It is extremely costly to care for elderly people who have suffered a serious fall. Thus, doctors welcome a device or method to identify people prone to falling, to reduce elderly health costs and enable those identified as “fallers” to take precautions. Recently, a Sound Wave Assessment (SWA) device was developed to determine if tested human subjects were prone to falling. It is based on the concept that all humans exhibit postural sway while standing stationarily. The device employs two sonar transducers, which emit and receive ultrasonic pulse signals. The first transducer is positioned on a tripod, while the second is attached to the lower back of the human subject. Each transducer emits ultrasonic modulation pulses, which are detected by the other transducer. The distance between the two transducers is calculated from the time taken for the pulses to travel from the sender to the receiver. Hence, we can measure the small displacement fluctuations of the standing human subject, both approaching and receding from a static transducer, as a function of time.