We can prove 鬼腳圖 have an one-to-one characteristic; it is mean that you can not design a 鬼腳圖 which will make two starting point to the same end. We also can prove you can design any 鬼腳圖 you want; you can predict a result, and you can design a 鬼腳圖 which suit the result, no matter what the result it is. We can design any 鬼腳圖 we want, but it possibly becomes very big and complicated. We develop a method to make it become briefer. According to the method, we make a function that can design the 鬼腳圖 you want in a very short time. You predict a result in computer, and the\r function will design a 鬼腳圖 which suit the result, and it will be the briefest. 吾人已經可以證明鬼腳圖具備一對一的性質,意思就是:不可能從兩個起點開始畫線,最後到同一個終點上。吾人亦證明:鬼腳圖的結果沒有限定:同一組初始條件可以轉換成任何一組結果。而同一組結果也有許多種不同的畫法,顯示鬼腳圖的畫法不具唯一性。即使如此,畫出來的鬼腳圖可能過於複雜,於是吾人又發展出簡化鬼腳圖的方法,可畫出較簡潔的鬼腳圖。吾人並根據這種化簡方式編出一套程式,只要將欲得的結果輸入,電腦就可以畫出最簡潔的鬼腳圖。
給定一個P∈(0,1),令k0=0, p0=p,定義k1為能使 的最小正整數k,而 ; 相同的,對於給定的kn-1, kn 為能使的最小正整數k, 。若存在kn 使得,則稱p∈ In; 若對於所有n 與kn ,,則稱p∈ I∞。如此區間(0,1)可分解成集合I1,I2,…,I∞。
關於平面上若干點的集中度之定義,一直很少有人予以仔細的探討,因為判別的方法有很多種。本研究是以平面上三點所構成的三角形之三頂點作討論,分別以三角形的面積、周長,內心、外心和重心至三頂點距離,三點的標準差及平均差的概念,作為不同的判別方式,並以動態幾何化版GSP模擬不同的判斷方法做為研究,在利用統計學上的方法,找出哪一種定義方式最為適合、誤差最少的判斷方法。There are many ways to determine the centralness of three dots on a plane; however, no definition study has been applied. In this study, we focus our interests on the entralness of three vertices of a triangle formed from three dots on a plane. Various methods such as the relationship of area, and the distance of the triangle to the centralness of three dots, the distance from the interior point, exterior point, the barycenter to the vertices of triangle, and the standard error and differences average obtained from three dots were determined with a dynamic geometry software GSP, and a statistic method was used to find a least error way to determine the centralness of three dots on a plane.
We consider a game played with chips on a strip of squares. The squares are labeled, left to right, with 1, 2, 3, . . ., and there are k chips initially placed on distinct squares. Two players take turns to move one of these chips to the next empty square to its left. In this project, we study four different games according to the following \r rules: Game A: the player who places a chip on square 1 wins;Game B: the player who places a chip on square 1 loses;Game C: the player who finishes up with chips on 12 . . . k wins;Game D: the player who finishes up with chips on 12 . . . k loses. After studying the cases k = 3, 4,5 and 6 for Game A and the relation among these four games, we are led to discover the winning strategy of each game for any positive integer k. The strategies of Games A, B and C are closely related through a forward or backward shifting in position. We also found that such strategies are similar to the type of Nim game that awards the player taking the last chip. Game D is totally different from the rest. To solve this game, we investigate the Nim game that declares the player taking the last chips loser. Amazingly, the strategies of two Nim games can be concisely linked by two equations. Through these two Nim games, we not only find the winning strategy of Game D but also the precise relation between Game D and all others.