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熱門關鍵字: the king 水果 豆漿 電腦

Introduction of Omed-Omedan Tradition Through Augmented Reality-Based Card Games To Increase The Love of Local Culture

This research is motivated by the differences in the people's perceptions, mainly youth about the omed-omedan tradition. The difference is that many people think that the omed-omedan tradition violates the norms of decency and is also called the pornography tradition. The purpose of this study is to, 1) describe the mechanism of applying omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, 2) analyz the impact resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, and 3) analyze about the feasibility of application resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games. This research is a type of R&D research conducted at Bali Mandara State High School from July 1-September 6, 2021. The subjects of this study were the teenagers of Kaja Sesetan Indigenous Village and the object of this study was the omed-omedan tradition through augmented reality-based card games. The data collection method used is the literature studies, questionnaires, interviews, and validation questionnaires. Data is processed based on qualitative descriptive approach and quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the mechanism of implementing the omed-omedan tradition originated from the download of assistive devices, namely android studios and applications from AR, the impact of augmented reality-based card games was seen as very helpful in the introduction of the omed-omedan tradition and was seen as able to help increase the love of local culture, besides that the media used was also very popular by players because it was seen as interesting and very helpful. Based on the feasibility tests that have been calculated, this game is considered very feasible to implement and researchers hope that the innovations that have been created can effectively provide understanding to help out the local community about omed-omedan tradition.

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「磁」「明」無雙 — 磁性碘氧化鉍可見光光觸媒對淨水效率之研究

本研究成功以不同化學方法自製磁性奈米粒子,並利用水熱法(Solvothermal)合成可見光光觸媒碘氧化鉍(Bi4O5I2),再以不同比例複合出具磁性的光觸媒,藉由光降解結晶紫(Crystal Violet)染料實驗探討分解染料效率最佳之複合樣本,其最佳樣本為Bi4O5I2 -Fe3O4-90 %,反應速率常數達0.1118 h-1,並運用一系列儀器檢測其特性並探討其與光催化效率之關聯性。此外,針對觸媒在生活中的應用性探討,在生活不同水質、極端pH值或是高濃度之有機汙染物均仍保持良好的降解效率,並以Arduino開發板搭配各項組件模擬小型淨水場,以達到自動化降解有機汙染物。另外,利用自製紫外光照光裝置模擬捕捉CO2之光催化反應,並使用Arduino開發板之氣體偵測器確認生成化石燃料作為未來展望目標。

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Stewart's Theorem的推廣及相關探討

本文主要探討:在頂角為∠A、腰長為 ̅(AB) =l的等腰三角形ABC中,給定t, 滿足(¯PA2-l2)/(¯PBׯPC)=±t的所有P點的軌跡方程式及圖形,我們得知: 一、t=1時,其圖形為直線¯(BC)與△ABC外接圓的聯集。 二、0

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