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熱門關鍵字: the king 水果 豆漿 電腦


The paper presents a new technique for the Internet monition and control system. The user not only can “watch” the current operation of remote home appliances from the client computer, but also directly control the behavior of remote home appliances through the Internet network. In the mean while, concerning the interface between users and appliances, the virtual reality is combined into the system so that users operate the system easily. First, virtual reality, CGI , HEML . I/O control code, 8255 I/O card and CCD are applied in the server computer to control and “watch” home appliances. Next, the client computer is connected to the sever computer through the Internet WWW(World Wide Web) network. Then, the user can control remote home appliances directly through the homepage. Finally, the experiment results are presented and discussed.本研究提出一種高效率且易維護的網路監控技術,從遠端確實“看”到監控系統現場動作,並下達控制指令。同時顧慮到使用者操作介面,結合虛擬實境,讓使用者可更輕鬆操作。首先,伺服端結合VR(虛擬實境)、CGI技術、基本的HTML、I/O控制指令、8255 I/O介面卡及CCD(網路攝影機),應用於家用電氣,接著用戶端透過WWW全球資訊網連上伺服端首頁,然後依首頁之畫面,來達到遠端監控與家庭自動化之目的。

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本研究起自於玩「吉普賽人讀心術」電腦遊戲所引發的問題,配合數學「整數的簡化計算」、「因數和倍數」、「怎樣列式」單元,來探討讀心術的設計原理,並嘗試設計自己的讀心術。結果顯示:一、「吉普賽人讀心術」是以 9 的倍數來設計。二、不同的讀心術設計原理不同,但都和整數的簡化計算有關,也和倍數有關。三、設計自己的讀心術遊戲時,需考慮玩家的計算步驟不能太複雜,設計者必須有快速的步驟猜中數字。

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去年暑假,我們從Newton雜誌得知,布洛貝爾博士(Dr. Gunter Blobel)由於發現了蛋白質如何在細胞之間運送,增進了人們對遺傳性疾病的了解,因而榮獲1999年的諾貝爾醫學獎。同為高分子鏈的DNA,在基因遺傳工程中常被用來在強電場的情況下穿破細胞膜,以進行基因的改造,其穿的物理機制又為何?在一場演講中,我們知道鍵振盪模型(bond-fluctuation model)可用來模擬高分子系統,因此我們想以之模擬DNA在強電場下穿透細胞膜的行為。

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在網路上看到甩毛巾、皮鞭的影片,會產生巨大的聲響,查找了資料,我們知道當發聲體超過音速時便會產生音爆。部分文獻提到,毛巾或皮鞭生成音爆原因是來自於角動量守衡理論,我們想利用實驗方法來驗證其正確性,因此利用video point 來分析影片討論手的加速度和毛巾末端質量、長度的關係,並用crocodile physics 做電腦模擬,我們發現毛巾長度與音爆產生無關,這樣和角動量理論模型有所不同。所以我們嘗試利用能量守恆及自由端反射駐波理論來解釋毛巾產生音爆關係,並利用影片分析及crocodile physics 驗證其正確性。We saw the film clippings on the Internet about snapping towels and whips, which made a big noise. After going through related literature, we found out that it is called the sonic boom .Some papers say that the sonic boom results from the Location momentum conservation theory. To prove its accuracy, we used a kind of computer software called Video Point to analyze in the clippings the movement of the hand, understanding the relationship between the mass of the towel end and the length of the towel. We also used another software called Crocodile Physics to simulate the whole process. We discovered that there is no connection between the length of the towel and the sonic boom. It does not conform to the Location momentum conservation theory. We then in turn employed energy conservation theory and the trait of the standing wave (specific wave length) to explain, when we also used Video Point and Crocodile Physics to prove.

