixed with vanadate-molybdate reagent to form yellow solutions) at different concentrations were found and an absorbance-concentration curve was established. \r 2. 5g of each material being evaluated was sandwiched between two pieces of filter paper before being put into a suction funnel. KH2PO4 solution was poured into the funnels. The setups were left overnight and filtrates were collected. \r 3. Collected filtrates were mixed with vanadate-molybdate reagent. Concentration of phosphates in each filtrate was found by the curve.\r 3. Data \r I. Highest percentage conversion from waste to biochar: 94.1% (paper towel, iron wool) \r II. Highest sequestration rate of carbon: 98.6% (paper towel, zinc) \r III. Lowest pyrolysis temperature: 162°C (paper towel, copper) \r IV. Best catalyst in terms of speed of biochar production: copper (+47.7%) \r V. Highest speeds of biochar production (w/ and w/o catalyst): 46.4g/hr (paper towel, copper) and 27.7g/hr (sawdust) \r VI. Adsorptions of KH2PO4: 14.4% (biochar from sawdust)/ 9.02% (sawdust)\r 4. Conclusions \r The pyrolysis of cellulosic waste to biochar was achievable at school laboratory conditions, with satisfactory results in carbon sequestration, production speed and percentage conversion. \r Under catalysis by various metals, the production of either biochar or pyrolytic gas and oil can be optimized, providing a low-cost way to derive fuel and sequestration-ready carbon, both crucial as answers to looming crises. The use of copper greatly speeds up pyrolysis and lowers the pyrolysis temperature, further increasing the economic potential of the process. \r Biochar is also an effective means to soil management, as shown in field and laboratory experiments. Its adsorption capability far exceeds that of untreated cellulosic waste, retaining nutrients to be taken by plants instead of leaching away. It was also shown to improve fruit yield and induce ripeness in tomato, making it obvious that biochar is also a viable fertilizer. \r All in all, metal-catalyzed biochar production from municipal cellulosic waste and the subsequent use of biochar as fertilizer have the benefits of: low feedstock cost, low energy cost, fast production, carbon sequestration, soil management and waste recycling. It is a remedy to some of the most persistent and serious global problems: food and energy crisis, water pollution, excessive greenhouse effect alongside waste treatment.

Wind Power

My school requires year 13 students to complete a year long project of a topic of their choice, culminating in the presentation of a thesis, a display and speech to a public audience. Many different topics appealed, but in the end I decided to build a micro wind-turbine. I have always been fascinated with mechanics, mathematics, engineering, aerodynamics and electricity. A wind turbine is a mixture of these technologies, with the overall goal of electricity production. In a world that is starting to see the true costs of fossil fuels, renewable energy seems to be increasingly popular and the demand for electricity is always growing.\r I was aware that building a wind-turbine from the foundations up wouldn’t be easy. Many of the experts I contacted in the early days cautioned me against trying such a complex thing in one year, at the same time as completing a full Year 13 course. There were, however, people prepared to support me. Michael Lawley, who builds micro wind turbines in New Plymouth was very helpful, just full of priceless knowledge and gave me a few basic parts to start with. The knowledge gained from Doug Clark, who also builds his own 11 kW wind turbines, was such an inspiration. Later I had practical help from Wilson Springford and Darron Matthews.\r I investigated and documented the history of and current state of wind technology, as well as my own experience and learning in the design, construction and testing process. I thought it would be interesting to find out how the electrical and mechanical side works.\r The generator, a washing machine motor, needed to be completely rewired, and converted to DC (direct current) from AC (alternating current). I built my own 3-phase AC to DC converter.\r Other parts like the disc brakes and bearings had to be found. The rest was hand-made and every part, to a certain extent, had to be modified. Probably more than twenty braking system design attempts led to the final decision to incorporate the wind-activated hydraulic disc brake where the wind paddle starts to ease the brake on over a certain wind speed.\r I studied the dynamics of wind turbine blades, their shape, the material they were made from and how this affected their performance. The decision to make my own blades helped me gain a great sense of achievement and knowledge of blade design. I found some New Zealand made 100% recycled plastic pipe, an added bonus because I wanted to have minimal environmental impact. I designed the turbine with three blades to give better starting torque along with a lower top speed, perfect for how I wired the generator.\r I designed the swivel, the part of the wind turbine that enables the power cables to get from the turbine down the tower without twisting up and has the job of carrying the whole turbine, which is mostly made from recycled aluminium. The steel and bearings used to create the swivel were all second-hand parts and materials. The power from the turbine passes through the swivel into the cables and down the tower. The main mast of the tower is a little over 4.7 metres and pivots on two shorter supporting poles which go down around 2.6 metres to the bottom of the reinforced concrete foundation.\r I managed to, design and construct an operational prototype micro wind-turbine, incorporating recycled and recyclable materials as much as possible, with the end result surpassing all expectations.