

傳統光學玻璃透鏡的焦距和倍率都是固定,改變倍率必須靠多重透鏡組和改\r 變鏡組距離。可變倍率透鏡則在單一透鏡中具有多重倍率,可讓光學器材簡單輕\r 巧。我使用高彈性薄膜和高折射率液體,進行可變倍率液體透鏡的設計、分析和\r 製作,並不斷地改進,讓其達到輕薄化、微小化及低成本的特性。同時我推導出\r 液體透鏡之各種理論焦距與倍率,找出倍率與液量之關係,並以實驗驗證。\r 而像差是液體透鏡很難解決的問題。我透過電腦模擬和分析,建立減少液體\r 透鏡像差的方法,並以實驗驗證此方法的可行性。研究中也設計發展出多項應用,\r 包括成像教具、生物觀察器、非接觸式測距器、內視鏡、可調兩段式聰明眼鏡,\r 對教學、日常應用、醫療保健等,都提供相當大的幫助。


本研究嘗試以沒有經濟價值之農業廢棄物,經由化學反應轉換為氫能源,並藉由化工程序來達到連續製程。 我們用爛掉的香蕉為基質,從校園及生活周遭的環境尋找產氫微生物,發現可生產氫氣之微生物隨處可得。在培養溫度35℃下,選擇不同濃度之基質,發現基質濃度與產氫量成正比,且產氫微生物適合在弱酸(約pH=5.5)環境中生長。 以此條件進行連續式反應,當反應槽體積為700ml時,經過26小時後,槽內基質消耗殆盡,此時開始連續進料,當進料流速為138毫升/小時,則水力停留時間為11.67小時,產氫量為5.43升/天,最後連接氫燃料電池,可得到連續產生的電能。另外本實驗也以爛木瓜進行批次反應,同樣也能獲得氫氣。 經由實驗結果可得知,利用農業廢棄物為基質,可運用化工程序發展為連續產氫製程,且應用於實務上,能提升全球環保的概念,我們期待能開創一個能取代「碳經濟」的「氫經濟」。


本研究主要在探討骨牌脈波在傳遞時的速度變化,並比較在不同的骨牌和不同的排列方式下骨牌的終端速度有何種差異;同時也研究骨牌在鏈鎖反應下能量的放大現象。觀察後發現單列骨牌脈波在傳遞一段距離後,由於空氣阻力的影響,脈波將會達到一終端速度,此終端速度與骨牌高度成反比,而與骨牌質量平方成正比。骨牌的脈波傳遞在鏈鎖反應下仍有一終端速度,但大於單列之骨牌脈波速,且鏈鎖反應具有放大推力之功能。由我們的研究可預測一列物體傾倒時所花費時間和所能達到之終端速度,而鏈鎖反應可比擬為一雷射模型能量集中和釋放的機制,相信可利用骨牌儲存能量的機制應用於需迅速釋能的機械中 This research is mainly discussing the changing of velocity of a domino pulse, and comparing the terminal velocity of various kinds of dominos and arresting modules. Also we focus on the energy-enlarging fact of chain-reaction of domino series. We found that after running a distance, the pulse of a single-series domino will finally reach a terminal velocity by the friction force of air. The terminal velocity will inversely proportion to the height of a single domino, and will proportion to the square of mass of a single domino. During a chain-reaction, the pulse still has a terminal velocity, but it is higher than the terminal velocity of a single series domino .The chain-reaction has an ability to enlarge the original force, too. By the research, we are able to predict the time interval and the terminal velocity while a series of objects are falling. On the other hand, the chain reaction is similar with mechanism of energy concentration and emission of LASER. We also believe that this mechanism is able to explain and apply to those machines which need to release energy rapidly.


