The Locus of Mid-Tangent Points of Planar Curves
In this project, we defined a mid-tangent point with respect to a fixed point X and a tangent at a point Y on a planar curve C as a point on the tangent that is equidistant from X and Y. We studied the locus of mid-tangent points of conic sections. We found that the locus of mid-tangent points of most conic sections are non-linear curves. However, we observed and proved by using Euclidean geometry that the locus of mid-tangent points of circles are straight lines. The mapping defined by mid-tangent points was studied further. The similarity between a mid-tangent mapping and a stereographic projection was displayed as a one – to – one correspondence function. We also extended the concept of mid-tangent points to three dimensional space and found that the similarity with the stereographic projection was retained in higher dimensions. Finally, we studied the locus of mid-tangent points of a sphere to create a mapping of the sphere to a plane.
The Polar Equation from Butterfly Sprinkler Heads
This project aims to create the polar equations from the relation of the points on the centre line of the water twisted from Butterfly sprinkler heads. The water path includes inner rim, outer rim and centre line laying in the middle of the water path is used Rhombus’s property. The diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other to create the centre line. Then we create the polar equation of the centre line of water that twists from 4 types of the Butterfly sprinkler heads: edge frame, curve frame, STL and STL rotary. The polar equation of outer rim and inner rim is created by adding and removing the “ f ” value ( ; is the distance between the outer rim and the centre line, and is the geometric sequence that is ) of the coefficient (a) of the polar equation respectively. The results show that the formal equation of the centre line is which can explain the different properties of Butterfly sprinkler heads. If “ f ” value is increasing the water path and the blade will be wider that affects droplets distributing thoroughtly. Furthermore the relationship between the volume of water and the radius of water distribution can be processed to find the least time that can increase the appropriate moisture level of soil.
The Study of the Relationship between Global Warming and Acid Rain
The purpose of this project are 1)To study the relationship between global warming and acid rain with chemical model and mathematics model from temperature changing and pH of carbonic acid. 2) To create a pH measurement tool of carbonic acid in gaseous state.3) To study the impact of human activities in Loei province that affect to the relationship between global warming and acid rain. The procedures are 1)Do an experiment for studying the relationship between temperature changing and pH of carbonic acid. 2) Proof the mathematics model by using the result of experiment, the chemical reaction equation of carbonic acid solution. 3)Create a pH measurement tool of Carbonic acid by using Arduino and sensor with new formula in the computer program. 4) Using a pH measurement tool of Carbonic acid for studying impact of human activities in Loei province including industrial area, agricultural area, tourism area and forest area. The result of the mathematical model of the relationship between temperature changing and pH of carbonic acid is in form of Cubic equation in Equilibrium state and STP state. (Standard condition for Temperature and Pressure) So, we found that in this state has pH of carbonic acid is about 5.644. When the temperature rises up the effect of rainfall has a lower pH of carbonic acid solution. We also proof the new formula that create a pH measurement tool of Carbonic acid in gaseous state. The impact of human activities in Loei province found that the areas most affected by acid rain are the industrial areas, agricultural areas, tourism areas and forest areas respectively. In conclusion, when the temperature rises, it will dissolve acid solutions in the water on the earth. The loss of [H+] made the pH increases and the greenhouse gases become more atmospheric. These gases are more likely to react with atmospheric vapor. When these vapor form a cloud and condensation falls as rain, the rainfall has a lower pH, that is, global warming can result in the phenomenon of acid rain is greater.
