

硫代硫酸鈉在鹽酸中會產生自身氧化還原反應。溶液維持一段時間的澄清透明,突然快速析出硫微粒而顯得白色混濁,同時顯現廷得耳效應。溶液維持勻相的時間稱為延遲時間,其長短隨起始物濃度與溫度而異。在反應溶液中添加界面活性劑可有效增長延遲時間。以UV-Vis光譜儀分析反應溶液的吸收度變化,界面活性劑的濃度夠高時,延遲時間的倒數與添加界面活性劑濃度的倒數成簡單正比關係。此速率定律式符合界面活性劑與硫核微粒結合形成保護核的機制。陽離子性的界面活性劑如CTAB,明顯地較陰離子或中性界面活性劑有較佳的保護效果。IR及X光繞射光譜分析顯示CTAB與硫微粒有共沉澱的現象。The thiosulfate ions undergo disproportionation in hydrochloric acid to form sulfur. The reaction solutions remain clear first, followed with sudden formation of discrete particles that are observed by the appearance of Tyndall beam. The induction periods vary upon the initial concentration of the reactants and temperature. Addition of surfactant to the reaction solutions significantly prolongs the induction period, indicating the association of surfactant molecules with the nuclei of sulfur particles can hinder the aggregation of sulfur particle-nuclei. The UV-visible spectrophotometric measurements for the formation of sulfur particles in the presence of various surfactants show that the reciprocal values of induction period are proportional to the reciprocal of surfactant concentrations. Such a rate law is elucidated by an associative pre-equilibrium mechanism. The surfactant molecules appear to effectively protect the nuclei of sulfur particles from aggregation. The cationic surfactant such as CTAB demonstrates better "protection" ability than do the anionic or neutral surfactants. The IR and X-ray diffraction analysis indicate that CTAB can result in co-precipitation with sulfur, also supporting the suggested mechanism.


為觀察不同波長光對植物光合作用要素「葉綠素含量」的影響。實驗材料甘藹(蕹菜種、台農57號、台農64號)組織培養苗。正常光照三週,使其具備基本之根、莖、葉,再移入不同顏色雙層玻璃紙(藍光、綠光、紅光)所構成不同光質之光照環境。除觀察生長狀況外,亦利用分光光度計測定葉綠素a、葉綠素b及兩者總含量。結果顯示藍光和紅光為促進葉綠素合成之主要光譜。藍光組合成的量為對照組的 80.5%;紅光組合成的量為對照組的82.5%。更進一步利用氧氣電極測定光合作用速率。結果顯示以紅光組的光合作用最為旺盛。紅光組光合作用速率為對照組的68%。This is study dealt with how light of different wavelengths make a difference on the content of chlorophyll. The material was tissue-cultured sweet potato(Weng-tsay native variety, Ipomoea batatasL cv. Tainung 57 and Ipomoea batatas L cv. Tainung 64). For first three weeks, we exposed them under normal sunlight so that they would possess basic structure such as root, stem and leaves. Then we moved them into different illumination environments (blue, green and red light) made by double-layered glass plates. Besides inspecting their growth, we also measured the quantity of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a, b with spectrophotometer, Hitachi U2000. The results indicated that blue and red light was the main spectrum to accelerate the content of chlorophyll. The plant grown in blue environment had content 80.5% chlorophyll of the control group; while 82.5% in red environment. Furthermore, we used oxygen electrode to inspect their rate of photosynthesis. The result showed that the red light treatment highest rate of photosynthesis among treatments, which was 68% of the control group.

