本實驗利用喇叭、薄膜電極、波型產生器、鎖相放大器、及750 介面卡組合一套系統,此系統可使偵測精密度大幅提升(±4*10-5cm),使得水槽及地表模型尺度變小(40*22*35cm),因此可節省實驗的成本與時間我們在坡度實驗中,發現坡度在3 度左右,淺化係數都超過3. 對照台灣沿岸發生海嘯的歷史記載,確實在台灣東北角及西南沿岸等坡度為三度之地區都發生較明顯的海嘯危害. 反之,坡度在四度以上的東岸其海嘯波高都非常低.最後再藉著硬體系統及電腦2D 動畫模擬的整合,使我們可方便掌握波浪在不同坡度及位置,其波長及波高變化比,如此有助於預估及說明海嘯隨地形變化的狀況.By using the horn, membranous electrodes, function generator, phase-locked
amplifier, and Science Workshop 750, we plan to assemble a tsunami simulation system in which the precision can be getting increased (±4*10-5cm) .Because of the improvement of its precision, the size of the tank and of the surface models will become smaller .As a result, the money and time spent on the experiment will be spare. When experimenting on the influence of inclination of the landforms, we observed that when the inclination reaches about 3 degrees, the shoaling coefficient exceeded 3 .The result of our experiment can provide an explanation to the tsunami on the northeast and southwest coast of Taiwan .According to the historical records, the disastrous tsunami happens frequently on the northeast and southwest coast of Taiwan where its inclination is also about 3 degrees as well .On the other hand, on the eastern coast, the wave height is lower and its inclination exceeds 4 degrees .Apparently, our experimenting result is correspond to the natural phenomena in Taiwan’s coast . Besides, with the help of hardware system and computer 2D animation simulation, we can easily measure the wavelength and wave height scale of the wave in different inclinations and positions. Therefore, this tsunami simulation system can provide a great help to estimate and explain the phenomena of tsunami which may change its condition in different landforms.