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Bio-Circular-Green Superabsorber

As the world has become concerned about the global waste crisis and global warming, there has been a surge of research within materials science to find materials that would replace plastic, such as bioplastics or biodegradable materials, in order to reduce environmental pollution. Plastics generates the microplastics that allowed them to become cross contamination enter the ocean through land, sea and river. Science research found (Lusher et al. (2017)) over 220 species of marine animals ingested microplastic, half of them are considered relevant for commercial purpose and increasing the risk of human consumption as it can induce immune response, oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, alter membrane integrity and cause differential expression of genes. Thailand is also experiencing such a challenge, as seen by the overabundance of plastic waste that might take centuries to decompose. For example, around 1680 million personal hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and tampons are used each year. This study highlights the use of naturally accessible absorbent fibers from malva nut (Scaphium scaphigerum) (G. Don) Guib & Planch.), which is widely available and biodegradable in nature and has a low carbon footprint. This study also aimed to develop natural absorbent pads using compostable spun, external layers, and biodegradable glue. A prototype sanitary napkin with biodegradable absorbent pads was developed and evaluated for absorption ability, absorption rate, pH, and biodegradability. The absorbent material absorbed up to 19 times its weight in 2 minutes and 33 times its weight in 2 hours, which is enough for an average of 80-150 mL of menstrual blood. The prototype napkin deteriorated within 99 days, based on naked eye observation. Some signs of degradation and microorganisms growing on the prototype were also observed from scanning electron microscopic images. According to the findings, natural absorbent pads made from malva nut have the potential to be converted into sanitary napkins. Furthermore, it is proposed that the components, which include superabsorbent renewable materials, spinning compostable layer, external compostable layer and biodegradable glue, may be used in a variety of goods, including adult diaper pants, incontinence pads, and laboratory bench mats.

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Development of an Android Application for Triage Prediction in Hospital Emergency Departments

Triage is the process by which nurses manage hospital emergency departments by assigning patients varying degrees of urgency. While triage algorithms such as the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) have been standardized worldwide, many of them are highly inconsistent, which could endanger the lives of thousands of patients. One way to improve on nurses’ accuracy is to use machine learning models (ML), which can learn from past data to make predictions. We tested six ML models: random forest, XGBoost, logistic regression, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, and multilayer perceptron. These models were tasked with predicting whether a patient would be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), another unit in the hospital, or be discharged. After training on data from more than 30,000 patients and testing using 10-fold cross-validation, we found that all six models outperformed ESI. Of the six, the random forest model achieved the highest average accuracy in predicting both ICU admission (81% vs. 69% using ESI; p<0.001) and hospitalization (75% vs. 57%; p<0.001). These models were then added to an Android application, which would accept patient data, predict their triage, and then add them to a priority-ordered waiting list. This approach may offer significant advantages over conventional triage: mainly, it has a higher accuracy than nurses and returns predictions instantaneously. It could also stand-in for triage nurses entirely in disasters, where medical personnel must deal with a large influx of patients in a short amount of time.

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Susanito, autonomous robot body temperature meter: support to reduce infections in rows

A variant of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV or COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, spreading rapidly around the world. Owing to a plan to reactivate the economy, the Mexican government, requested to implement protective measures to enter establishments with confined spaces: wear a mask, provide alcohol-based hand rub and the measurement of body temperature, allowing problem when not have a fever; however, these measures cause long waiting lines, causing contagion risk. To support this problem, applied and experimental research was used, generating as a result, the creation of a robot that moves autonomously thanks to a line follower sensor. Dispenses alcohol-based hand rub and determines the temperature by means of an infrared sensor, checking that the distance is adequate, with an ultrasonic sensor, using a buzzer that emits a sound of half a second when it performs a normal detection, but, if it is equal to or greater os 38 ° C, emits a sound for 10 seconds asking the person to leave the line and go to a medical service, helping to reduce problems infections in lines

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Preparation of a Specific Detector for Aspergillus Niger in Swimming Pools

Swimming pools are one of the transmission routes of superficial and cutaneous fungal infections. Maintenance of environmental hygiene in different parts of swimming pools is of great importance, especially the hygiene of water (1). The conventional fungal detection methods include direct smear preparation, culture, and pathological examinations. However, these methods are not fast enough or do not have sufficient sensitivity (2). Therefore, the present research introduces a novel method for detecting Aspergillus niger in pool water through creating optimal conditions for this fungus, which leads to the citric acid production by the fungus and pH changes of the related culture medium. Four experiments in 10 steps were performed to find the optimal conditions for fungal growth. According to our results, adding each of the variables sucrose, soy, and ferrous sulfate can lead to favorable results. Moreover, the shaker speed increase and fungal aeration are important. Also, we showed that soybean led to the best results compared to other variables. Considering the obtained results, including the shortened detection duration and cost-effectiveness, this method can be presented to the swimming pool owners and pathobiology laboratories as the method of choice for Aspergillus niger detection.

