The experiment was primarily focused on studying whether the enzymes from different bacterial species collected in various hot spring areas still exhibited activities at high temperatures. A further study would be conducted on analyzing the unique characteristics universally found in the genes of selected bacteria. First, hot spring samples were collected form Peitou and Wulai, and then cultured on the PY, PTG, MFB, and TS media in the laboratory. After the broth media growing with thermophilic bacteria, a series of continuous dilution method and solid-plate spreading were applied to separate these bacterial clones. The genomic DNA of the selected bacteria was extracted and used to analyze subtilisin-like gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electrophoresis. Finally, we examined the six selected thermophilic bacteria with the enzymatic activities of fibrin- and milk-protein degradation. We successfully concluded the experiment by proving that these thermophilic bacteria still exhibited significant enzymatic activitives in the high-temperature environments. The results of this experiment can be applied in numerous fields, for example, thrombus treatment and food processing, and a more in-depth study shall warrant the due consideration. 這次的實驗,主要是研究在不同的溫泉區中所採集不同種類細菌,是否酵素在高溫下仍具活性,如果有,再進而研究它們的基因有何特別的共同之處。首先,我分別自北投和烏來採集水樣,到實驗室後再以PY、PTG、MFB 和TS 四種培養基做細菌的培養,接著再利用連續稀釋和固態塗抹來做細菌的分離。經過挑選和培養之高溫菌直接進行DNA 的抽取,並利用「聚合?鏈反應」和「電泳跑膠」技術分析其類似蛋白質分解酵素subtilisin 基因。另外,本研究同時針對所選定之6 株高溫細菌利用血栓和牛奶蛋白來測試其蛋白質分解酵素的活性。由以上實驗結果可以證明某些細菌在高溫的環境下酵素仍具活性。這次在高溫菌的實驗結論,可應用在很多地方,例如:血栓的治療、在高溫下食品處理‧‧‧等,應用相當廣泛。