The results of the thermal diffusion experimental show that the separation efficient\r increases with increasing ΔT, but decreases with increasing Q at C0 constant. When\r Q is kept constant, the efficient of change ΔT are small, and the maximum at C0 about\r 545 mg/L. The purification efficient of raw water for thermal diffusion is low.\r And it is high energy consumption, difficult operation, and high costs. So the potential\r of the application is low. Therefore, the vertical circulatory laminar flow apparatus\r was developed in this study. And the separation equation of this apparatus was also\r set up. The results of vertical circulatory laminar flow experimental show that\r the efficient increase with increasing V, and the optimum conditions are at about\r Q= 1.05 L/min, C0=800±50 mg/L, and V=26 cm/min. The separation efficient of the\r vertical circulatory laminar flow apparatus is higher than thermal diffusion apparatus.\r And its energy consumption and costs are low, and easy to operate. Since all interior\r moveable plates have two operation sides, so the multiple channel apparatus is application.\r Therefore, the multiple channel apparatus can treat large amount raw water and has\r low costs. The efficient of the experimental all are better than the theoretical\r values that may due to: (1)the assumed partical diameter is too small,(2)the flow\r is not real laminar flow, and (3)the end-side effect is not considerate. \r 熱擴散實驗結果顯示在固定C0下,分離成效隨ΔT增加而增高,但隨進料流率增加而降低。在固定ΔT下,分離效率亦隨進料流率增加而降低。固定進料流率下,增加ΔT對分離效果的影響不大,以C0=545±10\r mg/L時,顯現出最佳成效。採用熱擴散裝置雖對降低原水中之懸浮微粒含量效果有限,且能源需求高,造成高成本和操作複雜,不具實用潛力。為提高分離原水微粒之成率,以及簡化操作與降低成本,本研究開發垂直旋轉帶裝置來製造出上下循環水流,並導出水流與微粒於其中之流速分布式,以及頂部、底部出口之微粒濃度計算式。垂直循環轉帶實驗結果,顯示提高V值有助於降低Ct/Cb比值;Q=\r 1.05 L/min左右、C0=800±50 mg/L下與V在26 cm/min左右,均有較低之Ct/Cb比值。垂直旋轉帶裝置分離成效明顯優於熱擴散裝置,且設備簡單、能源需求低與操作容易。由於旋轉帶之兩面均可以做為移動平板,因此不僅可以用來處理大量之高濁度原水,也能更具經濟效益。由理論與實驗結果之比較,顯示理論成效較實驗差,探討其原因可能是:(1)平均粒徑之假設值偏低、(2)流場並非全然以層流流動、(3)兩端終端效應未加考慮等。


本研究的目的在於設計出一機械裝置,使振翅翼的升力比傳統的設計能更有效率的提升,並經由實驗證實此種機械裝置理論的正確性。在觀察有關鳥類飛行過程的錄影帶及尋找鳥類相關的資料且界定欲實驗的種類和現有的能力及資源後,本研究中設計出三種可行的振翅翼機械裝置,並進行在相同風速、相同振翅頻率(每分鐘振翅翼拍動144 下)的條件下,測試在不同振翅翼機械設計條件下的升力系數,在實驗中發現既有而廣泛的應用於玩具上的振翅翼設計與固定面振翅翼的設計,二者在拍打的過程中各有優缺點,而第三種的半活動面振翅翼設計,在拍打時能排除前者的缺失而同時擁有前兩種的優點。此種半活動面振翅翼機械裝置大大的提升了振翅翼的升力,且在設計上與現有的形式差異不大,若能更進一步的在機構上做更精密的改良設計,則將可大大提昇現有振翅機的性能。The study on the flapping wings with various angle of attack and different wing designs have been done. Three types of wing have been examined in a home-build wind tunnel . One is a membrane wing with fixed leading-edge support, the second is a membrane wing with both fixed leading-edge and fixed-web support , the third wing is a membrane wing with fixed leading-edge support and half-free-joint web support , with varions web length and web curvature under different angle of attacks , the wind tunnel testing results show that the half-free-joint web support membrane wing with fixed leading-edge can offer a much higher lift coefficient . It is suggested that the third type wing is the best choice for designing the future flapping wing vehicle.


在機械系統中,物件表面常產生磨損,但重要物件的磨損將會危及系統的操作及安全。本研究建立了表面磨損自動偵測警告系統,該系統包含監測系統、無線射頻資料讀取器、被動式無線射頻識別標籤(tag)、及電磁波隔離層等,並採”故障觸發”之方式運作。亦即在物件之表面下特定深度埋設有被動式無線射頻識別標籤,但該標籤外層覆有一層隔離層可隔絕該射頻資料讀取器之電磁波。 當物件表面尚未被磨損到特定深度前,讀取器之電波無法穿透電磁波隔離層而激發無線射頻識別標籤,因此無法讀到識別標籤之信息,系統將判定物件磨損狀況良好。等該物件過度磨損時,會把該電磁波隔離層磨除掉,使讀取器之電波可激發無線射頻識別標籤,而讀取到識別標籤內含之信息,系統因此可判別哪一個物件已有嚴重磨損之狀況,而自動提出警告信號。由於使用被動式識別標籤及故障觸發方法,本系統具有體積小、免電池、免維護、成本低、誤判率低等優點。測試結果以車輛輪胎的磨損為對象,證實本系統可以即時有效的偵測到車胎之過度磨損,保障行車之安全。

