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1.手機及筆電已成不可或缺生活用品。但,若其充電器如果充電時間太久,可能會因為本身過熱而造成充電完畢要取回時,造成手部的燙傷。因為有此生活經驗,想改善充電器等高溫設備的散熱。 2.本研究探討電腦CPU上如果加上致冷晶片,如何加速散熱,增加使用安全外也進而提高電腦效能。 3.以電腦主機為實驗的操作器材,探究研發該散熱系統,並做為以後其他需要散熱的結構基礎,作為加速散熱的要件。目前致冷晶片在兩面溫差超越20°C時,可以使致冷晶片產生電能,接上微型馬達後,得以驅動,並產生對流散熱。 4.目前有關致冷晶片的實驗中,多數是使用致冷晶片和帕爾帖效應的關係,以通入電能使晶片兩面產生溫差。而本研究將採賽貝克效應做基礎,來探討新式散熱解決方案,使CPU產生的熱轉換成可以驅動微型馬達的電能。

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Development of an autonomous Search and Rescue Drone

The number of natural disasters has risen significantly in recent years, and with climate change there is no end in sight. Consequently, the demands on rescue forces around the world are increasing. For this reason, I asked myself what I can do to improve the work of rescue teams. Advances in artificial intelligence and drone technology enable new possibilities for problem solving. Based on the technological advances mentioned above, an autonomous Search and Rescue drone was developed as part of this project. The system assists rescue workers in searching for survivors of natural disasters or missing people. This paper also suggests a method for prioritizing survivors based on their vitality. The system was implemented using a commercial Parrot ANAFI drone and Python. The software was tested on a simulated drone. To simplify the development, the whole system was divided into the following subsystems: Navigation System, Search System and Mission Abort System. These subsystems were tested independently. The testing of solutions and new concepts were performed using smaller test programs on the simulated drone and finally on the physical drone. The Search and Rescue system was successfully developed. The person detection system can detect humans and distinguish them from the environment. Furthermore, based on the movements of a person, the system can distinguish whether the person is a rescuer or a victim. In addition, an area to be flown over can be defined. If something goes wrong during the mission, the mission can be aborted by the Mission Abort System. In the simulation, the predefined area can successfully be flown over. Unfortunately, controlling the physical drone does not work. It stops in the air after takeoff due to the firmware of the drone. It does not change the flight state of the drone, which results in all subsequent commands from the system being ignored. This paper shows that artificial intelligence and drone technologies can be combined to deliver better rescue services. The same system can be applied to other applications.

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本研究主要是希望將「無紙袋吸塵器」之除塵技術應用在室內空氣清淨之上。 首先,選定PM2.5為空氣汙染檢測標的。然後,利用電腦課學習之Arduino套件,編寫程式並組裝SHARP PM2.5感測器。 接著,探討無紙袋吸塵器之除塵原理,並改良結構以應用於空氣清淨。 研究發現:設計良好之「氣旋除塵筒」,確實有很好的清除PM2.5效率。清除PM2.5效率良好的氣旋除塵筒:1.能產生結構札實的氣旋結構、2.直式比橫式效率高、3.加長氣旋除塵筒長度能夠增加清除效率、4.抽氣孔與進入室內空氣孔分開,並將抽氣孔位於側邊可以增進清除效率、5.增加風扇風力也可以增加清除PM2.5的效率。

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本研究使用半監督式機器學習搭配卷積神經網路來訓練核心模型,並將星系的圖片加入模型裡,讓電腦自動判斷出該星系的種類為何。我使用自行設計的CNN架構以及VGG-16當作我的卷積神經網路架構。資料集來源為EFIGI和Galaxy Zoo 2。我分為兩種任務,第一種任務是讓模型能分辨橢圓 (E)、螺旋 (S)、不規則 (I) 這三種類別的星系,訓練資料共有2,468張照片,最後的正確率能達到94%。第二個任務是將8種的星系照片(E、S0、Sa、Sb、Sc、SBa、SBb、SBc)進行分類,並使用自動編碼器作為預訓練,使用1,923張EFIGI的圖片以及1,258張Galaxy Zoo 2的照片當作訓練資料。由於各星系照片有許多外觀太過相似,測試準確度最高達到54.12%,基於我的研究,星系自動化辨識於天文學上應該有相當大的運用空間。

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「溫室效應」會造成地球暖化,使地球環境惡化。但「溫室效應」並非顯而易見,因此不易理解,現在結合自然科學與科技課程,於微型玻璃屋中,探討二氧化碳對溫室效應的影響。 首先在玻璃屋外進行「空白試驗」,再於玻璃屋內進行溫室實驗。打氣幫浦輸出的氣體經由三通管控制「繞流」(Bypass),通過氯化鈣去除水氣,約略可視為「零空氣」(Zero Air),以人工光源照射充滿「零氣體」的玻璃屋作為「對照組」,再比較充滿不同濃度的二氧化碳氣體作為「實驗組」,應用Arduino開發板、感測器、液晶螢幕與記憶卡,能即時顯示數據、記錄資料,再以Excel繪製圖表,也可連接電腦進行現場環境監測。 從數據分析,「溫室效應」確實發生,所以應該儘量減少二氧化碳排放至大氣中。

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Development of an autonomous Search and Rescue Drone

The number of natural disasters has risen significantly in recent years, and with climate change there is no end in sight. Consequently, the demands on rescue forces around the world are increasing. For this reason, I asked myself what I can do to improve the work of rescue teams. Advances in artificial intelligence and drone technology enable new possibilities for problem solving. Based on the technological advances mentioned above, an autonomous Search and Rescue drone was developed as part of this project. The system assists rescue workers in searching for survivors of natural disasters or missing people. This paper also suggests a method for prioritizing survivors based on their vitality. The system was implemented using a commercial Parrot ANAFI drone and Python. The software was tested on a simulated drone. To simplify the development, the whole system was divided into the following subsystems: Navigation System, Search System and Mission Abort System. These subsystems were tested independently. The testing of solutions and new concepts were performed using smaller test programs on the simulated drone and finally on the physical drone. The Search and Rescue system was successfully developed. The person detection system can detect humans and distinguish them from the environment. Furthermore, based on the movements of a person, the system can distinguish whether the person is a rescuer or a victim. In addition, an area to be flown over can be defined. If something goes wrong during the mission, the mission can be aborted by the Mission Abort System. In the simulation, the predefined area can successfully be flown over. Unfortunately, controlling the physical drone does not work. It stops in the air after takeoff due to the firmware of the drone. It does not change the flight state of the drone, which results in all subsequent commands from the system being ignored. This paper shows that artificial intelligence and drone technologies can be combined to deliver better rescue services. The same system can be applied to other applications.

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多重抗藥性(MDR)細菌已經在全世界的範圍內成為了一個重大威脅,而像是多重抗藥性的綠膿桿菌就是其中一種對大多數療法有抵抗力的病原體。在目前的治療方案無效之前,有必要開發出一種新型機制的抗生素能夠作為對抗的手段。我們通過電腦虛擬篩選的方式,並用一個脂多糖脂質A (LipidA)生合成路徑的關鍵蛋白,LpxC,作為篩選的對象。在我們的第一次預測中,ZINC000001587011 (brequinar) 具有較低的結合能和較高的生物利用度。但由於其較高的cLogP值,使我們對其進行了官能團修飾,以期能有所改善。最後,我們在所有衍生物中找到了N11,有最大的潛力能做為抗綠膿桿菌的藥物前驅物。

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