多變色膽固醇型液晶面板為利用具雙穩態(Bistable)特性及因螺距不同而反射特定波長的膽固醇型液晶(CLC)。本研究創新作法為二:一、利用固化的方式使膽固醇型液晶螺距大小不同,使變色機制不同於一般電腦液晶面板,所製的液晶面板為以液晶的特性變色。二、將液晶螢幕中控制液晶的IPS 系統、側邊電極應用於液晶白板中。雙層液晶白板上層為混合E7(向列型液晶)+S811(旋光物質)的Bistable CLC,下層為混合RM82、CB15、BL006、I-369 的多變色(Multi-color)CLC 面板。The main purpose of the research plan lies in the application of the CLC. By using the Cholesteric -the bistable and the wavelength due to different pitch sizes- we can make liquid crystal whiteboard. First, by heating and curing, we are able to cause the pitch sizes of CLC to be different. Unlike the commonly used LCD in computers, the features of CLC itself are applied to the color changing mechanism we make. Second, we apply the IPS horizontal electric field and flank electrode to our LCD whiteboard. In making the Multi-color CLC Display, we mix RM82, CB15 and BL006.