胰島素依賴型糖尿病(insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; IDDM)是一種胰島素無法正常分泌的自體免疫疾病;而NOD老鼠(non-obese diabetic mouse,NOD)的病徵與其非常相似。藉由觀察NOD老鼠發病前後外顯行為及疑導組織切片的差異,我們認為胰島素依賴型糖尿病的致病機轉是因為T細胞工及胰島組織中製造胰島素的β細胞,使胰島素分泌不足而引起糖尿病;而樹突狀細胞(dendritic cell,DC)是調控淋巴細胞反映的重要調節細胞,未來可望利用樹突狀細胞進行胰島素依賴型糖尿病的免疫調控治療。本實驗即是利用IL-4、GM-CSF使NOD老鼠的骨隨幹細胞分化樹突狀細胞,並藉由控制NOD老鼠的年紀與的數突狀細胞培養天數,希望取得較多的數突狀細胞,以利未來免疫治療之用。Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a spontaneously occurring autoimmune disease in which cellular immune components mediate destruction of the insulin-producing βcells of the pancreas. It begins with an asymptomatic stage during theβcells are gradually destroyed. These patients have to depend on injecting insulin to lower their blood glucose, facing the dander of being infected. So we want to research into the cause of IDDM by model animal- NOD mouse (non-obese diabetic mouse). We observe the differences of exterior behavior and sections of pancreas organization between NOD mice and normal ones. It has been shown that the immunophological mechanism of IDDM is T cells destroy βcells of genetically predisposed individuals and result in insufficiency of insulin-producing. Dendritic cells(DC), having great Ag-presenting ability, are related to IDDM. We cultivate bone marrow stem cells of 5-week-old,8-week-old, and 21-week-old NOD mice treated with IL-4,GM-CSF and make them differentiate into dendritic cells. The result shows that using 8-week-old NOD mice to cultivate will get the largest amount of dendritic cells. We also compare the percentage of differentiated DCs for 6 days’ culture with 9 days’,and we find that 9 days’is better. Dendritic cells are the effect Antigen-presenting cells which can be used for immunotherapy of IDDM , though , its complicated mechanism still needs further researching and developing. We hope in the future IDDM patients could get rid of the suffering of injecting insulin in their whole life.