
Design of a Reflexology System

Many people suffer from aches all over their bodies, whether be it through an injury, inherited features or certain forms of diseases. Going to see a therapist or a specialist can be time consuming and extremely costly. Which is why we’ve decided to develop an automatic system capable of relieving pain in certain areas of the body, all through using reflexology: a form of therapy used to access most of the body using certain parts in the legs, hands and ears. The problematic this project revolves around is that a high percentage of the world’s population don’t know what to do when they feel aches, as they are oblivious to easy and simple massage techniques. Thus, they will resort to taking therapist appointments which most have neither the time nor the money for. Our main focus in this project is developing a system that will help decrease the amount of pain people feel in certain areas, mainly the sinus, the back and also relieving some forms of stress. Our device will function by performing massage on pre-determined parts in the foot; the system will also be automatic meaning it will bring comfort to the user without them ever doing any effort, all at the push of a button or through a remote command from their mobile phones. Our system will also be much cheaper than going to a therapist and a lot faster and more comfortable. To conclude our system offers a modernized version of a therapy technique that has been improved upon and perfected over the years, relieving back pains, sinus pains, stress and many forms of body aches all through our easy to use reflexology system.

Powerless Shack Cooler

Purpose of Project: To save energy and to help the underprivileged with a cooler that uses no electricity to make their lives better. Procedure/method followed: STEP 1: Collected 28, used, 2 litre plastic bottles. STEP 2: Chose the window with the best wind flow. Measured the size of the window and the room chosen. STEP 3: A sturdy thick polystyrene board was cut to the size of the window. Holes were drilled to the rim size of the bottles spacing them according to the body size of the bottles. STEP 4: Bottles were cut in half. STEP 5: The bottle necks were slid through the holes with the necks open to the inside of the room and the bodies open to the outside. STEP 6: Fixed a thermometer in the room and measured the temperature and recorded it. STEP 7: Fixed the Powerless Shack Cooler with the necks of the bottles open to the inside and the bodies open to the outside of the room. STEP 8: The temperature variation was checked and recorded every 30 minutes for 3 hours. STEP 9: Another room of the same size and window was also chosen. Fixed a thermometer and temperature variation was checked and recorded every 30 minutes for 3 hours. This served as the control of the experiment. Data/results: The room temperature decreased over time inside the room where the Powerless Shack Cooler was installed onto the window. But the control room maintained the initial room temperature although slight fluctuations in the room temperature were observed over time. Conclusion: The hypothesis was supported. As the air molecules moved through the bottles, it bounced off each other, and off the walls of the container, holding the air. A small volume of air passed at a high velocity. When the molecules moved faster the collision became more often. These collisions and the push increased air pressure. When the container’s space was getting smaller, the molecules picked up speed and the temperature went up. When the air was released out into the room, the volume suddenly expanded. The intermolecular spaces became larger; so less agitation and vibration of molecules took place. The molecules moved slowly. The room temperature reduced. Air inside the room became cooler. During the adiabatic expansion, air molecules used heat energy from the room and converted it into kinetic energy for faster movement.


陸域草食性動物的眼居於頭兩側,有較寬的單眼視野以便於逃避攻擊;而肉食性動物的眼居於頭前方,立體視覺較佳,有較好的距離感以捕捉獵物。我們利用Geogebra軟體分析台灣33種蝌蚪頭部影像資料,定位出每種蝌蚪眼睛的相對位置,並以數學幾何方式描繪眼睛的視野範圍。 我們發現蝌蚪眼睛位置可依兩眼距離分為“側位”(23%)、“背側位”(67%)及“背位”(10%) 三種型態。側位兩眼距較大,背位兩眼距較小。蝌蚪眼睛視野則可分為“前視型”(42%)及“側視型”(58%) 二種型態,前視型雙眼視覺區較大,側視型視野範圍較廣。我們將眼睛位置與視野範圍的數據與蝌蚪的棲息環境、食性種類及演化分類等進行相關分析,結果發現:1.眼睛位置與棲息環境有相關,棲息越接近水面,為「側位」;棲息越接近水底或是密閉空間,為「背位」。2.視野範圍與食性種類有相關, 肉食性蝌蚪雙眼視覺角度較大,濾食性整體視野較廣。3.眼睛型態與物種演化關係大部分相符合,同一屬且生態棲位相似者,蝌蚪眼睛型態會相似,如台灣狹口蛙科Microhyla屬4種蝌蚪都是側位型;樹蛙科Kurixalus屬的3種蝌蚪都是背位型;但有些例外,如面天樹蛙眼位與同屬艾氏樹蛙不同,可能與生態棲位不同,而演化成不同的眼位有關。