Transformer Robot

Nicholas’s project is a transforming robot, who he has named Reggie. He's about a foot tall and can transform from a biped into a vehicle and vice versa?\r Reggie has been Nick’s project for just under a year now, mainly working on him in technology classes. He operates without physical connection to anything else, so everything he needs from micro controllers to power is stored somewhere on Reggie’s body?\r Reggie is controlled through a programmable Arduino board (programmed in C++) that is connected up to a motor driver, for controlling the two driving motors and an SSC-32 servo controller for controlling the 14 servos via serial port. The Arduino uses the SSC-32 to coordinate the servos movements using pre-programmed sets of movements stored in procedures in order to complete all actions.\r All the parts were produced on a 3D CAD system to begin with, as well as the robot as a whole, although the design did change drastically over the course of its construction and now is considerably different from the original design as there were many problems and complications ranging from space to torque issues that called for a change in design.\r Most of the parts were from the servo erector set from lynx motion, although some of them were used in the way they were intended to and most of them were modified slightly. Some parts Nick manufactured himself either on a rapid prototyping machine, a lathe or milling machine and sometimes a combination of them or even high temperature soldiering?\r Currently Reggie is capable of driving and standing up and is currently radio controlled. He will eventually be capable of walking and modifications to allow him to (such as stronger leg servos) have been made to facilitate that, but it is possible more may have to be made.


The paper is to research the method how to prevent the torque down under the higher rotation of the single cylinder with two stroke’s engine and increasing the engine’s torque oppositely. By the process of adjusting (1)changing the weight and the position of the balance block(2) adjusting the exhausting time of the outlet valve(3)to decrease the weight and structure of the crank itself adequately. it is find that the engine’s torque was increased at the situation of higher rotational engine. After the adjusting of the process we have the following result:(1)at the higher revolution zone of the engine. the torque can be maintained and increased(2)the higher revolute efficiently value can be obtained by the correct adjusting of the exhaust time of the outlet valve without increasing the fuel.本研究主要是探討單汽缸二行程高轉速引擎在高轉速時扭力能延遲下降,使扭力增加。我們是利用二行程引擎高效率的結構和現有空間來提升引擎效能。經(1)改變曲軸配重塊之重量及位子移動 (2)調整引擎排氣時間 (3)適度減輕曲軸重量及結構等三項,改良後證明,確定能使扭力提升,和延伸到較高的轉速區。經過調整程序,可獲下列重要結果:(1)在引擎高轉速時,可增加較大的扭力值 (2)藉由適當的排氣時間調整,在不增加燃油供給條件下,可獲得較高的迴轉效率。

M24WS2 (Multiple Mode 4 Wheel Steering System)

\r The idea for my steering system started from a discussion with my Tech teacher about a wheel the Mechatronics and Robotics Research group of Massey University were working on. It featured precision shaped rollers at 45 degrees to the wheel’s axle. The idea was that with a number of these wheels a vehicle could go in any direction, depending on the rate that each wheel was revolving. \r


本研究(超音波霧化降溫研究)由二實驗組成。實驗一主要針對超音波霧化器(以下簡稱霧化器)之造霧性能進行探討;實驗二則為霧化器之降溫應用。實驗一以改良傳統造霧方式,進而維持最佳造霧效果為主。由於先前的霧化方式是直接放置霧化器於水面,致使最佳霧化水深因霧氣蒸散、水位下降而無法維持;所以在實驗一裡,我們針對霧化器的使用設計一套「漂浮造霧法」:本法運用浮體使霧化器懸於水面,和水面等起伏,使霧化器底部距水面高度不變,藉以維持最佳造霧水深、造霧效果。實驗二乃霧化降溫之探討。本實驗在相同的霧化量下,操縱風速和接觸表面積的差異;利用霧、氣接觸面積與蒸散速率呈正向關係的原理,找出最佳的降溫條件。同時,也期待在兼顧環保的前提下,將之應用於未來開放空間的降溫。The research(Heat Control by Supersonic Vaporization)includes two experiments. One is focused on atomized effect of Supersonic Vaporization(so-called Atomizer); the other is about applying atomizer to temperature decrease. Exp.1 adapts formal way of atomization. Since previous way of atomization is to put atomizer directly on the water, making the change of atomizer’s distance from water as water evaporates, Exp.1 creates a way called “Floating”. In Floating, atomizer is suspended in a float; constantly keeps the bottom of atomizer from same distance from surface of water. Thus, no matter how much volume of water is evaporated, the best depth of water for atomization and also, the best atomized condition, could stay. Exp2 inquires in relation between atomization and temperature decrease. In Exp2, the atomized volume is fixed, while wind speed and air-contact area are mastered elements. By the theory that, “the wider contact area is, the more efficiently water evaporates,” we could manage out the best condition in temperature decrease. In that way, with the theory practiced, this research, considering environmental case, is supposed to be applied to open-air area one day.