Reduction of free radicals and endotoxin by conjugated linoleic acid loaded in-situ synthesized poly
本研究首先利用NaOH 將PAN 薄膜改質形成PAA 水膠膜表面,進一步與異丙胺鍵結形成NIPAAm 結構,以做為藥物傳輸的載體。反應所得之PNIPAAm 薄膜其溫度轉換點為34 °C 其pH 敏感性介於pH 5 至10 之間,實驗進行進一步於34 °C將PNIPAAm 薄膜浸入共軛亞麻油酸(CLA)中,取出後置入4 oC 二次水中,最後測試經改質接枝後PAN 薄膜於膽固醇、三酸甘油酯的吸收效果,並以化學冷光儀分析改質接枝後PAN 薄膜其抗氧化效率。結果顯示改質接枝之PNIPAAm 薄膜於包埋CLA 其對於血液中膽固醇及三酸甘油酯有明顯的吸收效率,此外對血液中的自由基也有明顯較未改質之PAN 薄膜穩定的趨勢。A thin layer of poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) (pNIPAAm) was synthesized in situ on the surface of hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile (PAN) membrane. This thin layer exhibited both pH response due to the poly(acrylic acid) moiety and temperature response due to the pNIPAAm moiety. The swelling behavior of the membranes was evaluated under various temperatures and pH. The curve of the swelling ratio for the PAN-NIPAAm showed a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Then conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was loaded into the pNIPAAm layer. The effects of CLA on the blood coagulation and oxidative stress were evaluated using human blood. The level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was measured by chemiluminescence (CL) method to evaluate the oxidative stress. Furthermore, the removal of bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) by CLA-loaded PAN-NIPAAm was measured with ELISA. The results show that the LCST swelling curve was at 37°C. In addition, the swelling ratio increased by 71% when the pH increased from 5 to 10. The concentration of LPS can be reduced by CLA-loaded PAN-NIPAAm 2.1 and 1.2 5 times of that by unmodified PAN and PAN-NIPAAm membranes, respectively. In addition, the level of ROS against CLA-loaded PAN-NIPAAm was reduced significantly than that against unmodified PAN and PAN-NIPAAm. Therefore CLA-loaded PAN-NIPAAm membrane could offer protection for patients against oxidative stress and could also inhibit LPS for clinical applications
In our experiment, the novel hydrothermal-galvanic couple method is used to produce nanostructured TiO2 thin film. Compared with the traditional hydrothermal method, whose process is conducted under high temperature and high pressure, the hydrothermal-galvanic couple method is a thermally and electrochemically driven process. The titanium atom is gradually oxidized on the surface driven by potential difference, and eventually become nanostructured TiO2. The advantages of the hydrothermal-galvanic couple method are numerous: they are simple, environment-friendly and energy-saving. Experimental parameters include time, concentration and types of solution. The hydrothermal method is used for comparison. By the cross-section and surface pictures of Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), we can clearly observe that there is obvious change on the titanium surface, along with increased thickness and altered surface structure. The film of hydrothermal-galvanic couple method is thicker than that of hydrothermal method. Thickness increases with time and concentration as well. Both the hydrophile and decomposition of methylene blue examination indicate that the product on the surface contains photocatalyst-like feature.我們利用新穎水熱-化學電池法製備奈米級二氧化鈦薄膜。相較於一般傳統水熱法高溫高壓的製程,水熱-化學電池法結合了熱能與化學電能,讓鈦原子在電位差的驅動下於表面逐步氧化,最終形成奈米級二氧化鈦粒子,具備簡易、環保、省能的優點。實驗參數包括時間、濃度、溶液種類,並以水熱法作為對照組。由FE-SEM 橫截面圖及表面圖可清楚看到鈦的表面有明顯變化,膜厚增加、表面結構改變;以水熱-化學電池法所得的薄膜明顯較水熱法厚,而其厚度隨著濃度及時間的增加也有增加的趨勢,由試片親水性測試與亞甲基藍吸光度測試,皆顯示試片的表面產物具有類似光觸媒的性質。