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本實驗利用竹片導熱性差的天然特性,將奈米金屬顆粒以高壓蒸氣及低壓吸入法嵌入竹片的維管束中,並將NaCl蒸煮滲入竹片組織,形成導電通道,以提升修飾後竹片的電導率。量測實驗發現以氯化鈉及銀奈米顆粒修飾後的竹片,電導率提升達11880倍,而熱導率僅提升10%,可成為常溫範圍熱電材料。NaCl在解離成Na+與Cl-導電率可提升103倍。我們將修飾後的竹片,密封在含水蒸氣的電絕緣小盒中,製作成竹片熱電裝置。LED燈泡發光度實驗,當竹片兩端溫差為45度時,燈泡發光度提升40%,為一熱電流增益放大器。串聯竹片熱電裝置在普魯士藍二次電池充電線路中,以0.015 mA電流充電,發現當竹片兩端溫差為45度時,充電電流提升到0.025 mA,飽和充電時間從原本的12小時,縮短到7小時。

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How do antihypertensive agents decrease the high mortality rate of sepsis and septic shock? (探討抗高血壓藥物如何降低敗血症的致死率)

過去已知敗血症患者使用β受體阻滯劑能有效改善心律、酸鹼參數、降低死亡率,在嚴重敗血症和敗血性休克的急性期,持續使用β受體阻滯劑可降低90天內的死亡率。然而,其中的分子機轉仍不明。我們先前利用健保資料庫進行大數據分析並以動物實驗驗證,發現β受體阻滯劑中的atenolol能顯著減少敗血症的致死率。此研究中,我們以LPS (脂多糖) 作為敗血症誘導劑,並利用西方墨點法及逆轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應等生物技術,來探討其中可能的保護機轉,結果發現atenolol可減緩肺部上皮細胞的EMT (上皮間質轉換)及先天免疫巨噬細胞的過度活化。因此,atenolol似乎能減緩LPS造成肺部的傷害,未來有望應用至臨床,以克服敗血症所造成的高死亡率。

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A.N.T.s: Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System in Automated Warehouses

According to CNN Indonesia 2020, the demand for e-Commerce in Indonesia has nearly doubled during this pandemic. This surge in demand calls for a time-efficient method for warehouse order-picking. One approach to achieve that goal is by incorporating automation in their warehouse systems. Globally, the market of warehouse robotics is expected to reach 12.6 billion USD by 2027 (Data Bridge Market Research, 2020). In this research, the warehouse system studied would utilize AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) to lift and deliver movable shelf units to the packing station where workers are at. This research designed a heuristic algorithm called A.N.T.s (Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System) to conduct task assigning and pathfinding for AMR in the automated warehouse. The warehouse layout was drawn as a two-dimensional map in grids. When an order is placed, A.N.T.s would assign the task to a robot that would require the least amount of time to reach the target shelf. A.N.T.s then conducted pathfinding heuristically using Manhattan Distance. A.N.T.s would help the robot to navigate its way to the target shelf unit, lift the shelf and bring it to the designated packing station. A.N.T.s algorithm was tested in various warehouse layouts and with a varying number of AMRs. Comparison against the commonly used Djikstra’s algorithm was also conducted (Shaikh and Dhale, 2013). Results show that the proposed A.N.T.s algorithm could execute 100 orders in a 27x23 layout with five robots 9.96 times faster than Dijkstra with no collisions. The algorithm is also shown to be able to help assign tasks to robots and help them find short paths to navigate their ways to the shelf units and packing stations. A.N.T.s could navigate traffic to avoid deadlocks and collisions in the warehouse with the aid of lanes and directions.

