
Reduction fuel's amount when working the Internal-combustion engine

The aim of the work is inventing the way in which the power of the ICE is the same and consuming of the fuel decreases. The following methods of investigation were used: analysis of the experience of the improvement of ICE, modeling, the brainstorming, methods of Decition Theory of Invention’s Tasks (DTIT). In this work Ivan Semyonov based on a hypothesis that if the non-supporting combustion exhausts will be drawn with the vacuum from cylinder fuel for the same power it needed less. The practical meaning of this work is in the attempt of studying the question of improving the ICE for getting and making the more perfect ICE.

Investigation on traditional medicine from plants in Namibia

My project is about investigation on traditional medicines in\r Namibia. This is all about plants and different herbs that different\r people in Namibia use for medicinal purposes. The objective of this\r project is to inform the world of how valuable nature is and how we can\r try to conserve nature’s treasure so that valuable knowledge cannot pass\r away with olden experienced herbalists. Understandably the enquiry\r into indigenous medicinal herbs arose from the need to expand the\r possibilities of ones own medical practice. It was very important for me\r to satisfy our farmer’s thirst for knowledge, which is what I want to do\r with the rest of the world.\r In this project I have included most but not all of the plants that we\r use in Namibia for medicinal purposes. Seeing that some of these plants\r do not grow in certain parts of the country, I have also tried to clone it in\r other parts of the country. I have also made a powder from one of the\r plant’s leaves and tested it on several people within the country.\r To conclude my findings and experiments I would like to say, let us\r try to take these precious knowledge left for us from our ancestors and\r maybe one day in the future we might need it in some ways.

Isolation, characterization of β-chitin from squid pens and calcium carbonate crystallization on th

Chitin, a polysaccharide common in biocomposites, has an interwoven organic framework that can act as a scaffold for mineralization in natural systems. Acidic amino acids, namely aspartic (Asp) and glutamic (Glu) acids, are the primary active molecules at biomineralisation interphases in mollusks and play an important role in controlling the polymorph and morphology of the associated mineral.\r In this study, chitin was extracted from squid pens and used as a scaffold for crystallization. The chitin scaffold was functionalized with glutamic acid and aspartic acid separately to create an artificial microenvironment for the study of biomineralization of calcium carbonate. The objective was to investigate the usefulness of the extracted chitin to serve as a scaffold for calcium carbonate crystallization, especially the fidelity of the polymorph nucleated to the amino acids and proteins used.

Expression and Purification of CD 157

CD157 is a 31kDa ectoenzyme that is expressed at elevated levels in patients\r with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The full function of this protein has yet to be\r determined, and the correlation between CD157 and RA is not well\r understood.

Preventing Deer Tag Infections

Farmers in many countries are legally required to identify livestock with some sort of tagging system. Tagging is required for ownership, breeding and as a means of tracking livestock during a disease outbreak.\r New Zealand farmers are required to fit all livestock with two ear tags (one in each ear). Ear tags are applied in a similar way to the piercing of human ears. The two tags are of different sizes and are known as the primary and the secondary tags. The primary tag is physically bigger than the secondary tag.\r We farm deer and have noticed that after tagging some deer develop ear infections at the site of tagging.\r A randomized controlled trial was undertaken in 105 fawns to test the hypotheses:\r ‧ Pre treatment of the ear tag with liquid iodine will reduce post tagging infection.\r ‧ A reduction in ear infections as a result of tagging will lead to more rapid weight gain.\r The treatment group had iodine applied to the sharp part of both primary and secondary tags immediately prior to tagging of the fawns. The control group was tagged in the usual fashion. Fawns were then assessed for infection at 6 and 11 weeks after tagging. Each ear was individually graded for infection and recorded against the number of the animal. Grading was on a scale of 0-3: zero having no infection; 1-slight redness; 2-a larger ring of redness and possibly some dried blood; 3-as for grade 2 plus swelling of the ear around the pin.

Effect of colours on Solar Energy

-to prove my original hypothesis that colour affects the power that is produced by solar panels. \r \r - that the wavelength of an elctromagnetic wave affects the photon or quanta energy that the wave has.

Salinity effects on Duckweed growth

The purpose of this research was to investigate the most favourable salt concentration that promotes growth in the Lemna minor plant. Lemna minor, commonly known as lesser duckweed, is found growing among other aquatic plants or massed together in still or slow moving fresh water, such as ponds and lakes, in warmer regions around the world.