Design and Prototyping of a Low-Cost Ventilator for Rural Hospitals
This report includes the design and prototyping of a portable automatic bag-valve mask (BVM), or commonly known as the Ambu bag. This development is for use in emergency transport, resource-poor environments, and mass casualty cases like the COVID-19 pandemic. This device replaces the need for human operators whose job is to squeeze the BVMs for extended periods of time. The prototype is made from a stainless-steel skeleton, measuring 470 x 240 x 230 mm, with the addition of acrylic coverings. A repurposed motor from a car is used to drive the squeezing arm. The speed of the arm for inspiration and expiration along with the pausing time between each breath can be adjusted with this prototype. It also features an LCD screen to display the arm speed, along with real-time pressure graph displayed on both phones and computer monitors. For future versions, an app is to be developed to enable the control of the automatic bag-valve mask from phones and tablets, further creating ease for users and increasing portability. Additionally, important requirements will be added: alarm system for over pressurization, control for inspiration to expiration ratio, number of breaths per minute, control for tidal volume, pressure relief valve, and assist-control mode. The cost of this prototype is approximately $430. With this design of an automatic BVM, it allows for the production of a ventilator-like technology that will be able to perform main functions of basic ventilators at a fraction of the current cost.
Locus of the Points on Circumference of the n-th Circle that Formed by Moving the Center of any Radius Circles on the Outermost Circumference of Preceding set of Circles
This project aimed to study the motion which occurred from the end point on the circumference of the outermost circle by moving the center on the circumference of a preceding circle and the center of an innermost circle at origin. According to the study, when angular velocity was changed, it caused the different of loci. Based on the above information, finding the locus of the point on circumference of n-th circle that formed by moving the center of any radius circles on circumference of preceding set of circles was studied to get general equation. A set of circle and locus were created with GSP program. First, set the same radius circles on the X-axis with the first circle at origin, then found the relationship that occurred from the characteristics of locus. The result showed that if the ratios of angular velocity are 1:1:1, 2:2:2, 3:3:3, ..., …, n:n:n or 1:2:3, 2:4:6, 3:6:9, …,nw1:nw2:nw3, the characteristics of locus will be the same, while the others will be different. Finally, the equation of locus was found as follow: (x,y) = { ..........see in abstract...........} when .........see in abstract........... Where ri is the radius of i-th circle, zeta i is an angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis, wi is the angular velocity, t is elapsed time and alpha i is a starting angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis.
Locus of the Points on Circumference of the n-th Circle that Formed by Moving the Center of any Radius Circles on the Outermost Circumference of Preceding set of Circles
This project aimed to study the motion which occurred from the end point on the circumference of the outermost circle by moving the center on the circumference of a preceding circle and the center of an innermost circle at origin. According to the study, when angular velocity was changed, it caused the different of loci. Based on the above information, finding the locus of the point on circumference of n-th circle that formed by moving the center of any radius circles on circumference of preceding set of circles was studied to get general equation. A set of circle and locus were created with GSP program. First, set the same radius circles on the X-axis with the first circle at origin, then found the relationship that occurred from the characteristics of locus. The result showed that if the ratios of angular velocity are 1:1:1, 2:2:2, 3:3:3, ..., …, n:n:n or 1:2:3, 2:4:6, 3:6:9, …,nw1:nw2:nw3, the characteristics of locus will be the same, while the others will be different. Finally, the equation of locus was found as follow: (x,y) = { ..........see in abstract...........} when .........see in abstract........... Where ri is the radius of i-th circle, zeta i is an angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis, wi is the angular velocity, t is elapsed time and alpha i is a starting angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis.
Bio-Circular-Green Superabsorber
As the world has become concerned about the global waste crisis and global warming, there has been a surge of research within materials science to find materials that would replace plastic, such as bioplastics or biodegradable materials, in order to reduce environmental pollution. Plastics generates the microplastics that allowed them to become cross contamination enter the ocean through land, sea and river. Science research found (Lusher et al. (2017)) over 220 species of marine animals ingested microplastic, half of them are considered relevant for commercial purpose and increasing the risk of human consumption as it can induce immune response, oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, alter membrane integrity and cause differential expression of genes. Thailand is also experiencing such a challenge, as seen by the overabundance of plastic waste that might take centuries to decompose. For example, around 1680 million personal hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and tampons are used each year. This study highlights the use of naturally accessible absorbent fibers from malva nut (Scaphium scaphigerum) (G. Don) Guib & Planch.), which is widely available and biodegradable in nature and has a low carbon footprint. This study also aimed to develop natural absorbent pads using compostable spun, external layers, and biodegradable glue. A prototype sanitary napkin with biodegradable absorbent pads was developed and evaluated for absorption ability, absorption rate, pH, and biodegradability. The absorbent material absorbed up to 19 times its weight in 2 minutes and 33 times its weight in 2 hours, which is enough for an average of 80-150 mL of menstrual blood. The prototype napkin deteriorated within 99 days, based on naked eye observation. Some signs of degradation and microorganisms growing on the prototype were also observed from scanning electron microscopic images. According to the findings, natural absorbent pads made from malva nut have the potential to be converted into sanitary napkins. Furthermore, it is proposed that the components, which include superabsorbent renewable materials, spinning compostable layer, external compostable layer and biodegradable glue, may be used in a variety of goods, including adult diaper pants, incontinence pads, and laboratory bench mats.