本研究採用受試者內實驗法進行設計,以2*2*2=3個因子(糖分*刺激口味*咀嚼時間),加上2次不同時間咀嚼運動與對照組,一共有11次實驗。每次實驗量測短期記憶與短期工作記憶共6種題項,並透過心律變異器、簡單的腦波偵測儀與問卷調查,瞭解咀嚼口香糖對於情緒放鬆的影響。 研究結果發現:咀嚼無糖口香糖對於數字廣度記憶有較佳的效果,反倒是咀嚼有糖薄荷口香糖時,則數字廣度記憶效果最差,甚至比單純咀嚼運動或對照組來得差。其次,在情緒放鬆上,受試者都認為咀嚼有糖薄荷口香糖,其糖分的味覺與薄荷的嗅覺有助於放鬆情緒,但透過心律變異器量測交感神經活性指數與副交感神經活性指數,反倒是增加緊張與焦慮的情緒。其次,從記憶力與心律變異結果得知-有糖分的口香糖會使得情緒較為緊繃與無法鬆懈,因此導致記憶力也跟著有降低的趨勢。但如果經過咀嚼15分鐘後,再進行記憶力量測時,其情緒較為輕鬆而記憶力也有所提升。 咀嚼口香糖對於記憶與情緒並沒有太大改變增加,因此,本研究建議如果真的有咀嚼口香糖習慣的人,可咀嚼15到20分鐘再進行相關工作,如此將有稍顯幫助工作績效。但咀嚼有糖分與刺激口味的口香糖,可能會造成反效果。

獵能系統與整流天線(Energy harvesting with rectenna system)

從資訊革命後,為了使資訊更快速地傳遞,無線電波已成為我們生活上無法割捨的一部分。無論身處何處,我們日常生活已被無線區域網路(WLAN)、廣播以及蜂巢式行動通信基地台(Cell site),甚至包括變壓器和日光燈管等所釋放各種各式波段及能量的無線電波包圍,但由於這些電波並非無時無刻地在通訊,以及基地台並非隨時都處於高負載狀態,加上其服務對象可能僅處於基地台覆蓋範圍之某一區域,因此無法被完全地利用,而損失了需多能量。有鑑於此,我們希望設計一組結合天線及整流器之整流天線(Rectenna -rectifying antenna)為主體之獵能系統(Energy Harvesting System),以環境中的電磁波訊號作為我們獵能的目標,收集未被利用之電波後轉換為直流電(DC)。目前實驗初步成果對於環境中之無線電獵能平均電壓可達474毫伏,最高峰可達1330毫伏。未來可應用於擁有低功耗特點之物聯網(IOT)裝置上,在顧及環保節能的同時,達到自我供電的目的。




本實驗主要是透過及程式模擬分析,探討變形之阿特午機 在一般狀況下及過渡期 的運動過 程。透實驗,我們找出不同的初始條件對於運動結果影響 ,如質量比、繩長 等。我們透過實驗和數值分析建構變形之阿特午機的模型 。因為 摩擦力和空氣阻對於運動 的影響皆不可忽略,因此 我們 也設計阿特午機和鉛直圓周運動的 實驗以求出兩個影響因素參數, 並將其結果統整於理論分析中。這份研究有助我們了解力學的過程目前我們 也正在進行更詳細的數值分析, 我們也希望能在之 後將變形之阿特午機的理論與實驗結 果合,預測不同變因的實驗結果。


本研究透過測量美洲蟑螂(Periplaneta americana)後足反射之程度與耗時等參數,探討中樞神經系統中各神經節在後足反射所扮演的角色。我們發現腦神經節對於反射作用有抑制與整合的效應,前胸神經節會增強反射,而後足的反射中樞位於中胸神經節與後胸神經節,腹部神經節則會抑制反射。本研究以電池座、釘書針與網路攝影機等簡單器材觀察、量化昆蟲足部反射運動,可推廣成國中生物中「反射」相關課程之行為觀察的探討活動。此外本研究也透過步足肌肉的肌肉電位圖(electromyography, EMG)記錄,證實了腦神經節在步足反射過程中具有調控功能。本研究的成果可應用在仿生醫療上,有助於術後復健或輔具製造的相關研究。




本研究以熱激活化延遲螢光(Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence, TADF)材料之第三代有機發光二極體(OLED)為主軸,利用吖啶(acridine)作為電子予體、間位及臨位之雙CN苯環(phenylene, Ph)為電子受體,透過有機合成製備DMAC-m2CNPh及DMAC-o2CNPh分子。此外,我們檢測發現DMAC-o2CNPh具有極高的外部量子效率,並將此分子結合透明電極,經由熱蒸鍍製作出透明有機發光元件,探討元件的放光效率及應用性。本研究製作出吸光波長在可見光範圍外的分子,因此蒸鍍在透明基板上後可製作出透明的有機發光元件。將研究成果能應用在生活中,如展示櫥窗顯示新聞、汽車玻璃作為顯示器等,以期能夠提升生活的便利性及運用性。