近幾年來,蠶繭彩色化已引起廣泛的注意,日本與中國大陸紛紛投入此研究領域。我們用食用色素、酸性染料和活體染色劑中性紅等色素水溶液,以沾附於桑葉餵食、浸泡蠶體、注射入蠶體血腔等方法,使白色繭品系的家蠶生產出多種顏色的彩色蠶繭,其中以附於桑葉餵食最有效率,我們就此法找出投與色素的有效期間,可以比日本、中國的方法更節省色素。同法處理黃色品系的家蠶則產生黃色與所加色素的混合色蠶繭。由於這樣得到的彩色蠶繭放久了都會褪色,我們試用奈米色素餵食家蠶所得彩色蠶繭,與一般食用色素所製成的彩色蠶繭比較,發現對各種光照、清潔劑清洗等處理,用奈米色素所得蠶繭明顯較用一般食用色素所得蠶繭不易褪色。這樣用奈米色素生產的彩色蠶繭,因為解決了褪色的問題而更具有潛在的產業價值。To make silkworm cocoons with different colors has received a great attention recently. Japan and China have invested great resources in this field of the study. In order to let white cocoon silkworms produce cocoons of different colors, we used the aqueous solutions of food dyes, acid dyes and neutral red, and fed the worms with mulberry leaves immersed with such aqueous solutions, or directly soaked or injected them with the solutions. We found that using mulberry leaves immersed in the dye solutions was the best approach. We improved this approach by finding a critical, effective time of applying dyes. It saved the dyes and labor than those of Japan and China. We also found that yellow cocoon silkworms produced yellow and mixing colored cocoons by the mulberry leaf feeding method with the same dyes. Because all colors of the cocoons mentioned above faded easily, we furthermore tested nano-dye and found that colors of the cocoons had better resistant to fading away in washing with detergents under various types and intensities of light illumination. This result suggested that nano-dye has a potential in solving the fading problem of the colored cocoons.