
熱鍋上的舞者 - 聚丙烯酸鈉的Leidenfrost效應分析


A deep learning-based home safety perception system for household service robot

In 2016, the population of people over the age of 65 in Macau was 11.2%. This means that Macau has already become an aging society. As such, more younger generations are needed to look after the elderly. According to statistics, falls are the primary cause of injury or death for the elderly over 65 years old. About 30% of the elderly over 65 years old fall every year. Along with the increase in the elderly population, it is urgent to find a fast and effective way to ensure the safety of the elderly. As there is a lot more danger besides falling in an elderly life, we aim to build a robot collocated with its danger detection system to ensure the safety of the elderly at home. The reason we decided to use robots is that we want to have larger flexibility and mobility, for example, we can give elderly rescue materials when they need help. Moreover, more home robots will be used in the future, they can just apply our system to theirs and ensure the safety of elderlies. In this research, we mainly used cameras with the Openpose model to detect dangers such as falling, potential human action danger, and environmental danger. Innovative ways are used to detect fall action, collocated with our home robot, it is a foreseeing project that could ensure the safety of the elderly in a home environment.

Development of a neurointerface glove with tactile feedback

Research Question or Engineering Problem A stroke continues to be the most important medical and social problem of the modern world. Stroke is a type of acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA) and is characterised by a sudden (within minutes, less often - hours) appearance of focal neurological symptoms (motor, speech, sensory, coordinating, visual and other disorders) and / or general brain disorders (depression of consciousness, headache, vomiting, etc.) that persist for more than 24 hours or lead to death of the patient in a short period of time due to a cause of cerebrovascular origin. There are two clinical and pathogenetic forms of stroke: ishemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is caused by acute focal cerebral ischemia, leading to infarction (zone of ischemic necrosis) of the brain; hemorrhagic stroke (non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage) is caused by rupture of an intracerebral vessel and blood penetration into the brain parenchyma or rupture of an arterial aneurysm with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). ACVA also includes transient disorders of cerebral circulation, characterised by the sudden occurrence of focal neurological symptoms that develop in a patient with cardiovascular disease (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, vasculitis, etc.), last for several minutes, less often hours, but no more than 24 hours, and ends with a full restoration of the impaired brain functions. Transient disorders of cerebral circulation include: transient ischemic attack (TIA), which develops as a result of short-term local cerebral ischemia and is characterised by sudden transient neurological disorders with focal symptoms; hypertensive cerebral emergency, which is a condition associated with an acute (usually significant) rise in blood pressure (BP) and accompanied by the appearance of general cerebral (less often focal) neurological symptoms secondary to hypertension. The most severe form of hypertensive crisis is acute hypertensive encephalopathy, the basis of pathogenesis of which is cerebral edema. Cerebral infarction generally is the result of the interaction of many etiopathogenetic factors, which can be subdivided into local and systemic ones. Local factors include: morphological changes in the brachiocephalic or intracerebral arteries (pathological tortuosity, etc.), atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the aortic arch and cerebral arteries, cardiac lesions as a source of thromboembolic cerebral infarctions, fibromuscular dysplasias of the walls of the brachiocephalic and cerebral arteries, brachiocephalic artery dissection, vasculitis (arteritis), changes in the cervical spine with the formation of extravasal compression of the vertebral arteries, anomalies in the structure of the vessels of the neck and brain (hypoplasia of the vertebral artery, trifurcation of the internal carotid artery), etc. Systemic factors include: disorders of central and cerebral hemodynamics (a sharp change in BP or a decrease in cardiac output, etc.), hereditary and acquired coagulopathies, polycythemia, certain forms of leukemia, hypovolemia, psychoemotional stress / distress, etc., hypercoagulative / hyperaggregatory side effects of a number of medications (oral contraceptives, etc.). In the 俄羅斯n Federation, more than 500 thousand people have a stroke every year. About 25,000 new cases of stroke occur in St. Petersburg every year. The incidence of stroke in the 俄羅斯n Federation is 3.48 ± 0.21 cases per 1000 people. The incidence of various types of ACVA varies widely, in particular, cerebral infarctions account for 65–75%, hemorrhages (including subarachnoid hemorrhages) – 15–20%, transient cerebral circulation disorders account for 10–15%. The frequency of cerebral strokes in the population over 50–55 years old increases by 1.8–2 times in each subsequent decade of life. Medical and socio-economic consequences of ACVA are very significant, in particular, death in the acute period of stroke occurs in 34.6% cases, during the first year after the end of the acute period in 13.4% cases; severe disability with the need for constant care is present in 20.0% of stroke patients; 56.0% have limited working capacity and only 8.0% return to their previous work activity. Disability due to stroke (the national average is 56–81%) in our country ranks first among all causes of primary disability, amounting to 3.2 per 10 thousand people. Stroke mortality among working-age population has increased in the 俄羅斯n Federation by more than 30% over the past 10 years. The annual death rate from stroke in our country is 175 per 100 thousand people. Stroke annually becomes the main cause of disability: 85% of victims experience a decrease in strength or a complete lack of ability to control the muscles of half of the body and only half of them recover limb functions partially or completely; the rest of those who have suffered a stroke remain paralysed and require care, since they are not able to completely independent existence. In this regard, recently, in the process of rehabilitation, the technology of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) has begun to be actively used. on the basis of this technology exercise machines are created. These exercise machines are controlled directly by the patient himself. This feature of the technology increases the effect of the procedure by providing a direct connection between the patient's desire and effort with the work of the simulator. The greatest development of this technology is observed in the field of medicine, where BCIs are used as a means of communication or as one of the tools of neurorehabilitation. In this regard, it seems very promising to develop the most optimal brain-computer interfaces. The goal of our project was to create an automated training complex in the form of a neuro-controlled glove with tactile feedback, designed to simplify access to rehabilitation means.


