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附重金屬來復育土地達綠色淨化等用途。 Many heavy metals are necessary for plants, but excessive quantities directly affect plant growth and survival of organisms, cause cell death, or even affect human life indirectly. Cu (copper ion) is a heavy metal, which is one of micronutrients essential for normal growth and development of plants. The purpose of this experiment is to study the effect of excessive copper on Glycine max and Sesbania roxburghii root tips. I conducted some experiments by means of Evans blue staining (analysis of cell death), western blot analyses, and fluorescence microscope in order to examine the way copper results in plant death. Measurement of root length and analysis of cell death showed that excessive copper could bring about the inhibition of plant growth as well as cell death. With fluorescence microscope, I found that excessive copper might increase the level of copper-caused reactive oxygen species (ROS) in both the root tips of Glycine max and Sesbania roxburghii. In addition, I used Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 so as to assess the accumulation of calcium ions in root tips and found that the exposure of root tips to excessive copper results in the accumulation of calcium ions. To investigate whether calcium ions and calcium-dependent
protein kinase (CDPK) play a role in the cell death caused by excessive copper, I tested W-7, calmodulin and CDPK inhibitors, and EGTA, Ca2+ chelating agents, before copper treatment – immersing copper in CuCl2. In this way, plant cells would be effectively prevented from copper-caused death. Besides, to find out whether copper activates MAPKs in plant cells, I took advantage of western blot analysis with Phosphor-Map kinase Antibody and Map kinase Antibody. The
results revealed that excessive copper might lead to TEY or TDY motif phosphorylation of approximate 42- and 64-kDa MAPKs in the cells of Glycine max root-tip and approximate 42-kDa MAPKs in the cells of Sesbania roxburghii root-tip. Furthermore, with RT-PCR, I found that the transcription of Glycine max MAPK1 and MAPK2 mRNA happens more
frequently in root cells after copper treatment. In addition, this study suggested that the MAPK cascade CDPK pathway may function in the heavy-metal-signaling pathway in plant, and that calcium ions and ROS might get involved in the copper-caused death of plant cells. By studying signal transduction against heavy-metal toxicity in the plants, we can know how the organisms protect themselves. Sesbania roxburghiivv (or Glycine max), as green manure, could be used for metal-hyper-accumulator with the help of genetic engineering in the future.


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