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A professor once told me that scientists have already known a lot about vortices, but less about how to tackle with them in here and there cases. As to my mind, this means knowing by halves. As a matter of fact, I gradually found that human may not know more than a dragonfly! A dragonfly flying in a figure of eight pattern does know about Vortices Recycling. The highlight of the experiment is the hovering ability upon a fixed point in the air. Who can stay longer will be the king of Vortices. Sometimes I am not so optimistic about mimicking a fly or a bat, but I am really very interesting in discovering which flying mechanism is more effective,『Fling Mechanism』 or 『In a figure of eight pattern』, if with the same weight and energy? How to implement their mechanism in our flying machine? It is always the best policy to do naturally with vortices. The conservation of vortices is found here and there. Vortex itself is energetic. To gain means to keep. The one who is able to keep vortices will be rewarded. As in life generation and the ability of hovering, the rule follows. Typhoons and tornados still threat us like the beasts. And what’s more, a jumbo-airplane was crashed as beaten by tip vortices of the former airplane. As the dragonflies, the beautiful acrobats of vortices , infuse in tip vortices. Not the strong contradistinction did we realize that it is time for vortices!研究渦旋已經四年。四年之中,涉獵了許多關於渦旋的實驗。當我越了解渦旋,就越佩服那些卓越的昆蟲朋友們,他們可說是調配利用渦旋的大師。從候鳥遷徙的V字型隊伍、海豚的渦旋氣球、到蜻蜓八字型的飛行機制,我很想知道:在一個固定的流場中,到底哪一種運動機制,能最有效率的提供上升的力量?而如何將昆蟲朋友們的高超技術,運用到人類飛行載具上?將是我有興趣的另一項課題。『關於渦旋』是一系列渦旋實驗,目的就是自基礎開始深入了解在地球這樣環境下渦旋的性質。(一)探討基礎的渦旋本質(二)產生相對運動下物體的的渦旋架構(三)物體取得升力和失去升力的要件(四)昆蟲飛行機制探密(五)未來展望與渦旋的運用經過長時間的觀察可以了解到:1、渦旋遵守動量守恆。是以渦旋出現時是成對的2、渦旋是具有能量的。在上升力取得方面,當攻角過大時,渦旋剝離,造成能量的損失;以至於飛行載具失速。而蜻蜓是保有渦旋並加以利用的高手,自然事半功倍。順勢而為,渦旋增強。

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For this research, the nocturnal perching habits of the lizard, Japalura Polygonata Xantbostona, were examined. Nighttime observations were made from July 2002 to March 2003 in the area along the mountain brook in the south valley of the King-Mien Mountain in Nei-Hu District. The study comprised a series of analysis with discussion of the lizard’s (Japalura Polygonata Xantbostona) perch based on the temperature of living environment and the manner of perch including the dissimilarity between male and female, adults and juvenile lizards in selecting their perch conditions. During the period of study 452 lizards were marked and examined. 163 were female, 168 were male, and 121 were young lizards. The study considered four particulars: (1) orientation, (2) angle, (3) manner of perch, and (4) height of the perch above ground. As for the orientation, most of the lizards chose to perch in an inward (towards the tree) and in an upward direction; the angle of perch was mainly within 1°~ 45° and slanted to 180°. Second, the manner of perch chosen by most of the lizards was holding the stem or trunk by arms. All four groups of lizards exhibited no difference in the orientation, angle and manner of perch. However, male lizards tended to perch at a greater height above ground than the female and juvenile lizards did. The study produced other findings as well: A tendency correlation curve was plotted showing that temperature related with the number of lizards taking perch, and from the curve the optimal temperature of the living environment was determined to be approximately within the range of 19° ~24°. Additionally, there was a relationship between temperature of living environment and the size of lizard and the number of lizards taking perch. A further positive relationship was observed between temperature and the height of perch above ground. Also, the study showed an apparent positive relationship between the temperature of sample living area and the snout-vent length(SVL) of the lizard. Finally, the Japalura Polygonata Xantbostona tended to take their nocturnal perches within a rather fixed home range. 本研究由2002 年7 月至2003 年3 月,於臺北市內湖區金面山南麓溪谷進行黃口攀蜥夜 晚停棲策略研究,以溫度和各項停棲行為進行來分析探討,包括黃口攀蜥的成幼蜥、雌雄蜥 停棲選擇上的差異。 研究期間,共標記到452 隻攀蜥,其中雌蜥163 隻、雄蜥168 隻、幼蜥121 隻。將停棲 的情況分為方向、角度、停棲型態、離地高度四項來分析,在方向上多以朝內、向上為主; 角度多以小角度的1°~45°及180°為主;在停棲型式多以環抱莖枝為主。進一步分析成幼蜥、 雌雄蜥不論在方向、角度、停棲型式的選擇上皆無差異。離地高度的部分則以成蜥及雄蜥的 停棲高度較高;以溫度分析黃口攀蜥的成幼蜥出現停棲隻次、停棲高度、出現停棲攀蜥體型 的相關性,溫度對出現停棲隻次可以做出趨勢相關曲線,估算攀蜥的停棲有一最適宜溫度範 圍約在19~24℃間;溫度與其停棲高度呈現正相關性;每次測得樣區溫度與出現停棲攀蜥平 均吻肛長有顯著的正相關。而黃口攀蜥夜晚婷棲時則會傾向於較固定的範圍內。

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