本研究的目的在於設計出一機械裝置,使振翅翼的升力比傳統的設計能更有效率的提升,並經由實驗證實此種機械裝置理論的正確性。在觀察有關鳥類飛行過程的錄影帶及尋找鳥類相關的資料且界定欲實驗的種類和現有的能力及資源後,本研究中設計出三種可行的振翅翼機械裝置,並進行在相同風速、相同振翅頻率(每分鐘振翅翼拍動144 下)的條件下,測試在不同振翅翼機械設計條件下的升力系數,在實驗中發現既有而廣泛的應用於玩具上的振翅翼設計與固定面振翅翼的設計,二者在拍打的過程中各有優缺點,而第三種的半活動面振翅翼設計,在拍打時能排除前者的缺失而同時擁有前兩種的優點。此種半活動面振翅翼機械裝置大大的提升了振翅翼的升力,且在設計上與現有的形式差異不大,若能更進一步的在機構上做更精密的改良設計,則將可大大提昇現有振翅機的性能。The study on the flapping wings with various angle of attack and different wing designs have been done. Three types of wing have been examined in a home-build wind tunnel . One is a membrane wing with fixed leading-edge support, the second is a membrane wing with both fixed leading-edge and fixed-web support , the third wing is a membrane wing with fixed leading-edge support and half-free-joint web support , with varions web length and web curvature under different angle of attacks , the wind tunnel testing results show that the half-free-joint web support membrane wing with fixed leading-edge can offer a much higher lift coefficient . It is suggested that the third type wing is the best choice for designing the future flapping wing vehicle.