本研究主要著重在以三極式電化學測試探討不同有機酸燃料甲酸、草酸、檸檬酸與不同觸媒Pt/C、PtRu/C、PtPd/C 在陽極電極的氧化反應之研究。從CV 圖可得知,分子量較低的甲酸有較低的氧化電位。以CV 與LSV 圖可知,以較高的氧化電流區分,是以PtRu/C 為三種觸媒中最適合當陽極電極的;若以穩定度區分,則以PtPd/C 為最佳。我們挑選PtRu/C 此觸媒進行燃料電池放電性能測試,得到的電流不高,原因在於配置的甲酸溶液為1M,甲酸在PtRu/C 電極反應太快,質傳推動力不足,使得燃料供應不足,造成電位迅速下降。This main target of this study is using three-electrode cells to choose which Formic Acid, Oxalic Acid or Citric Acid and Pt/C, PtRu/C or PtPd/C are better for fuel cell. From CV test, Formic acid which structure is simple has the lowest oxidation potential. Combine CV with LSV, if we focus on current, PtRu/C is the best catalyst for fuel cell. But if we focus on Stability, PtPd/C has the best of them. We choose PtRu/C to do the cell performance test. The current density isn’t enough high, this is because the concentration of formic acid is just 1M. Oxidation reaction of formic acid on PtRu/C is very fast. Mass transfer driving isn’t enough for this high reaction rate, so the potential drop is very fast.
Electronic Lrrigating Machine
The purpose of research:Lies the importance of research in rationalizing the consumption of water during the irrigation of gardens, farms and green spaces. Where the world suffers from the problem of water scarcity, especially groundwater was the slogan of World Water Day in 2007 ((water scarcity)), and therefore we find through studies and scientific research that the world is suffering from a marked decrease in the water up to 30% and thus to drought. The one of the reports issued by the United Nations Environment Programme, that more than half the world's population will live during the next thirty years until in 2032, In areas suffering from water shortages, and West Asia, including the Arabian peninsula will be more areas suffering from water shortages, are expected to live about 90% of the population in areas suffering from water shortages in 2032. Steps of scientific research: Theme: the rationalization of water consumption in irrigation How can rationalize water consumption and maintenance? How to benefit from raw materials to the environment be friends of the environment and water? How to maintain in our hemisphere is suffering from the problems of pollution? R: field environment Compile information: Started to develop the idea of working model in detail (scientific deliberate scheme) of the parts used in the rationalization process model and then work on the ground. Forming hypotheses, research and analysis of information: Assume that the flow of water through the faucet immediately for a period of one minute quantity of 2 liters permission when using pregled control the flow of water and a minute amount of water will be 0.2 liter. Suppose that the system used in the rationalization process is linked with the timing of rush hour drops of water every minute and measuring the quantity flowing from the pipeline, we find it 2 / 10 from the amount of water flowing from the tap directly. Procedures used: Been working model ready by using the following tools: Ban small-sized water Basin water model using plastic-coated shell and clay. Wall hours with wire sensitive prove on the basis of hours rolled aluminium conductor of electricity affected debates clock Plastic trees. Electricity wires - the context of an electric effort to 220 volts. The idea of working model: Labour deliver electric power 220 volts. Scorpion am touching on the sensitive installed base pm (aluminium foil) relates to the electric dynamo worked on the flow of water to the delicate moment senses only wait until touching once again to work regularly. Conclusion: Conclude that the rationalization of water consumption by 90% during irrigate parks and green spaces and farms. Perception of the future work: Research can be developed so that rationalization for more than a minute using the control and distance.
