

我們每天的生活都離不開手機、電腦、電視等產品,因此藍光對眼睛造成的影響是所有人都會遇到的問題。本計劃希望能利用人眼對於不同顏色的敏感度,在人眼感知範圍內減少螢幕的藍光強度,以降低電子產品對眼睛帶來的負擔及傷害,同時維持螢幕畫面的正常顯色。市面上現有的方法除了成本較高,也都會使螢幕畫面變得昏暗; 若為了維持顯色的自然,則成效便會受到限制。本專題根據人眼對於色度的最小可覺差,參考基於麥克亞當橢圓的顏色差異計算方式,分別算出不同色彩空間上看起來相同的顏色關係表,並將螢幕上的顏色換為色差無法察覺且藍色強度較低的顏色,最後以手持式光譜儀量測螢幕輸 出的藍光強度驗證成效。與現行市面上的抗藍光方法相比,除了成本大幅降低以外,也能維持顯示器的正常顯色。未來希望能推廣至所有 LED 螢幕電子產品,並為色盲色弱患者設計不同色度感知能力的最佳調整方式。

Hay Aliens

The purpose of my project was to prove if the seeds of invasive plants are spread throughout the Peace region in hay harvested by local farmers. Invasive plants are so dangerous because they adapt to their environment fast and some of them can cause harm to both animals and humans. Within a year they can completely wipe the ecosystem out of native plants. Many invasive plants are either poisonous or can affect the systems of the animals body’s. I collected 22 hay samples from local farms around the North Peace region. I conducted a survey to help collect information about the samples. A pretest was conducted to determine which of two homemade sifters (one with three layers of decreasing size wire mesh, and one with 6 layers of materials with larger size holes) was the best for sifting through hay. I was able to determine that the larger sifter was easier for sifting hay. I sifted through all 22 samples with the larger sifter. I individually looked through each layer and removed what I believed to be seeds. Each seed was individually bagged, labeled, and photographed through a microscope. After each seed was photographed they were planted to help identify the seeds. I contacted a seed specialist. I was able to send him the images of my seeds. He helped me to identify my findings. I removed a total of 5568 potential seeds in my 22 samples. Out of all the potential seeds found 628 seeds were invasive. All invasive plants identified either cause pain to animals or they easily over take the native plants.

口腔清潔-牙周致病菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis)對癌細胞生長之探討

牙周致病菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis)普遍分布於大部分人的口腔中,而牙周致病菌的熱休克蛋白GroEL在先前研究指出與牙周病和發炎有關;再者,研究證實了牙周病和癌症的相關,但尚未證實GroEL是否會增強腫瘤的增生。本研究藉此探討GroEL與腫瘤增生的相關性。結果顯示,小鼠被施打GroEL後,腫瘤體積明顯增加,死亡率也上升,並且血液中血管內皮前驅細胞的含量也增加,免疫組織染色法的結果也呈現出施打較高量之GroEL會使腫瘤內有較多血管的分佈;雞胚蛋的實驗中,更證實了GroEL會增加血管的生成。總結上述結果,推論P. gingivalis的GroEL會增加癌細胞的生長速度,而其機制可能來自於增加血管內皮前驅細胞的含量,刺激了血管的新生,提供了癌細胞生長的養分。所以口腔清潔,除了消除異味外,更可以預防癌症的發生。

地震與纜車的邂逅 Monitoring the Seismic Reduction and Vibration Resistance of Cable Car



本研究作品所探討的主題是披薩定理的延伸,在外擺線中的心臟線上,以尖點為定點,過此定點切若干刀,使每一組相鄰割線夾角皆相同,討論兩人依逆時針序輪流拿取的區塊面積和的關係,並討論其切割的刀數n(n≧2, n∈N )與線段長的k(k∈Z )次方和的關係。根據先前科展作品(參考文獻一)的猜測,我們也證明了有關圓的分割線段長k次方和關係。

微型氫氧光電燃料電池之特性探究及應用 Assembly, Characterization and the Application of Sustainable Solar Powered Micro-type Fuel Cell

本研究之目的為製成低汙染的永續氫氧燃料電池。首先,將電極與電解液最佳化。以石墨棒及0.1M Na2SO4的組合最具優勢,可達到2.0V。進一步'將電池微型化,製成AA電池尺寸。而後,將1M界面活性劑BKC添加於電解液,使氫氧氣泡附著於電極,提高電壓穩定性。為了加強氣體使用效率,再加入質子交換膜。提升電壓與穩定性後,再以氫氧焰燃燒法與RF濺鍍法製造氧化亞銅做為光電材料,利用光能電解,分別製成第一代到第五代微型氫氧光電燃料電池。此燃料永續氫氧光電燃料電池不但成本低、效率高;低汙染,且可持續產生2.2V的高穩定電壓。

Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): Black Mustard Seeds

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is an RNA virus, which is considered the main cause of progressive chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide. The number of the patients who are infected with this sleeping virus is increasing rapidly every year, as the unsuitability of the current therapy – interferon α and ribavirin – for most of the genotypes is the main cause of these high rates. Hence, the recent researches are focusing on finding out a new immunotherapy to affect this virus. In this research work, Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) has been used as powdered spice samples to prepare aqueous extracts; One of the included phytochemicals in the black mustard; glucosinolates and their hydrolysis products, was proposed to be used for the HCV patients to prevent the virus progression. Also, the Isothiocyanates are shown with chemotherapeutic and anti-tumor properties. Moreover, some of the structure-related isothiocyanates have the ability to induce the enzyme paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) that is considered hepato-protective agent against liver impairment, inflammation, fibrosis and liver disease mediated by monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and is thought to affect the entry of the virus into the hepatocytes. The effect of the black mustard and the produced myrosinase enzyme on the HCV RNA replication is still unknown. In conclusion, the black mustard is thought to affect the progression and the fluidity of the HCV envelope resulting in impairment of viral binding and fusion.

星系演化? 剖析巡天資料庫驗證星系顏色與紅移關係

透過研讀論文Strateva et al. (2001;簡稱S01),開啟了我們對於星系的星等、星色考量紅移情況下之關係的興趣,並展開以下研究。S01利用Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)所提供的測光數據,首次依據顏色u*-r*,將星系解析為偏紅以及偏藍兩個族群。本研究藉由SDSS最新提供的光譜資料進一步取得精確紅移數據,經由 K-correction復原靜止坐標系中各星系的星色,並可透過距離模數消除距離對於星系亮度的影響。因此,本研究得以分辨出兩類星系族群的紅移演化。我們發現紅移效應和星系本質的特性對於 r*<17.77且z<0.3的星系有顯著的影響。在研究目標範圍內,兩類星系族群皆沒有發現紅移演化對於顏色的影響。本研究也與 S01作比較,討論了分析中可能的誤差來源。


The continued growth of dairy farming in NZ and the move toward keeping cows on stand-off pads has seen a major increase in two significant waste streams, the wood fibre that is scrapped off the surface of the standing pads and the effluent that is now concentrated at the site of these pads. In combination these waste streams offer the farmer an opportunity to recycle valuable nutrients back into the soil as an up-valued soil conditioner. This investigation explores vermicomposting as a tool to efficiently manage these two significant waste streams. Sludge was removed from a settling pond and mixed with a range of carbon products that are recommended by Dairy NZ for use in stand-off pads: wood chips, post peeling, sawdust and also wood shavings (used in calf sheds). The wood fibre/sludge mixtures were assessed on their acceptability to tiger worms (Eisenia fetida) by measuring the pH of the mixture and seeing if they corresponded with the preferred pH for tiger worms. The vertical spatial distribution of tiger worms was measured over a period of 15 days and the rate at which the worms moved into the different mixtures was assessed. The worm mass before and after this 15 day period was also measured to ascertain the mixtures’ ability to support worm growth. Finally, different ratios of sludge and post peelings removed from a calf shed were used in a choice chamber experiment to establish the worms’ preference. Tiger worms were used throughout the investigation as they represent the worm species most widely used in vermicomposting in New Zealand. Tiger worms feed on decomposing organic matter, bacteria and fungi in the upper organic horizon of soil. All of the unused wood fibre and dairy sludge tested lay within the acceptable pH range for tiger worms. Wood fibre exposed to large amounts of urine ie calf shed post peelings, that lie outside the acceptable range can be favourably adjusted with the addition of dairy sludge. All the particle sizes of the wood fibre tested were found to be acceptable to tiger worms and capable of supporting increase in their body mass beyond that of the compost. Due to the observation that the worms did not integrate themselves as fully in sawdust as the other fibres tested it is recommended that further investigation should be carried out before sawdust is used for vermicomposting. While a comparison of the average worm density in each mixture may indicate a preference for post peelings this cannot be statistically proven and more trials are recommended. The preferred ratio within the limits that were tested is 1:3 calf shed post peelings to sludge (41% dry weight). Vermicomposting can therefore be recommended as a possible onsite technology to process the twin waste streams of wood fibre and effluent generated by dairy farms. The next step would be to implement medium scale field trials with a continuous windrow system, testing resulting compost for its nutrient content and then comparing this output to that of current practises

Exclusion Zone Water現象的探討

Exclusion zone water現象係指在水溶液中膠體粒子等大型溶質無法靠近多種親水性表面,形成數十到數百微米厚的「空乏區」,簡稱為EZ。目前提出的理論認為此處形成了特殊結構水,然而我們的實驗使用磁珠卻可穿入EZ區,發現不符原理論預測。因此我們提出EZ是由擴散滲流 (diffusiosmosis) 與擴散泳 (diffusiophoresis) 綜合造成的想法來解釋。我們設計了一些實驗,觀測溶液中EZ大小變化、膠體粒子流場與離子濃度梯度等,皆符合預期並成功證實我們的想法。應用此研究結果,可發展新的溶質過濾萃取方式,或利用離子交換產生的流場作為新的發電方式。