



由於台灣山區溪流短小陡急,土石流災害嚴重,透過式防砂壩攔阻工法為現\r 今之趨勢,而帄面透水柵具有一般透過式壩的優點,不但能將土石流轉化為水砂\r 流,還可以減低土石流衝擊力造成的損壞及改善上游儲砂空間不足的問題。本研\r 究採用改良式帄面柵,在下游處增設分流河道,可改善分離出之細顆粒土砂水與\r 大礫石再度結合之危險。此工法於2003 年引進台灣後,尚未廣泛應用,主要原因\r 為缺乏設計之經驗式,因此本研究針對透水柵的柵棒長度(L/ Dmax)、棒淨間距\r (b/ Dmax)、柵面架設方式、柵面篩分角度(θ)等多項重要因子進行室內渠槽\r 試驗,最後提出土砂篩分比與攔阻率的趨勢方程式,設計時以總攔阻率(R)高為\r 原則,輔以篩分比(S)與貯砂率(R1)高,即可有良好之成效,期望能作為國內\r 外現場工程施做時之參考,結果如下所示。


在上了基礎地球科學之後,我們更加關心所處的環境。我們想要了解地球暖化的趨勢是如何?各緯度地區的暖化程度有著怎樣的差異?我們至各國網站搜尋氣象站的原始資料,並利用Microsoft Excel作數據分析。我們比較了不同緯度區域的升溫現象,並找出各測站數十年來暖化程度隨時間的變化。結論與我們以前所認知的事實-地球正在迅速暖化,有著一段差距。有些地方的氣溫長期趨勢是上升,近十年的狀況卻是下降;有些地方的氣溫一直穩定而持續的上升;更有些地方的冬季越來越熱,夏季越來越冷,年溫差越來越小。我們發現,就我們主要研究的東亞島國來說,暖化的幅度其實並沒有影片「正負2℃」所說的那麼大。


政府最近公佈在東沙群島設立第一個國家海洋公園,顯示國人重視海洋資源的保育與復育;但是東沙島特殊的自然景觀「會擺動的沙嘴」—龍擺尾,卻因興建八座消波塊構築的突堤而消散停擺。本研究以一個高中生的觀點,設計及進行一系列的模型實驗,探討東沙島的形成機制、各種環境因素對海灘及龍擺尾的演化、驗證龍擺尾的現況及如何讓龍擺尾復活,再由東沙島海灘復育看世界的海岸問題。雖然設備很克難,但都能完成預定的目標,證實東沙島的海灘演化。希望此次對東沙島海灘的研究成果與初步探討,能應用於世界上遭受侵蝕而需復育的海岸。In 2007, our government proclaimed Dongsha archipelago as the first national marine park, signifying her emphasis on the conservation and restoration of marine resources. However, the sand spit on Dongsha island, a unique natural wonder commonly referred to as the “swaying dragon tail”, has become motionless since the construction of a total of eight groins along its SE and NE coast during the period between 1993 and 1996. This study has conducted a series of model experiments to verify several fundamental issues, ranging from the formation and the factors affecting the stability and the status quo of Dongsha island and its spit. The experimental results find several favorably outcomes, giving the coast evolving evidences of Dongsha island. Furthermore, strategy to stabilize the coast and revitalize the spit are then considered, which could hopefully benefit the coast suffering erosion on the world’s coastline.




本研究主要是以台北市中心的氣溫觀測站,以及市區外圍東邊的汐止,南邊的屈尺,以及西邊的山佳等三個氣溫觀測站,從1998 年至2004 年的七年期間的氣溫資料中,來探討台北地區的熱島效應現象。這個研究的結果發現,台北市區與周遭鄰近地區確實會因為熱島效應的影響而產生1~2℃的溫差。這個溫差在白天時不甚明顯,在中午過後,便由台北市中心逐漸向郊區遞減,形成類似同心圓狀的分布。溫差最大值發生在夜晚,使得台北地區晚間宛如一座夜晚增溫的城市,同時夏季的熱島效應又較冬季顯著,氣溫又逐年遞升,造成夏季台北市區的高溫屢創新高,將是未來都市發展的危機。This study is focused on the urban heat island effect of Taipei Basin, northern Taiwan. The hourly temperatures of Taipei meteorological station and three rural sites eastern Hsi-Chih, southern Cyu-Chih and western San-Chia, were compared from 1998 through 2004 to illustrate the temperature differences between city center and surrounding country areas. The results show that a difference of 1~2℃ exists between city center and surrounding country areas, indicating the extent of urban heat island effect in the Taipei Basin. The daily temperature contours show a clear high-temperature bull’s eye at the city center during the midnight, implying the high latent heat trapped by the dense and high rise buildings. This phenomenon is not sharp in the high noon due to the reduction of temperature difference between city center and surrounding country areas. The heat island effect is most prominent in the summer than that of the winter. Along with the increasing temperature-difference trend through years, the summer times often experience record-breaking heat waves and pose great risks for the city development in the future.

