在研究水的降溫過程中,經由探討得知散熱速率與溫度有關,而根據理化課本第五章的觀念,熱量的傳遞共分為傳導、對流及輻射三種方式,因此我們根據原理歸納出,散熱速率和溫度的關係式為R(T) = K1T+K2T4-K0(詳見P.11)。接下來,我們從散熱速率對溫度的關係曲線,找出K1、K2及K0,以探討環境條件不同時,熱量傳遞方式所產生的變化。
In the research of cooling down in temperature of water, we realized that the speed
of radiation relates to temperature. According to the concept in chapter 5 of Physics,
the conveyance of thermal can be divided into three ways which are Conduction, Convection,
and Radiation. Therefore, we can conclude the relationship between radiation speed
and temperature as R(T) = K1T+K2T4-K0 (see chapter 11). We can find K1, K2 and K0
from the relation curve of radiation speed and temperature to probe into the changes
of different thermal conveyances under different environmental condition.