\r 去年我研究一個遊戲:有一列n個的方格中,從左至右依序編號為1,2,3,....n。在X1個、第X2個、第X3個格子中各放置一個棋子。甲乙二個人按照下列規則輪流移動棋子:\r 一、甲乙兩個人每次只能動一個棋子(三個棋子中任選一個)。遊戲開始由甲先移動動棋子。二、甲乙兩個人每次移動某一個棋子時,只能將這個棋子移至左邊最近的空格(若前面連續有P個棋時可以跳過前面的P個棋子而且只能跳一次),而且每個方格中最多只能放一個棋子。\r 研究這個遊戲問題時,我討論四種不同"輸贏結果"的規定:甲乙兩個人中,A誰先將三個棋子中任意一個棋子移到第一個方格,誰就是贏家。B誰先將三個棋子中任意一個棋子移到第一個方格,誰就是輸家。C誰先不能再移動任何棋子,誰就是輸家。D誰先不能再移動任何棋子,誰就是贏家。\r 當"輸贏結果"的規定採用ABCD時─我們稱為遊戲ABCD。今年我將把這個遊戲問題中棋子的個數由三個推廣到一般K個情形之後,再繼續研究遊戲的致勝策略,同時也將研究遊戲ABCD之間的關係。
Double Pedal Curve
設Γ為一平面曲線而 P 為一定點 , 自P 向Γ所有的切線作對稱點,則所有對稱點所成的圖形Γ1 稱為曲線Γ對定點P 的double pedal curve , Γ1 對定點P 的double pedal curve Γ2 稱為曲線Γ對定點P 的2-th double pedal curve , Γ2 對定點P 的double pedal curve Γ3 稱為曲線 Γ對定點P 的3-th double pedal curve ,…… 。以下是本文主要的結果:結論A:當Γ為一圓形而P 為圓上一點時 , 計算其n−th double pedal curve 的方程式。結論B:當Γ為任意平滑的參數曲線而P 為任意一點時 , Γ的 double pedal curve 的切線性質。結論C:當Γ為任意平滑的參數曲線而P 為(0,0)時, 計算其n−th double pedal curve 的方程式。
Given a plane curve Γand a fixed point P ,the locus of the reflection of P about the tangent to the curveΓis called the double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P.We denote Γ1 as the double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P, Γ2 as the double pedal curve of Γ1 with respect to P , Γ3 as the double pedal curve of Γ2 with respect to P ,and so on , we call Γn the n-th double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P. If Γ is a circle, and P is a point on the circle, we got the parametric equation of the n−th double pedal curve of Γ with respect to P. And, for any parametric plane curve Γ; we got the method to draw the tangent of the double pedal curve of Γ.
上體育課的時候看到同學投空心球(籃球在沒有碰著籃框的情況下進入籃中),覺得好厲害。因此,我們利用相關的數學知識與運動原理來討論籃球投出後的運行軌跡,以及影響其命中率的相關因素。我們得知籃球的運行軌跡是一條拋物線,並求出其二次方程式;並利用標準籃球直徑與籃框直徑找出籃球進入籃框的最小入射角。若要提高命中率,必須考慮籃球投出時的投射角、初速度、籃球投出時的高度以及籃球與籃框水平距離之間的相關影響。此外,我們藉由電腦軟體列出相關數據提供作為實際投籃時的參考,並藉此進一步分析上述因素如何影響籃球運行軌跡以及如何提高投籃的命中率。Those who always shoot nothing but the net in basketball games were always heroes to me. I have being thinking for a long time how to become a person of that kind. For this, we investigated the trajectory of shooting a basketball and the factors to increasing the field goal percentages through our knowledge on mathematics and physics. We have obtained that the trajectory is in fact a parabola and, we further, found its quadratic equation. We also derived the minimal incident angle from the diameters of the standard basketball and hoop as well as the quadratic equation we have found. To raise the field goal percentages, some important factors must be taken into consideration, such as the vertical and horizontal distance between the basketball and the hoop, the incident angle and the initial velocity of shooting. Finally, we provide some concerning data for reference, and analyzed how the important factors we have mentioned above have affected our basketball trajectory and how, of the most importance, to increase the field goal percentages