藉由結合液晶與奈米線,本研究設計出新型的光電元件,我們發現這些新設計具有先前元件很難達到的新穎特性。首先,我們研究液晶分子與一維磁性奈米線之結合,很有趣的是磁性奈米線在液晶元件內,會沿著液晶方向作整齊排列,更重要的是經由一外加電場,即可調控磁性奈米線之磁場方向。藉由電場調控磁場,是很久以來許多科學家追求的目標,然而成效不彰,本研究提供了一個簡便的方法,克服了長久以來的障礙。第二個例子,我們研究液晶分子與一維半導體奈米線結合之元件,我們證實了半導體奈米線所發射瑩光之電場偏極方向,可以經由外加電場來調控,這個特性對於資訊科技的應用,將很有用處。本研究所觀測到之結果,皆可利用下列事實來理解,奈米線具有很大的表面積,因而增加了與液晶分子之交互作用,經由此增大的交互作用力,奈米線會沿著液晶分子方向排列。值得強調的是,本研究利用了已成熟的液晶顯示器技術,其未來應用性將有很大潛力。New devices based on the composites of liquid crystals and one dimensional nanowires have been designed, fabricated, and characterized. It is discovered that these novel devices own interesting properties that are very difficult to be obtained by conventional ones. As the first example, the liquid crystal device with built-in one dimensional magnetic nanowires has been studied. It is found that the magnetic nanowires can be well aligned along the orientation of liquid crystal molecules. Quite interestingly, the direction of the magnetization of magnetic nanowires can be easily manipulated by an external electric field at room temperature. The phenomenon of electric manipulation of magnetization has been studied since nineteen century, but the achievement is rather limited. Here, we provide a convenient alternative to overcome the long quest search. For the second example, the liquid crystal device with built-in semiconductor nanowires has been investigated. We demonstrate that the polarization of the emission arising from semiconductor nanowires can be easily controlled by an external electric field, which is one of the basic requirements for information technology. All of our observed results can be well understood in terms of the inherent nature of a large surface to volume ratio of one dimensional nanowires, which induces a strong interaction between embedded nanowires and liquid crystal molecules. Therefore, the nanowires can be driven along the orientation of liquid crystal molecules. It is stressed here that our newly designed devices are based on the well established liquid crystal display technology and therefore their practical application can be realized in the near future.
Image Compression Program Using Different Fractal Formulas
File compression has become a very important tool in the technology field because it allows faster data transfer rates over the internet and decreased file size on data disks. File compression aims to reduce file size while still retaining the quality of the file. Lossy file compression methods are not very efficient because the compressed files end up losing more data than what is usually intended causing a considerable loss in quality. Lossless file compression methods, on the other hand, take time to process since they require decompression to retrieve the original file. In this study, a lossless algorithm which does no require decompression was created. The resulting Fractal File Compression (FFC) algorithm contains two parts, the IFS algorithm and the Huffman Tree generator. Both algorithms were created using Java language and JCreator. The finished program was tested on an image file with 2542 x 1944 pixels dimensions. The image file was compressed using JPEG, BMP, PNG and FFC formats. For each method, the image file was compressed at three different resolution settings; low, medium and high. All the compressed images were then viewed under 500% zoom using Adobe Photoshop CS2. In an area of 40 by 40 pixels, the number of distinct boxes, which served as a measurement of image quality, was determined. Compressed images for JPEG, BMP, and PNG for both the low and medium settings have low image qualities, while the fractally-compressed images have a high image quality. For the high resolution setting, both JPG and fractally-compressed images have Page 2 of 2 high qualities while BMP and PNG still have low qualities. Based on the measurements obtained from the box-counting method and the file sizes, the absolute image quality for each compressed image was calculated. The absolute image qualities of the compressed images used for each setting were then compared. Coupled with large file size and small pixels per area count, the conventional methods have lower absolute image quality than the images compressed using the FFC method. This was true for the low and medium settings, however, JPG compression has a higher absolute image quality than the fractally-compressed images. This meant that JPG compression is more efficient than fractal compression when an image has a high resolution. The resulting FFC algorithm is lossless since it uses pattern searches and replacements in order to decrease the file size. To make the program more suitable for high resolution images, the FFC algorithm may be modified. Most of the changes in the FFC algorithm should be done in the IFS generator. High resolution images can be compressed fully if the pattern that was used for compression is more representative, but even shorter. A more representative bit pattern would create a high quality, high resolution image with a smaller file size.
