I’ve heard a report on the internet that there are mites on the face, even a clean face, and I took an interest in doing a research. First, I found that on the face is Demodex, which lives and depends on human beings; besides, nearly seventy percent of people have these mites on their faces. To know more about the habit of Demodex, I sampled forty people of both sexes and different ages. The analysis, not correlating with sex and times of face washing, showed that more mites are found on the forehead than on other parts of the face, and there is more probability to find Demodex on the face of those who are older, those who have oily skin, and those who suffer from acne. I also observed that these mites are photonegative, often gather together in the hair follicles, and feed on sebum. Moved from the human body, Demodex is livelier in sesame oil than in other kinds of oils, but its life ends in about eight to ten hours and dissolutes at last. In addition, I tried to devitalize Demodex by various kinds of medicine, cleansers and cosmetics, but only those containing sulfer, eau de parfum, and the essence of rosemary or lavender are efficacious. 網路傳聞乾淨的臉上也有蟲,引起我探索的興趣,查探後發現是和人類片利共生的毛囊 蠕形?和皮脂蠕形?,初步調查顯示近70%的人臉上都有蟲。為了更了解蟲的習性,以年齡 與性別區分共在40 人臉上採集樣本,統整結果得知,額頭比其他臉上部位多、年齡越大、膚 質油的發現機率較大,但不受面皰多寡、性別、洗臉次數等影響;觀察後發現蠕形?以人類 的皮脂為食,經常群聚在人體毛囊中,離開人體後在芝麻香油中活動力較佳,但約8~10 小時 後就死亡分解導致無法繼續觀察其生活史,對光有明顯的負趨光性,最後試著用各種藥品減 低蟲的生命力,以薰衣草、迷迭香精油、毒藥香水和蜜花沉澱硫等較有效。