分析施打低劑量安非他命(2 到6 mg/kg)約一星期之後,C57BL6 小鼠的大腦紋狀體中一些重\r
蛋白質的表現並沒有明顯的差異,但在施打安非他命老鼠之大腦紋狀體中,HO-1 有些微但明\r
體是否造成傷害是值得關心及繼續探討的課題。The wide spreading use of amphetamine (AMPH) in Taiwan has become a serious\r
public health and social problem. AMPH evokes a series of behavior abnormality including\r
enhanced locomotor behavior by releasing dopamine and inhibiting dopamine-uptake in the\r
striatum. Since AMPH is known to cause brain damage, the purpose of this study is to\r
investigate the expression of several important proteins in the mouse striatum after\r
treatment with low and non-toxic dosages of AMPH for a short period (mimicking the\r
common usage pattern of humans). C57BL6 mice were daily IP-injected with various doses\r
of AMPH (0 to 6 mg/kg) for one week. Expression levels of adenosine receptor A2A-R,\r
adenyl cyclase type 5,caspase-8, PARP, NF-κB and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in the\r
striatum were analyzed by Western blotting technique. Most proteins examined were not\r
affected by the 1-week AMPH treatment, except HO-1. A slight but significant increase of\r
HO-1 by AMPH treatment indicated that AMPH may cause oxidative damage in brain.\r
These results suggest that the injury induced by long-term AMPH exposure warrants our\r
further concerns and investigation.