FeSO4 催化雙氧水製造氧氣之研究

1894年H.J.H Fenton首先發現亞鐵離子催化過氧化氫具有強氧化力,故將其稱為” Fenton reagent”。在本研究裡將對Fenton做一深入探討,探討在不同 pH值溶液、不同Fe2+濃度比下產生氧氣的效能,並且間接也印證了 HO · 自由基在 Fenton reaction 製氧過程中的重要性。 亞鐵離子在Fenton reation ,並非單純只當催化劑。當 pH =3.0、4.0、5.0時,過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為1:0.25、 1: 0.5 、1:1 時,當 FeSO4濃度增大時,氧氣產量依序增加。依反應機構解釋,可確定亞鐵離子為Fenton reaction 反應速率之重要因子。但,當pH 較高且硫酸亞鐵濃度為過氧化氫兩倍時,反而抑制氣氣的產量。且若當條件為 pH = 5且過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為 l : l 時,氧氣生成平衡體積最接近最大體積,可證實過氧化氫在短時反應最完全。由結論中幾個論點可歸納出,常實驗條件為 pH = 5且過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為 1: 1 時,氧氣的收集會有最好的效果。 In 1894, H. J. Fenton first found that the ferrous iron can catalyze hydrogen peroxide with the strong oxidizing ability; so we called “Fenton’s Reagent”. This discovery will make a further research to explore the efficiency of the production of oxygen that under a series of different pH values, arid different proportions of Fe2+ concentration . This experiment indirectly proves that the free radical of hydroxyl ion as a important role to produce oxygen in the Fenton reaction. In the Fenton reaction, the ferrous iron is not simply utilized as the catalyst. While the pH value is 3 4 and 5, and the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is 1:0.25, 1:0.5, and 1:1, when the concentration of ferrous sulfate increases, the volume of the oxygen produced will increase simultaneously. According to the reaction mechanism, we affirm that the ferrous iron is a significant factor in the Fenton reaction rate. But, if the pH value is higher, and the concentration of ferrous sulfate is the double of hydrogen peroxide, the rOl1jJj1C of oxygen is refrained reversely. And as the pH value is 5, and the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is 1: 1, the equilibrium volume of the oxygen produced will approach the maximum, which proves that hydrogen-peroxide can completely react in a short time. According to the conclusion, we conducted that as the pH value is 5, arid the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is l:1.which is the optimum condition of the oxygen preparation.


界面活性劑因分子一端具極性基(polar group)而有導電性,本研究以市售之界面活性劑(PAOS洗碗精)從事其水溶液導電度探討,實驗顯示,PAOS水溶液之導電度隨溫度升高而增加,90°C之導電度約為常溫之三倍,純水之變化則極微。除溫度外,界面活性劑濃度亦影響導電度,濃度越高導電度越大,定溫(23°C)之導電度隨PAOS含量增加呈直線上升關係,PAOS含量每增2%導電度約增加1000μS,當含10%PAOS之水溶液中期導電度約增為4700μS。乳化效果對導電度亦有明顯之影響。在含PAOS 0.5~3%之水溶液中加入沙拉油,隨沙拉油加入量之增加其導電度均呈現下降現象。例如,在含有PAOS 3%之200克水溶液當中加入10克沙拉油時,其導電度約下降了15%。如果加入更多沙拉油,或者乳化攪拌過後之停滯時間過久,造成乳化平衡破壞,其導電度數據則較不規則。因此,我們可由溶液導電度之量測結果判定乳化效果,並可測定乳化攪拌之最佳條件。實驗除了以導電度探討其乳化效果外,並用顯微鏡同步觀測,以對結果做出更具說服力的解釋。將實驗數據以3D圖(立體圖)呈現以描述系統的連續變化狀態。再利用簡易的曲線回歸、斜率比較等,判定在定溫、一定攪拌條件下,清潔劑的較佳使用濃度。Surfactants have polar end groups at its molecular structure lead it with electrical conductivity in properties. This report discuss conductivity of a market purchasable surfactant named PAOS. Experiment results indicate conductivity of PAOS water solution increases with rising temperature. Triple in conductivity of this solution was found at 90°C than that of at room temperature. While the changes for pure water is very small. Except temperature influence, surfactant concentration also influence its conductivity. Generally, higher concentration gives higher electrical conductivity. At room temperature(23°C) a straight line relationship was observed between the solution concentration and the conductivity. For every increase 2% will led to increasing in conductivity for 1000 μS. When 10% PAOS in water solution is reached 4700 μS in conductivity was observed. Emulsification give obvious inference in conductivity. If cooking oil is added in 0.5~3% PAOS solution, conductivity will decrease with increasing oil added. For instance, when 10 grams of oil was added in 200 grams water solution that contain 3% PAOS, conductivity of this solution decreased for 15%. If more oil is added or setting time is too long after the solution is emulsified that destroy the emulsify balance. The conductivity of the system become irregular. In this way, it is possible to detect effect of emulsify through the measurement in its conductivity. Therefore most favorable condition in emulsification can be determined. In addition to using conductive measurement to determine effect of emulsification, microscopic technique also used trying to find even more convincible explanations. The data of different concentration experimented above can be presented on a 3D chart, we obtain several curves that can be differentially analyzed and estimated for a relatively ideal concentration, which will work more efficiently than others in the condition of the experiment.