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目前水冷散熱系統普遍應用在電腦CPU降溫中,雖然水的「比熱容」比空氣及大部分介質都高,但因水冷散熱系統內冷卻液的熱量,最終仍靠風扇送到機殼外,故CPU之最低溫度仍存在一個臨界值。本研究旨在對於「一體式」與「分離式」電腦水冷散熱系統及「熱電致(製)冷晶片」(Thermoelectric Cooling Module)結合進行模組開發設計,將此兩類相關元件搭配結合,以突破傳統水冷式散熱所無法降達的溫度。本研究將「致(製)冷晶片」之致冷端及水冷系統作結合,利用致冷端作為吸收CPU主要熱量,結果發現:與單純只利用風扇將熱量帶走的方式相比,本研究所開發之『第一代』一體式散熱模組與『第二代』分離式散熱模組皆成功地將頂級CPU之工作溫度再壓低,使電腦工作效率維持在最佳範圍。

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本研究源於 2016 年數學雜誌 Crux Mathematicorum 的一個三角形定性問題[1],我們將這個問題進行推廣且創新探討其定量與定性性質。我們先討論任意三角形與任意凸四邊形、凹四邊形,分別針對不同連線情形下的兩個衍伸圖形的有向面積之和與有向面積之差進行完整討論,再巧妙利用平移不變性處理行列式級數和,最後給出一般化的不變量關係式與刻劃其幾何意義。此外,我們也特殊化探討其衍伸圖形恆為正三角形、正方形等有趣優美的定性性質。最後,系統性推廣到平面上任意封閉的凸四邊形、凹多邊形,先給出不同連線方式之間的重要輪換對稱性質,再分為奇多邊形與偶多邊形進行討論而得出任意連線構造的衍伸圖形之有向面積不變量的一般式。

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Inhibitory effects of the secondary metabolite of actinomycete were examined on cell cycle of the yeasts of S. pombe and S. cerevisiae. The secondary metabolite was obtained from cultivation of the actinomycete isolated from the soil of Owakudani in Hakone, Japan. The fifth fraction of the secondary metabolite by ODS column separation (HK-T5), which was soluble to pure methanol, was used in the present experiments. The HK-T5 brought about the delay of forming colonies of S. pombe for about 11 days compared to that cultivated without the HK-T5. The delay of the colony formation was longer for the S. pombe cultivated with more amount of the HK-T5. The cultivation with HK-T5 also brought about the extension of the lifespan of the S. pombe for more than 10 weeks in a liquidus medium. The cell life recovered the ordinary manner by removal of the HK-T5, meaning that the activities of the HK-T5 is reversible. These facts confirm the suppression of cell cycle, and the delay of cell growth by the HK-T5. These phenomena were similarly observed for S. cerevisiae. Comparison of the action of HK-T5 with hydroxyurea, which is an anticancer drug inhibiting the cell cycle at S phase, clarified that the inhibitory action of HK-T5 worked at the phase earlier than S phase. The combined effects of HK-T5 on the cell cycle were evaluated with triamcinolone acetonide (TA), or aspirin, the former of which is a drug synchronizing cancer cells in S phase, and the latter keeping human cells in G1/G0 phases. The combined use of HK-T5 with TA synchronized the cells at the phase slightly proceeding from G1 to S phase without toxicity. On the other hand, the combined use with aspirin made the inhibitory effect of HK-T5 inactive. Hence, the HK-T5 is attractive as a drug for the extension of cell lifespan, and anticancer therapy.

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A.N.T.s: Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System in Automated Warehouses

According to CNN Indonesia 2020, the demand for e-Commerce in Indonesia has nearly doubled during this pandemic. This surge in demand calls for a time-efficient method for warehouse order-picking. One approach to achieve that goal is by incorporating automation in their warehouse systems. Globally, the market of warehouse robotics is expected to reach 12.6 billion USD by 2027 (Data Bridge Market Research, 2020). In this research, the warehouse system studied would utilize AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) to lift and deliver movable shelf units to the packing station where workers are at. This research designed a heuristic algorithm called A.N.T.s (Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System) to conduct task assigning and pathfinding for AMR in the automated warehouse. The warehouse layout was drawn as a two-dimensional map in grids. When an order is placed, A.N.T.s would assign the task to a robot that would require the least amount of time to reach the target shelf. A.N.T.s then conducted pathfinding heuristically using Manhattan Distance. A.N.T.s would help the robot to navigate its way to the target shelf unit, lift the shelf and bring it to the designated packing station. A.N.T.s algorithm was tested in various warehouse layouts and with a varying number of AMRs. Comparison against the commonly used Djikstra’s algorithm was also conducted (Shaikh and Dhale, 2013). Results show that the proposed A.N.T.s algorithm could execute 100 orders in a 27x23 layout with five robots 9.96 times faster than Dijkstra with no collisions. The algorithm is also shown to be able to help assign tasks to robots and help them find short paths to navigate their ways to the shelf units and packing stations. A.N.T.s could navigate traffic to avoid deadlocks and collisions in the warehouse with the aid of lanes and directions.

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