本研究試圖找出一些策略,以了解在mxn的格狀街道中,最少應該放入幾個吸螞蟻的裝置,便保證能抓到所有螞蟻。這問題等價於在圖G(m,n)中,最少應放入幾個紅點後,便能使G中的所有環都能碰到至少一個紅點。更等價於在圖G(m,n)中,最少應扣除幾個點後,便可形成一森林。 我們將這些點數記作k(m,n)。特別地,當m=n時記作k(n) 。本文推得:k(m,n)≧[mn+1/3],並將等號成立時的k(m,n) 稱為完美的。經過構造後發現k(2n)、k(3,n)、 k(3n,m)、k(2+6m,2+6n),k(4+6m,4+6n) , 亦為完美的,並且將k(m,n)壓到只剩兩種可能。也得知了在無限擴張的格子圖中被移除點的密度為1/3。


在資訊爆炸的時代,效率閱讀、整理資料的能力越趨重要。身為高中生,學習時的閱讀量龐大,還須另外自己挑選重點句,重新整理筆記。因此我想如果可以讓電腦自動摘取文章的重點,就能幫助學生效率學習。 大多數現存的自動摘要研究適用於英文文本,本研究利用演算法抓取中文文章的摘要,使學生可以真正實用該演算法於日常學習當中。除此之外,此研究比較了不同方法摘要的準確率以及優缺點。

Sunprints in the sky

Revealing fascinating and educating concepts in a field of astronomy usually requires expensive equipment. Therefore, most schools have very little practical equipment to teach astronomy. I wanted to investigate the Sun’s track using a simple apparatus that can be afforded by many schools instead of using an expensive one.


強化學習為當前AI領域的熱門話題,其特點是在環境的獎勵與懲罰下,進行學習。強化學習雖然較為困難,但其成功的項目都非常有名,其中最著名的例子有: AlphoGo、AlphaZero等等。 深度強化學習(DRL)是深度學習與強化學習的結合體,本專題透過DRL實現近端優化策略演算法,來使BipedalWalker環境中的二足模型學會行走,並調適超參數與神經網路來讓模型訓練擁有更好的結果。 經過實驗後發現,適當的降低獎勵折扣衰減率能有效的提升學習速度以及學習上限,同時可以避免分數落差過大導致的Dead relu問題。最終的結果能讓平均分數達到302分,成功達成了BipedalWalker環境要求(平均分數>=300分)。 為了使智能體擁有更好的探索能力,本專題加入了ICM(Intrinsic Curiosity Module),成功提升了最終的平均分數至316分,將不摔倒的機率提升至99%,最高分數則到了320分,使得雙足模型能以更快的速度向前移動並保持穩定。