在數位化的今日,由於網際網路的技術蓬勃發展,網際網路變得更容易使用及具高度的親和性,使得網際網路的使用逐年成長。隨著越來越多人依賴網路進行交易,也衍生了層出不窮的網路詐騙問題。其中,網路釣魚就是一項著名的詐騙技術:詐騙者透過偽裝成知名企業的網站,藉此騙取使用者的個人私密資料。在本研究中,我們提出了一套植基於彩色視覺密碼學原理的網站驗證機制,使用者可以透過此機制,直接利用人類視覺的方式來驗證所連上的網站是否有問題,並在此機制之下,設計出另一套管理使用者密碼的方式,進而方便使用者不必費心的去記憶密碼。 Recently, as networks technology flourishes, Internet becomes easier and friendlier to use, and makes the usage of Internet grow up year after year. With more and more people relying on online transactions, it leads to endless network fraud issues. Among them, phishing is a well-known fraud technology to disguise the famous business website to get user’s private information by cheating. Therefore, in this study, an effective scheme based on color visual cryptography is proposed to test and verify the website. Through the proposed mechanism, users can check whether there is a problem website by using human vision directly. Furthermore, the proposed scheme also provides another way to manage user’s password effectively.
在此文中我們研究: 一個 n×4 的長方形網格中,所有從(1, 1)或(1, 4)出發,在不重複且經過每個格子點的情況下,走到(n, 1)結束的所有路徑總數分別為 Tn 、Un。
In our research, we study a n× 4 rectangular network lattice, of which all the routes are starting from (1, 1) (resp.(1, 4)), and ending at (n, 1) (situations are considered only on the conditions of passing every spot and not being repeated ). And we set the sum of all the different routes as Tn (resp. Un).
這個研究起源於一個平分圓的問題:在平面上2n +1個點(n∈N),其中任三點不共線,任四點不共圓,任取三點可以畫出唯一的圓,若一半的點在圓內,一半的點在圓外,則此圓為平分圓,Federico Ardila 教授在America Monthly 111 期[2]中發表了一篇論文,證明平分圓的個數為n2個。我們研究的目的是:如果將圓改成拋物線,則平分拋物線的個數是否為一定值? 若為定值,則為多少個?
我們的研究題目是:平面上2n +1個在正常位置上的點(n∈N),平分拋物線的個數為何?
一、證明在平面上2n +1個點(n∈N),平分拋物線個數為定值。
二、證明在平面上2n +1個點(n∈N),平分拋物線個數為n2個。
接著推廣至:若平分拋物線改成(a ∨ b)拋物線,則個數為何?
一、證明在平面上2n +1個點(n∈N),(a ∨ b)拋物線個數為定值。
二、證明在平面上2n +1個點(n∈N),(a ∨ b)拋物線個數為2(ab + a + b +1)個。
This study originated from a question of “The Number of Halving Circles": Setting 2n +1 points in the plane is in general position if no three of the points are collinear and no four are concyclic. We call a circle halving with respect to those 2n +1 points if it has three points of those 2n +1 points on its circumference, n −1 points in its interior, and n −1 in its exterior. Then we call this circle “Halving Circle." Professor Federico Ardila issued a paper in the America Monthly 111 [2]. The goal of that paper is to prove the following fact: any set of 2n +1 points in general position in the plane has exactly n2 halving circles. The purpose we make the study of is: If we turn circles into parabolas, how many Halving Parabolas are there?
The title we make the study of is: Setting 2n +1 points in the plane (n∈N) , how many Halving Parabolas are there?
We show our main effect below:
1. Proving that 2n +1 points in the plane (n∈N) , the number of Halving Parabolas is constant.
2. Proving that 2n +1 points in the plane (n∈N) , the number of Halving Parabolas is n2 .
Spread: If we turn Halving Parabolas into (a ∨ b) Parabolas, how many (a ∨ b) Parabolas are there?
We show our main effect below:
1. Proving that 2n +1 points in the plane (n∈N) , the number of (a ∨ b) Parabolas is constant.
2. Proving that 2n +1 points in the plane (n∈N) , the number of (a ∨ b) Parabolas is 2(ab + a + b +1) .