以微型實驗的方式用螯合劑:dithizone(diphenyl thiocarbazone)在四氯化碳中對金屬離子銅(Ⅱ)、鉛(Ⅱ)、鋅(Ⅱ)進行溶劑萃取與反萃取的平衡所得條件,以及由金屬離子與螯合劑結合時的莫耳數比與分離條件的探討得知,僅僅由控制溶液之pH值便可以使水溶液中的銅、鉛、鋅離子分離。於本研究中所使用之萃取光度分析法,對銅可以測至0-0.1ppm,鉛可以測至0-5.0ppm,鋅可以測至0-0.8ppm;莫耳吸光率分別為:Cu[HDz]2:4.50x104 L/moles‧cm(550nm)。Pb[HDz]2:6.85x104 L/moles‧cm(520nm)。Zn[HDz]2:9.50x104 L/moles‧cm(540nm)。其結果可做為重金屬離子廢水淨化效能之微型檢測指標。 The microscale experiment that the equilibrium of extraction and back extraction of Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) with the extraction of chelate agent- diphenyl thiocarbazone(dithizone) in carbon tetrachloride were investigated. The conditions of extraction and back extraction of pH1/2 and the stability of these chelate compounds have the possibility to separate these Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) mental ions in aqueous solution or in water sample mutually. The separation and determination of Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) up to 0~1ppm(Cu), 0~5ppm(Pb), 0~0.8ppm(Zn) with dithizone in CCl4 by extraction spectrophotometry has been established. The molar absorptivity expresssed in Lmol-1cm-1 was found to be 4.50x104(550nm)for Cu[HDz]2, 6.85x104(520nm) for Pb[HDz]2, 9.50x104(540nm) for Zn[HDz]2, respectively.


颱風是台灣地區常見的天然災害之一,而台灣地區複雜的地形變化,也為颱風路徑的變化投下一個變數。根據以往的資料顯示,颱風路徑受到地形影響往往是在登陸前六小時內,而颱風對台灣地區災害最嚴重的時候往往是登陸前後三小時,也就是說要是颱風路徑受到地形影響發生偏轉,則我們只有數小時的時間來進行防災的準備。本研究主要收集1987~2001年由台灣東部登陸的台風最佳路徑圖,分別統計其颱風路徑或颱風環流過山時的變化,並分類統計各種不同颱風要素(包括颱風強度、行進速度、移入角、登陸地段等)對颱風路徑變化的影響,以做為未來預報之參考。結果顯示,台灣地形的確對颱風路徑有所影響,並使颱風在接近時偏轉,偏轉角度大多在30度以內,且偏北較偏南略多。而當颱風已偏東北方向接近時(移入角小於60度)向南偏轉較多;以偏東南方向接近時(移入角大於161度)方向偏較多,顯然地形對颱風行進有阻礙作用;而正交颱風偏轉角度也比斜交颱風小。在颱風強度部分,越強的颱風路徑偏轉角也越小,颱風過山後路徑受到導引氣流影響回到原路徑的機率較低。而影響颱風移動速度最主要的因素是導引氣流的強弱,若導引氣流受到山脈阻擋時,會使颱風移動速度減慢。而台灣各地山脈高低不同,也會使某些地區出現較特殊的台風現象。例如花蓮南部及成功地區容易誘發副低壓造成分裂路徑;台東地區因颱風容易繞山而過因此偏南機率比其他地區高等。Typhoon is a natural hazard that often occurs in Taiwan. The complex terrain of Taiwan also adds to the uncertainty to typhoon tracks. Based on past data, typhoons often show changes in their tracks within six hours before making landfall, while they produce most of their damage within three hours of the landfall. In other words, if the track of a particular typhoon was to be affected by the terrain, people have only a few hours to prepare. The study collects best tracks of a total of 145 typhoons that made landfall from the east of Taiwan from 1987 to 2001. Their tracks and changes in circulation while they moved across the Central Mountain Range are recorded, and classified according to several different elements such as strength, traveling speed, incipient angle, and landfall area. The possible influence of these elements on typhoon tracks can be applied to forecasts in the future. Results indicate that the terrain of Taiwan does have an impact on typhoon tracks, and causes typhoons to turn when they approach from the east. Turning angle in most cases is within 30°, and cases turning northward are slightly more than those turning southward. When typhoons approach Taiwan from the northeast (incipient angle 160°) they favor turning north. Also, the turning angle tends to be smaller for typhoons that approach the terrain at a right angle, and the opposite is favored when the incipient angle is more acute. This suggests that the terrain of Taiwan had a blocking and deflecting effect to typhoon tracks. For results related to typhoon strength, stronger typhoons tend to exhibit smaller turning in their tracks, but they are also less likely to return to their original direction of motion under the influence of steering flow after they leave the terrain. The most relevant factor to moving speed of typhoon is the strength of steering flow, which is slowed down if blocked by the terrain. The difference in terrain elevation can also influence the motion of typhoon and cause some rather special phenomena. For instance, a secondary low is more likely to form and result in a discontinuous track if a typhoon made landfall over southern Hwa-Lien or Cheng-kung, while a typhoon has a higher possibility to be deflected southward if it made landfall over Tai-tung, the southernmost area.