The Main Features Of Climate Change On The South-West Of Yakutia In The Last 100 Years

1. Purpose of the research to detect the dynamics of the change of moisture regime on the territories of Olekminsk area for the past 100 years.\r 2. Procedures for analysis we used as materials of observations on the testing areas of school of ecological control of our Center, so and of the meteorological station Jikimda situated on the territories of Olekminsk reserve, as literary sources. Time-series analysis was conducted as to following scheme: for period 1901 -1914, 1949-1958 and for period 1996 -2009.\r 3. Data The changes of the temperature of air and sediments for the period of instrumental observations from 1901 to 2009 were analyzed\r 4. Conclusions Climate is characterized with many parameters coming in radiation, the heat and aqueous balances of territory. The most simple and widely measured parameters are the temperature of air and the quantity of atmospheric condensation. Carried out researches and the analysis of received results let us make tentative conclusions:\r 1. Average amount of precipitation increased on 41% (with 229 mm during the period 1901-1914 till 390 mm for period 1998 - 2006)\r 2. The decrease of firm precipitation in cold period and increasing of fluid precipitation in warm period are noticed for 100 years.\r 3. The gross amount of days with precipitation grows from 135 days (period 1901 - 1914) till 160 days (for period 1996 - 2006). For period 1901 -1914 a month with the greatest quantity of days with precipitation is January. The middle quantity of days with precipitation in it composes 16 days. A month with the least quantity of days with precipitation is July. The middle quantity of days with precipitation in it composes 8 days for period 1996 -2006. We should note that though increasing of the quantity of days with precipitation is on the cold period of year, increasing of the value of precipitation arises at expense of warm months. This reflects well the annual motion of the force of precipitation as to studied periods, the force of precipitation grows, in the first case achieving maximum in August, into second - in July. The maximal significances of the force of the precipitation of second period exceed of such the first period almost in two times.\r 4. The disposition of meteorological phenomena shows the change of climate to moistness. There are more days with fog, snow-storm, the quantity of days with precipitation increases from more 1mm, so more and 5 mm and it’s noticed that the quantity of days at a speed of wind more 10 and 15m/sec increases.\r 5. The change of the precipitation amount, especially in warm period affects the level and the expense of water in the Lena River. Analyzing as to decades the statistics on stratum of flow as to stratum flow since 1930 till 2006 can be noted tendency increasing of stratum flow from 132.8 mm in 1930 till 289 mm in 2006. The significance of the annualized expense of water with 6370 in 1999 till 8710 m/sec in 2006 enlarge, the annualized level of water changes from 282 till 376 cm. It is according. The area of the movement of the significances of the indicators changes to their increasing in the course of the year for the last 10 years. Averaging their significance exceed the norm of 18%.\r In conclusion we want to note that global change of climate actually touches all of us and already has significant influence on natural environment and the life of people. In simple words warming - the increase of temperature - for the many areas of our north country might become a favorable change of the conditions of life. But the trouble is that the change of climate is much more complex process, and one of its main manifestations is the augmentation of the instability of climatic conditions, changes of flora and fauna, increasing of infectious diseases. This influences badly on natural ecosystems and complicates the life of people. Besides, too quick warming does not let natural ecosystems adapt themselves, and they can be destroyed. And at least now we shouldn’t wait doing nothing, it is necessary to take all efforts to try to reduce climate change effect.




颱風來襲常常帶來驚人雨量,容易造成淹水、洪水等災情,民國98年芭瑪風災過後,我們實地考察蘭陽溪流域,流域內發生淹水或其他災情的地區主要有兩處,分別為上游的寒溪地區以及下游的五結地區。五結地區因為地勢較低而造成淹水,位在上游的寒溪地區卻也災情嚴重,所以選定寒溪為研究範圍。我們多次前往研究地區,量取河堤高、河道寬、經緯度…等數據,利用Google Earth影像輔助,讀取該地高度值。利用這些數據推算出河道容量、排洪能力、集水區大小,並討論在某定量雨量下,該地區的水位高度以及流速等數據。經過計算,在芭瑪颱風最大時雨量110mm/hr的情形下,寒溪地區的河道應該可以承受這些水量,發生潰堤的主因不是溢洪造成,而是水流的流速沖刷堤岸所導致。

Orbital Forcing: An Astrophysical Solution to the Puzzle of Climate Change