本研究主要是以台北市中心的氣溫觀測站,以及市區外圍東邊的汐止,南邊的屈尺,以及西邊的山佳等三個氣溫觀測站,從1998 年至2004 年的七年期間的氣溫資料中,來探討台北地區的熱島效應現象。這個研究的結果發現,台北市區與周遭鄰近地區確實會因為熱島效應的影響而產生1~2℃的溫差。這個溫差在白天時不甚明顯,在中午過後,便由台北市中心逐漸向郊區遞減,形成類似同心圓狀的分布。溫差最大值發生在夜晚,使得台北地區晚間宛如一座夜晚增溫的城市,同時夏季的熱島效應又較冬季顯著,氣溫又逐年遞升,造成夏季台北市區的高溫屢創新高,將是未來都市發展的危機。This study is focused on the urban heat island effect of Taipei Basin, northern Taiwan. The hourly temperatures of Taipei meteorological station and three rural sites eastern Hsi-Chih, southern Cyu-Chih and western San-Chia, were compared from 1998 through 2004 to illustrate the temperature differences between city center and surrounding country areas. The results show that a difference of 1~2℃ exists between city center and surrounding country areas, indicating the extent of urban heat island effect in the Taipei Basin. The daily temperature contours show a clear high-temperature bull’s eye at the city center during the midnight, implying the high latent heat trapped by the dense and high rise buildings. This phenomenon is not sharp in the high noon due to the reduction of temperature difference between city center and surrounding country areas. The heat island effect is most prominent in the summer than that of the winter. Along with the increasing temperature-difference trend through years, the summer times often experience record-breaking heat waves and pose great risks for the city development in the future.