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本研究主題在測量口琴簧片受到各種氣流因子影響後,所產生音色、音頻等變化之探討。在過去我們認為,一片簧片不論如何吹奏,其發出的頻率皆相同。但是事實上,演奏家控制氣流的強弱、方向、渦流等,便可吹奏出多樣的音頻。探討形狀因子對簧片頻率的影響,如:長度、寬度、厚度對頻率所造成的影響。自製口琴,利用變壓器控制送風機風速。探討氣流因子對簧片主頻之影響,利用各種不同的自製吹嘴,改變風速、角度、渦流…等,找出可能使簧片改變頻率的氣流因素。實驗結果發現改變風速會影響簧片主頻的變化,風速越大,頻率越大,為一條平滑線。但並非一直都會上升,當簧片頻率上升至某一極限,便無法再利用風速使頻率上升。例如實驗四吸音標準狀態下,風速大於8 Kt 後,頻率一直停在429Hz。在外加障礙物時(模擬吹奏舌頭時隆起)和標準狀態(正常零度入射)下頻率比較吹音和吸音有明顯的差異。吹音時,同風速下,其頻率比標準狀態高,發生音升;吸音時,同風速下,其頻率比標準狀態低,發生音降,具應用性。我們發現在頻率改變時,簧片的振動型態會有所不同,所以利用高畫素像機拍攝和電腦相位差算出簧片之曲折點至尾端的距離,發現頻率和簧片之曲折點至尾端的距離成正向關係。如實驗五中頻率從414 至419Hz,簧片的曲折點到振動端距離也明顯變大。我們發現吹嘴和口琴只要稍有一點空隙(大約在0.2cm 左右),便會和完全吻合時有顯著的頻率差距(吻合後大約比有空隙低20Hz 左右),此實驗頻率變化現象和現實壓音頻率變化極為相近。實驗過程中發現,改變簧片吹嘴的吻合程度,吹入口琴的風速相近,但頻率變化卻也有壓音的音頻變化。在實驗三加入各種氣流因子發現入射角度和標準情形差異不明顯,因此推論壓音的頻率變化和風力強度、入射角度關係不大,壓音主要為渦流所造成的現象。簧片振動模式改變,導致簧片振動頻率發生變化,且簧片的自然頻率不變。當壓音產生時,氣流在振動面造成妨礙簧片振動的抗力,但琴格內部同時也給簧片的風壓,使簧片產生一種非自然振動的頻率。The theme of the research is to explore the changes on its timbre and frequency after the harmonica reed is influenced by each kind of air current factor .In the past ,most people think no matter how to play the reed ,the frequency it produced was supposed to be the same. But in fact the frequency will be changeable under different direction, turbulent flow and air intension by the perform. First to explore the basic feature of harmonica reed, for example: The length, the width, thickness cause the influence on the frequency. To make the self-made harmonica, using the transformer control air feeder wind speed. To discussion the influenced caused by air current factors,and use each kind of different self-restraint to boast, change the wind speed, angle, turbulent flow ,in order to discover possible factors the reed causes to change the frequency of the air current factor. The experimental result discovered the change of wind speed can affect the change of basic frequency , the stronger speed cause the bigger frequency, It will be a curve. But it will not be rising continuously, when the reed frequency rise to some limit, it is unable to cause the frequency rise again by using the wind speed. For example experiment four sound absorption standard conditions, after the wind speed is higher than 8 Kt, the frequency continuously stops in 429Hz. To compare obstacle (simulation plays when tongue sticks out) and the standard condition (normal zero degree incidence) , comparison blows the sound agreement sound absorption to have the obvious difference. When blows the sound, under the same wind speed, its frequency is higher than the standard condition, has the sound to rise; When sound absorption, under the same wind speed, its frequency is lower than the standard condition, has the sound to fall. The harmonica terminology for presses the sound, extremely has the application. We discovered when frequency change, the reed vibration condition have differently, therefore use the camera photography and the computer phase different figures out the reed winding point to the end distance, discovered the frequency and the reed winding point relate to end distance is being connected. If tests five medium frequencies from 414 to 419Hz, the reed winding point is away from to the vibration end also obviously changes . The different reed vibration condition cause the frequency to change. Natural frequency is constant. When cause “bending” (the frequency is lower than the standard condition), the airflow make a force keep from reed vibration. But the chamber air pressure still drive reed. therefore cause the reed to give off not natural frequency sound

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面對一個終身學習,多元化學習的社會,學習的方法不再侷限於閱讀或求教於師了,取而代之的是電腦科技的變革。上屆學長利用線上代理人融入遠距教學的作品令我印象深刻,但總覺得少了些趣味及互動性,於是本實驗嚐試將虛擬實境加入線上代理人及遠距教學,利用空間魔法師建構出來的環境,讓使可者能夠融入其中,悠遊在虛擬的世界,並配合鍵盤的滑鼠的控制移動,點選建構出來的虛擬物件,透過超連結連結至網路上的知識網頁,配合線上代理人的互動及帶領,結合了主動、趣味、互動與便利,開創未來的學習方法,一個講求效率、速度及克服空間無時無刻都能學習的環境。With the arriving of 21st century,things are widely different,including the ways of learning. Because of the revolution of multi-media,computer technology will change the traditional way of learning. I was impressed by the master piece 「Long-distance with Agent」 which was done by the schoolmates last semester. But I feel their work still have much room for improvement,so I combine to use the virtual environment with the advantages of their work. Learners can move and click the objects in the virtual reality space,and they can be linked to the knowledge website through the Internet. Learners can enjoy the interesting ,fast,interactive and efficient learning environment. This work is done by the Space Magician Ver3.0, which is used to design a 3D virtual reality environment. And the users can enjoy the net-surfing and through the hyperlinks to get the information.