過去,螢光的使用只局限於釣魚、登山等無法使用電燈或火把時使用的一種較為安全的冷光。而今,我們使用這種化學發光的機會也越來越多,也再成了更多的汙染,所以我們想藉此去研討有關螢光棒之化學反應與其反應之改良。在這一篇報告當中,我們討論與研究有關Luminol發光之反應與催化劑對其反應之影響;比較在380nm~480nm範圍內不同波長所產生之光度及比較各種不同催化劑在相同波長的發光度隨反應時間的變化。我們發現在此反應之中,以k3Fe(CN)6可以產生出最大的亮度,且由實驗的結果得知Luminol的發光無法維持兩分鐘,發光時間較為短暫。映之催化效果是同時被金屬離子和根離子影響。具有明顯催化效果(最大光度超過2.5)的鹽類濃度以稀薄為佳,約10-3M。在此反應中以k3Fe(CN)6為其催化劑,可以產生一種穩定且明亮的發光,是一種較佳的催化劑在此化學發光反應之中。In the past, fluorescence was limited in being used in fishing or hiking, in which light or a torch was not available. Fluorescence is much safer because of its feature of luminescence. Today, the opportunities we use this fluorescence become more and more. The more people will use fluorescence. The more environment pollution will be caused, that is the reason we would like to study the chemical reaction of fluorescence and its solution to reduce pollution. In this paper, chemical reactions between the Luminol and different catalysis agents are studied, the comparisons between the reaction condition of the catalysis agents and the Luminol, to measure the light intensity variation in 350-500nm light wavelength range. And to measure the light intensity variation following the time of the chemical reactions between the Luminol and different catalysis. We found out that the chemical reactions between the Luminol and k3Fe(CN)6 being the catalysis agents can produce the maximum light strength. But the time of the chemical reactions is much shorter, it only can keep this chemical reactions operating in two minutes. The chemical reaction’s catalysis agent is affected by metallic ion and SO4(2-) , NO3(1-),Cl(1-), when the catalysis agent’s concentration is sparely, this luminous reaction is more obvious( the maximum light strength is over 2.5) .It can produce a fluorescence which is steady and luminous, and it is better to become the catalysis agent material of the fluorescent chemical reactions.


畢氏定理(a²+b²=c²)歷經25世紀,發現了數百種的幾何論證法;而畢氏定理演繹出的正三角形 ( (/4) a²+(/4) b²=(/4) c² )幾何分割研究,卻一直沒有人研究。因此,承襲著之前處理幾何問題的經驗,決定挑戰畢氏定理演譯的正三角形分割研究。本文研究兩正三角形,經切割後拼成另一大正三角形;期間以GSP及AutoCAD繪製分析幾何圖形,並建立了4種分割模式,得到了3段式「最佳分割模式」及準「通用分割模式」,提供這方面問題一個可應用於所有條件之完善解決方案。本研究成果豐碩,補足了相關領域的空檔,且可製成益智又富挑戰性之拼圖系列,不管用做教具或遊戲,對建立意至己和相關資料有莫大貢獻! Twenty five centuries after its discovery, hundreds of proofs have been given for the Pythagorean Theorem (a²+b²=c²). But, research about regular triangle dissection extending from Pythagorean Theorem has always been lacking. So, based on previous experience with geometric dissection problems, I have decided to do a research on regular triangle dissection extending from Pythagorean theorem. This research dissects two regular triangles and assembles them into a large regular triangle. Using GSP and AutoCAD to draw and analyze geometric shapes, four dissection models and nine dissection methods are constructed. The extreme values under all conditions are also discussed, as are the best and generic dissection models. There is a Three-section type “best dissection model” and a semi “generic dissection model.” offering a perfect solution to this kind of problem that can be used under all conditions. This study yields numerous results as well as filling in blanks in similar fields. It can also be made into challenging jigsaw puzzles for educational or entertainment purposes.

