This study considered the tensile and flexural characterization of new lighter and cheaper hybrid composite materials to replace the existing insert panel for the currently available bulletproof vest. The materials chosen included a natural fibre, i.e., kenaf fibre, chemically treated with sodium hydroxide solution, and, as a means of recycling, used x-ray films with a surface treatment. Using the traditional hand lay-up method, the materials were fabricated into seven layers of different configurations, which were then subjected to tensile and flexural tests. The findings showed that one of the configurations that consisted of both treated materials had a tensile strength of 396.9M Pa, which is quite strong, and a flexural modulus of 6.24G Pa, which makes it flexible enough to be made into wearable equipment. This configuration was then chosen to be the base design for the specimen subjected to impact test. The interfacial bond between the two distinct materials proved to be a major issue, even with the help of fibre treatment. Therefore, some improvements need to be made for the material to be comparable to existing materials performance-wise hence making this configuration suitable for ballistic application.
Dependence of Alloy Composition in Color Change of Brass Foil by Oxide Thin Layer Formation
It is known that copper foil undergoes a color change in heating by oxide thin layer formation. Therefore, we focused on the color change by the oxidation of brass foil. Brass foil (Akaguchi (Cu87%Zn13% alloy) and Aoguchi (Cu85%Zn15% alloy)) also undergoes color change by oxidation, and it shows heating time and temperature dependence. Brass foil need longer heating time to appear color change than copper foil, and we can visually confirm that the brass has corrosion resistant. In addition, color change of brass foil depends on the percentage of copper in the brass, and Aoguchi shows rapidly color change in same heating condition. We show that brass has different physical properties than copper, even with a high percentage of copper in brass, and this was verified through comparison using diffusion length and RGB data in Aoguchi and Akaguchi. We demonstrate these colored brass foils are used as art materials, and our results expanded material using possibility of brass foil.
In today's world, medicine is very advanced, thanks to which many diseases that were previously considered incurable, are now treated almost all over the world. But, unfortunately, some diseases are still incurable and can only facilitate their course. One such disease is Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome. Statistics show that worldwide the percentage of patients with this disease is 3-4%. Raynaud's disease is a paroxysmal spasm of the arteries of the fingers of the hand, rarely the feet when cooling the extremities. As mentioned earlier, this disease is incurable. That is why the creation of a device that can help people overcome many inconveniences due to the inability to stay in the cold without gloves or the problem of discomfort in heated gloves is relevant. And one of the solutions to this problem is to create special heated gloves. This work is also relevant, because even existing treatments, such as medication and conservative, do not completely solve the problem of reducing the sensitivity of the hands when cooled or even the slightest moisture on the palms. Also, these methods are very expensive, so our device will be cheaper and more affordable than existing ones. When using our gloves together with the two already mentioned methods, the treatment will be more effective. Unfortunately, medical and conservative treatments will lead to complications over time, so we not only maintain sensitivity in the hands, but also prevent further amputation of the upper extremities and the emergence of human health problems associated with the effects of drugs on the whole body. Nowadays, people work hard to be able to live well, but it is difficult for people with Raynaud's phenomenon to do so, as the sensitivity of the upper extremities decreases during the exacerbation of the disease. It is important for us to maintain the sensitivity of the hands by normalizing the thermal balance of the hands, which leads to the elimination of spasms of the atria of the hand. The aim of the work is to create a simple and effective means to normalize and maintain the thermal balance of the upper extremities, in order to reduce the loss of sensitivity of the hands in patients, as well as reduce the likelihood of spasms of the arteries of the fingers. The subject of the study is the course of Raynaud's disease and the current treatments for it. The aim of the study is the creation of special gloves that can stop spasms of arteries and maintain blood flow in them by balancing the heat balance in the hand, and depriving patients of the disease during their wearing During the work the following tasks were set: - to theoretically investigate the peculiarities of Raynaud's disease; - to analyze the existing clothes on the market with heating; - to develop and improve its own design of heated gloves, which will be affordable and easy to use. - calculate the cost of gloves taking into account all factors
Phytochemical screening and evaluation of antiangiogenic properties of sapinit (Rubus fraxinifolius) fruit crude extracts
Plants are potential low-cost alternatives for cancer treatment. Rubus fraxinifolius or “sapinit” has been found to possess phytochemicals with anti-cancer potential. This project aimed to evaluate the antiangiogenic properties of methanolic R. fraxinifolius fruit crude extracts through the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Through phytochemical screening, leucoanthocyanins, phenols, and tannins were detected. For the CAM assay, 10, 20, and 30 μg/μL extracts, distilled water, methanol, and retinoic acid were applied on 60 ten-day-old chicken eggs. The CAM photographs were analyzed using ImageJ Software. The mean percent inhibitions (MPI) of total length and vascular density from both analyses were subjected to One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA for the MPI of total length, followed by a Tukey post hoc test, show that only retinoic acid treatment has significantly higher MPI (p = 0.0010). Meanwhile, the results for the MPI of vascular density show no significant differences between all groups (p = 0.1630). It is possible that the concentrations used in the study may not be the concentrations needed to achieve optimal antiangiogenesis. The results may also be due to the absence of phytochemicals that exhibit significant antiangiogenic properties such as alkaloids. Lower concentrations and isolated phytochemicals may also be tested.