本研究使用NASA Ozone Watch南極臭氧濃度、MODIS Aqua之全球海平面水色、NOAA Operational SST Anomaly之均溫異常,以及Australian Antarctic Data Center南極葉綠素濃度數據,探討三大洋海洋水色的逐年變化以及影響因素。我們認為受到環境變遷的影響,影響水色最主要的外在因素可能為紫外線及溫度。本研究利用image J軟體,估算臭氧洞逐年的範圍變化,並利用水色換算出的葉綠素濃度的變化趨勢,將上述數據製作成圖比較。 結果顯示:在紫外線的部分,葉綠素濃度會隨著紫外線入射量減少而提高。在深度的部分,南極同一時間點所測數據顯示,水表到400公尺深的範圍中,呈現深度越淺葉綠素濃度越高的趨勢。此外,海表溫度正異常(>1.5°C)之面積分布,證實海水表面溫度變高時,葉綠素濃度變高,南極數據也顯示相同特徵。我們認為,生物基於避險本能,在紫外線過量時,生物會傾向往海洋深層移動;在10℃~35℃間,溫度越高,葉綠素濃度越高,影響浮游植物在深度的分布。上述各項皆能影響水色。

Fabrication and Characterization of Biological Electrospinning Nanofiber Scaffold Based on Cellulose Diacetate-Gelatin-Green Tea for Tissue Engineering Applications

Tissue engineering has developed novel therapies such as many types of wound dressings, bio-pads, scaffolds and bandages, in order to reduce the effects of deep and extensive skin wounds. Here, we have produced an electrospun nanofiber scaffold, based on biodegradable materials such as gelatin (as a natural and hydrophilic polymer) and cellulose diacetate (with optimal biodegradability), in order to increase wound healing using nanotechnology. We also used green tea extract for its anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial effect, to improve the biological properties of the scaffold. In the fabrication process, two polymer solutions: 1. Gelatin (with acetic acid solvent) and 2. Cellulose Diacetate (with acetone solvent) mixed with green tea extract, were prepared. Then they were spun using a two-nozzle electrospinner to produce a hybrid nanofiber scaffold. SEM images showed enough finesse and uniformity of the produced scaffold to simulate the extracellular matrix. Further, measuring the contact angle of water droplet and the web surface, indicated optimal hydrophilicity of the nanofiber scaffold, which controls the level of scaffold degradability and cell adhesion. Also, the results of antibacterial tests for two bacterial strains (E. coli and S. aureus) showed the antibacterial characteristics of the extract-containing scaffold. In addition to previous tests, evaluation of fibroblast morphology on the nanofiber scaffolds, indicated appropriate cell adhesion and expansion, that confirms the biocompatibility of this produced scaffold.


近年來,再生醫療利用幹細胞幫助組織器官新生的方法已有長足進步,但仍然面臨許多的瓶頸。例如: 幹細胞注射進入人體以後,無法繼續分化生長成所需組織。最近,高能磁場的使用也是醫學界蓬勃發展的議題,我們試圖利用高能磁場誘導幹細胞的分化,希望可以增加幹細胞分化的效能,這是一創新的嘗試。我們比較新型高能磁場(RMS)與對照組於骨髓幹細胞(BMSCs)的分化效果,發現RMS 中叢集式刺激(iTBS)的SOX9和COL10的基因表現與免疫組織化學染色明顯優於15Hz RMS 與對照組。最佳的刺激設計為強度50%的iTBS連續施打五天。我們亦發現每回合900 pulses有優於每回合600 pulses的趨勢。此實驗證實iTBS能夠增加BMSCs在體外的軟骨分化表現,反映在基因表現層次到膠原蛋白合成的層次。未來,此方法將進一步使用於動物實驗,期望擴展到臨床上用於退化性關節炎的治療,對再生醫療發展有所幫助。