Bio-Circular-Green Superabsorber
As the world has become concerned about the global waste crisis and global warming, there has been a surge of research within materials science to find materials that would replace plastic, such as bioplastics or biodegradable materials, in order to reduce environmental pollution. Plastics generates the microplastics that allowed them to become cross contamination enter the ocean through land, sea and river. Science research found (Lusher et al. (2017)) over 220 species of marine animals ingested microplastic, half of them are considered relevant for commercial purpose and increasing the risk of human consumption as it can induce immune response, oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, alter membrane integrity and cause differential expression of genes. Thailand is also experiencing such a challenge, as seen by the overabundance of plastic waste that might take centuries to decompose. For example, around 1680 million personal hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and tampons are used each year. This study highlights the use of naturally accessible absorbent fibers from malva nut (Scaphium scaphigerum) (G. Don) Guib & Planch.), which is widely available and biodegradable in nature and has a low carbon footprint. This study also aimed to develop natural absorbent pads using compostable spun, external layers, and biodegradable glue. A prototype sanitary napkin with biodegradable absorbent pads was developed and evaluated for absorption ability, absorption rate, pH, and biodegradability. The absorbent material absorbed up to 19 times its weight in 2 minutes and 33 times its weight in 2 hours, which is enough for an average of 80-150 mL of menstrual blood. The prototype napkin deteriorated within 99 days, based on naked eye observation. Some signs of degradation and microorganisms growing on the prototype were also observed from scanning electron microscopic images. According to the findings, natural absorbent pads made from malva nut have the potential to be converted into sanitary napkins. Furthermore, it is proposed that the components, which include superabsorbent renewable materials, spinning compostable layer, external compostable layer and biodegradable glue, may be used in a variety of goods, including adult diaper pants, incontinence pads, and laboratory bench mats.
Development of UV-Protection Roofing Tile from Nitrogen-doped Graphene Quantum Dots (N-GQDs) for Rubber Drying Chambers
Improved methods of processing latex into rubber sheets will improve the incomes of small rubber producers. There are two ways in which latex can be processed into rubber sheets: fumigation and solar incubation. The fumigation method is expensive and produces pollution, but solar incubation can cause dark, sticky rubber sheets due to UV radiation, which reduces their value. A low-cost and environmentally-friendly solution to this problem was investigated here. A UV-protective roofing panel made using Nitrogen-doped Graphene Quantum Dots (NGQDs) was developed and tested. N-GQDs were made using the hydrothermal process for 2 and 4 hours (T2 and T4) and the solvothermal process for 4, 6, and 8 hours (TS4, TS6, and TS8). It was found that all types of N-GQDs absorbed light in the UV range, withT4 showing the greatest absorption. T4 had the greatest Fluorescent Intensity (FL) value, emitting blue light, while for the solvothermal method TS6 had the highest FL value, emitting red light. T4 and TS6 were chosen for further testing, and were applied to a clear roofing tile. After installing the roof on the chamber, the temperature inside was higher than outside. Then we measure the UV protection efficiency of the roof which was 93.27%. The average temperature was 45℃, which is the temperature for drying rubber sheets. Due to the roof’s capability to absorb UV radiation and heat the chamber, our N-GQDs roof has a great ability to produce higher-quality rubber sheets.