Vitamin E 對回鍋油品質的影響

家庭中為了節省油量的使用,常將所剩的油品另存於容器中,以待下次使用。近年來,已有不少文獻報告指出,這種「回鍋」的使用方式,往往使得油品品質變得相當低劣。近來市面上有不少的油品,標榜添加天然維生素E,使消費者趨之若鶩,作為一種吸引消費的手段;這激發了我們極高的興趣,因為在文獻中已知道維生素E在室溫下確實可抑制油品的氧化;但添加的油品經過回鍋後,其對油品的影響卻仍不得而知。我們利用鐵鍋油炸澱粉食物,並經由反覆的油炸與冷卻,模擬更真實的回鍋情形。並添加抗氧化劑,包括維生素E和酯化的維生素E,以及回鍋次數等不同的變因進行實驗,進行油品品質的化學變化的測量。經由實驗結果顯示,經數次的回鍋烹煮,油品品質因為一連串的化學反應變得十分低劣;另外,添加酯化的維生素E的油品在某些方面的確減少了某些不良生成物的形成(如游離脂肪酸、羰基化合物等),但在某些方面如氧化程度的比較(共軛雙鍵的生成)卻與一般無添加的回鍋油無異。反倒是添加維生素E對於回鍋油品質的影響在實驗結果的每方面看來,不管是酸敗氧化或是裂解成羰基化合物都能夠有效地減少或產生抑制的作用;故添加維生素E對於回鍋油的品質的確有正面性的影響!Cooking oil is often reused in homes in order to economize on its use. In the past few years, many reports have pointed out that ”reusing” oil this way always changes the properties of oil and makes it spoiled. Also in the past few years, many oil products have appeared on market that highlight the fact that vitamin E has been added, in order to attract consumers. This attracted our interest, since we know that on the basis of several studies, vitamin E indeed has an antioxidizing effect at room temperature or below. However, it is not know what effect vitamin E has on re-cooked oil. Therefore, in this experiment we simulated the re-cooking process by frying steamed dumplings in an iron wok with soybean oil, and repeatedly cooling and re-using the oil. Variable factors were the added antioxidants(vitamin E and vitamin E acetate) and the number of re-cooking times. The chemical variation in the resulting oil was tested with regard to acid value, viscosity, carbonyl value, and the value of conjugated bonds. The results indicated that as the number of re-cooking times increased, the quality of the oil had undergone a series of chemical reactions and became spoiled. Also, the addition of vitamin E and vitamin E acetate indeed reduced the formation of certain unhealthful products such as free fatty acids, carbonyl groups, and so on. In certain respects, such as the quantity of oxidized components in the oil, there is no obvious difference between ordinary oil and oil with the vitamin E acetate additives. However, the addition of vitamin E to cooking oil, based on the results of this experiment, can effectively reduce or suppress processes causing rancidity and breakdown into carbonyl groups. Therefore, the addition of vitamin E or vitamin E acetate dose have a positive effect on re-cooked oil.


兩年來,台灣仍籠罩在 921 大地震的陰影之下。而大地震突如其來的發生,往往危害到人類的生命和財產。我突發奇想的要用一些人類所能觀察到的現象來推測地震的發生,於是我想到或許可以以地震發生時強大的能量,來推估地震的發生。我起初做此研究的時候,發現用通測來測量地面溫度,並非容易 · 由於遙測大都是用來測量海面溫度,要用來測量地面溫度有其困難存在,但經過一連串的修正之後,配合中央氣象局所提供的氣象資料,以能得到準確的資料 · 研究過程中,雖然屢屢發生困難,但都能順利解決,使我自己備感高興。Two years after it happened ‘ the September 21st earthquake still haunts Taiwan. The suddenness of these earthquakes often brings great harm to our lives and property. In this research’ I try to observe some common signs that may warn of earthquakes. I thought it possible to use the massive energy release in earthquakes to predict their happening’ at first ‘ I found that remote sensing surface temperatures is not easy. Because most remote sensing is used for measuring the temperature of ocean surfaces ‘ it is difficult to measure surface temperatures ‘ but after a number of corrections and based on information from the central weather bureau’ it is possible to acquire accurate information. I am glad that all the difficulties in the course of research have been resolved.