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我們利用電腦製作了一套視力測量器,可以很快速、方便的檢測自己的視力狀況。經過大家的努力,我們自製的電腦視力測量器目前可以測量下列的項目:(1) E字視力檢測:檢查視力是否正常。測量時,電腦會自動隨機變換E字的缺口方向,讓受測者無法猜答案。測完可顯示有趣圖案和音效,告知檢查結果。我們以17 吋電腦螢幕製作,適用於受測距離2~6 公尺的空間大小。對於不同的電腦螢幕大小 (例如:12 吋~24吋),只要改變受測距離都可適用。(2) 斜弱視檢查:利用電腦產生的亂點立體圖,戴上紅藍眼鏡,檢查是否有斜弱視。(3) 散光檢查:透過電腦產生的散光檢查表,判斷線條濃淡,可以知道是否有散光。電腦視力測量器和標準視力測量器做對照組測量比較後準確率已達 70%,所以可應用於視力檢查。而且我們使用 Power Point設計,容易透過網際網路 e-mail傳送、或在網站供大家下載使用,達到推廣視力保健的目的。

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第三次世界大戰 ─ 植物 VS.電磁波

植物 VS.電磁波,如何有效降低電磁波,這是一個連我們老師都好有興趣的問題。一開始在擬訂計畫時,我們討論到很多方法,如用指南針、布、植物等… ,後來我們還是決定選擇用植物,因為植物符合方便、經濟、環保天然又安全的標準;而在中國時報上剛好也有一位國科會的教授,他曾提出了一個創意的構想:我們可以試著利用植物的大分子代替研發電器的材質等;因此我們嘗試選擇依植物的葉片形狀不同,將植物葉片分類為較厚的、大片狀的、小片狀的等;另外我們也選擇了日常生活使用率較高的機子,如映像管電視、液晶電視、手機、桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、MP3 耳機、吹風機、微波爐等八種電器,分別以距離、時間及植物阻隔物等當操縱變因,來比較電磁波的強弱,試著找出最理想的植物阻隔物,提供給專家做為代替電器降低電磁波材質的參考。

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本研究的目的在觀察液滴的蒸發過程,探討影響一滴蒸發方式改變的變因。我們利用數位攝影機外加近攝鏡頭,由側面逆光拍攝液滴蒸發過程,並轉錄成電子檔利用電腦協助分析。液滴影像分隔放大投影在方格紙上,以便測量接觸角及高度的變化。結果發現蒸發情形可分為三種:Ⅰ.當接觸角大於九十度時,液滴和界面的接觸線迅速外擴,直到接觸角遞減至90度後定住不動,蒸發終了時,接觸線迅速內縮,留下縮小的實心殘跡。Ⅱ. 當接觸角小於九十度時,接觸線先些微外擴迅速外擴,之後定住不動,直到蒸發終點,液體內縮,留下環狀殘跡。Ⅲ.當接觸角小等於九十度時,接觸線始終定住不變,液滴蒸發後留下原大小的實心班跡。液滴蒸發時接觸角和高度並不是連續變化,而是交互階梯式遞減。本研究的結果可應用在探討噴漆及噴墨印表機的噴墨印刷上。The objective of this investigation is to observe the evaporation of liquid drop and find out the factors that could affect it. A digital camera with micro lens is used to film the process of the evaporation. And a close-up of the sample drop is taken with backlight. The results are analyzed with a personal computer. The magnified images of the drops are projected on grid papers for measuring the changes on contact angles, and heights of drops. We classify the evaporation of a drop into three types: Ⅰ. The contact angle is greater than 90 degrees. At first, the contact line will spread outwardly till the contact angle decrease to the 90 degrees and then be pinned until the evaporation reach its terminal. At last the contact line quickly contract inwardly, and a solid stain remain. Ⅱ. The contact angle is less than 90 degrees. The contact line will spread slightly and then be pinned. At the terminal the liquid contract inward, and a ring-like stain is formed. Ⅲ. The contact angle is equal to 90 degrees. The contact line will always be pinned, and no ring, but spot stain is left. During the evaporation, we discover that the contact angle and the height of the drop do not change continuously but alternatively decrease by steps. The results of our investigation can be applied to the aspects of paint-spraying and jet printers.

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本研究希望在數位顯示方面做些改進,利用電腦運算使戶外大型LED看板所使用之能源降到最低,以達到節能減碳。\r 本研究分為兩個部份:\r 第ㄧ部份:以瑞利準則探討亮點間距與觀賞距離之關係。\r 實驗中,以Photoshop繪圖模仿LED燈泡之排列,分析兩亮點之大小、距離與觀測距離的關係來設定點之尺寸,再進一步分析三原色點之觀測距離、比例及三原色點之佈點方式對混色效果之關係,並以瑞利準則判斷之。\r 得到公式如下:\r 自己所繪之點大小/點恰可分辨之最近距離=LED燈之間隔/點恰可分辨之最近距離=0.8mm/1m \r 第二部份:數位顯示—LED。\r 利用第一部份所得知的公式發現:在某ㄧ觀賞距離時,有最佳的影像品質且有最少的用電量。較近時,則影像品質降低;而較遠時,影像品質已無法提昇,而多餘的用電量則可經由實驗省去。藉由本次實驗結果,可利用所編寫之程式計算出在某ㄧ距離下最適合之燈泡尺寸及所省之電量,以達到節能減碳的效果。

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