本研究針對利吉惡地進行探討,研究此區之泥岩含水量、有機質含量、pH值、比重、可溶性陽離子含量、滲水特性和該區之植物種類,並探討坡度、水量對沖蝕率、山脊密度和溝痕形成之影響。 研究結果發現: 一、表層泥岩之含水率較高,深層泥岩最低。中層泥岩之有機質含量較高,表層與深層泥岩較低。各層泥岩pH值約8.1;無植被採樣點之 pH較高,有植被採樣點偏中性。有植被採樣點,其 Ca2+含量較高。 二、此區共發現十九種植物,其中銀合歡、相思樹屬優勢種。 三、坡度增加時,沖蝕率亦增加;水量增加時,沖蝕率、溝痕寬度也隨之增加,兩者呈高度正相關。第一區坡度較緩,山脊密度較大,第二區坡度較陡,山脊密度小,表面較平坦,溝痕較淺。Our research discusses with the contents of water in mudstone, the organic content, pH, the specific weight, the contents of dissoluble cation, dankness and the category of plants in Ligiligi Badland. Dissecting it`s slope, the abrasion of water, the density of mountain ridge and the formation of scuff mark. Outcome of our research: 1.Solum of mudstone is the dampest. Intermediate of mudstone has more organic content than others. Every bed of mudstone`s PH is 8.1. Having plants area is indifferent and having more Ca2+.2.We found nineteen categories of plants. For example Leucaena glauca and Taiwan acacia. 3.The more augmentation of gradient,the more increase of the abrasion of water and the breadth of the density and the abrasion of water too.