
Still Ain't Lichen This

To measure the air quality of the city of Prince George by using lichen as bio-indicators of pollution.


二十四節氣是中國古代對氣象觀測的智慧結晶,由於近幾年來聖\r 嬰與反聖嬰現象的影響,在透過嘉義氣象觀測站的協助之下,利用\r Excel 進行簡易的雨量和氣溫統計,並配合中央氣象局發布的環流型\r 態和農業災害,來探討二十四節氣在嘉義地區的適用性。\r 以陽曆來區分節氣,每年會誤差6 小時,加上四年一閏,剛好彌\r 補差距,農曆則需19 年。至於聖嬰現象對嘉義地區則呈現涼夏和暖\r 冬,但在反聖嬰現象中則變為加強四季之特性,即是熱夏與寒冬。兩\r 者都造成雨量集中夏秋兩季,形成冬春乾旱。至於二十四節氣則是以\r 夏、秋的氣溫和雨量相關的諺語較適合嘉義地區。\r Abstract\r The 24 Solar Terms, is the achievement of weather observation from\r ancient China. Because of the effects from El Nina and La Nina these\r years, we proceed simple statistics of rainfall and temperature by using\r Excel and the assistance from Chia-yi Weather Station. We adopt the\r Circulation Type and the damage of agriculture from Central Weather\r Bureau, to discuss if the 24 Solar Terms for in Chia-yi area.\r To divide the 24 Solar Terms according to the solar calendar, there’ll\r be a six –hour gap every year. The gap could be made up every four years.\r But with the lunar calendar, it takes nineteen years to offset. The El Nina\r shows cool summer and warm winter in Chia-yi area, but the La Nina\r emphasizes the characteristics of the four seasons. It shows hot summer\r and cold winter. Both of them rain mostly in summer and fall, and cause\r the drought in winter and spring. The saying of the 24 Solar Terms is\r suitable for the temperature and the rainfall during summer and fall in\r Chia-yi area.


本研究針對利吉惡地進行探討,研究此區之泥岩含水量、有機質含量、pH值、比重、可溶性陽離子含量、滲水特性和該區之植物種類,並探討坡度、水量對沖蝕率、山脊密度和溝痕形成之影響。 研究結果發現: 一、表層泥岩之含水率較高,深層泥岩最低。中層泥岩之有機質含量較高,表層與深層泥岩較低。各層泥岩pH值約8.1;無植被採樣點之 pH較高,有植被採樣點偏中性。有植被採樣點,其 Ca2+含量較高。 二、此區共發現十九種植物,其中銀合歡、相思樹屬優勢種。 三、坡度增加時,沖蝕率亦增加;水量增加時,沖蝕率、溝痕寬度也隨之增加,兩者呈高度正相關。第一區坡度較緩,山脊密度較大,第二區坡度較陡,山脊密度小,表面較平坦,溝痕較淺。Our research discusses with the contents of water in mudstone, the organic content, pH, the specific weight, the contents of dissoluble cation, dankness and the category of plants in Ligiligi Badland. Dissecting it`s slope, the abrasion of water, the density of mountain ridge and the formation of scuff mark. Outcome of our research: 1.Solum of mudstone is the dampest. Intermediate of mudstone has more organic content than others. Every bed of mudstone`s PH is 8.1. Having plants area is indifferent and having more Ca2+.2.We found nineteen categories of plants. For example Leucaena glauca and Taiwan acacia. 3.The more augmentation of gradient,the more increase of the abrasion of water and the breadth of the density and the abrasion of water too.


This study analyzed how short-term solar activities interact with the earth atmosphere, by using two statistic methods: Diffusion Entropy Analysis (DEA), and Standard Deviation Analysis (SDA). Since solar activities influence the Earth atmosphere in its radiating heat and magnetic field, we use DEA and SDA to calculate the exponents, H and δ, of the scaling law in three time series: “the intensity of solar flare” (representing by SOLAR H-alpha flare index), “magnetic anomaly of magnetosphere” and “sea surface temperature anomaly”. The values of H and δ show the time memory and correlative relationship between the event and next event happening in time series. When H = δ = 0.5, events occur in random. When 0.5


間歇泉是一種十分奇特的地質景觀,地下水受到火成岩入侵所帶來的穩定熱源加熱,產生水蒸氣,利用水蒸氣形成的空氣柱壓力推動水由地底噴發出地表,也因為熱源穩定使得噴發時間差接近一定值,形成所謂的「週期性」。而根據實驗結果發現,管壁較薄的管子,在噴發之後,會使管中殘餘的水稍作降溫,加上補充的冷水使系統降溫;管長愈長時,蓄水槽中的水量較多,提高溫度所需的時間也較長,而延長了噴發的週期,最後歸納出間歇泉形成及存在的三個主要條件:(1)穩定的熱源;(2)細長的孔道;(3)豐沛的地下水。 The geyser is a very amazing sort of geologic scenery. Its principle is that the heat source of invasive volcanic rock heats the underground water to produce steam that results an air-columnar with a large pressure to erupt through the underground on the surface. Because of the steady supply of heat source, the period between eruptions is closed to a constant called “periodicity.” According to the result of the experiments, the tube that have thin wall can lower the remaining water’s temperature a little and the cold water’s supply can also lower the plumbing system’s temperature after eruption. Besides, the water in the longer tube needs more time to higher its temperature to protract the period because it have more water in its reservoir. Eventually, there are 3 essential conditions of the geysers’ existence concluded: (1) steady supply of heat; (2) a thin and long standpipe; (3) abundant underground water.




This study tries to reveal how the velocity of flow influents the orientations and scattering patterns of the two-valve shells (we use Pecten in this study) during depositing processes by comparing the laboratory studies with the field observations. We learn from the laboratory experiments that the shells deposit at random directions when they are too crowded and are oriented to a certain direction when they are more scattered. We also find out that the shell fossils whose dorsal sides towards downstream with upward concaves are most likely to move. On the contrary, the shells whose dorsal sides towards upstream with downward concave are the most reluctant to move Examinations of the outcrop of the bedding of Pecten fossils, which are located near Long Dong, the northeastern tip of Taiwan, show that a lot of the shells settled along a certain direction and most of their concaves are upward. However, some of the shells with obvious orientation have downward concaves, which implies the depositional environments were under high current velocity. And the numbers of the shells whose dorsal sides are oriented to Northern East are about equal to those whose dorsal sides are oriented to Southern West. This result coincides with the results of the laboratory study. However, the experimental results can apply to the field analysis under certain assumptions.本研究就影響貝殼排列的水速作試驗,尋找水流和貝殼排列的關係,並和地層中實際的貝類化石做比較,藉以回推古老沉積環境。結果發現大量貝殼集中的情況下,貝殼間彼此的影響力會大於單純的水流沖擊;當貝殼較分散時,可以看出貝殼的頭部皆會一致朝向水流的來向作排列。而最適合移動的型態是凹口向上且頭部不朝水流來向的貝殼,而最穩定的型態是頭部朝水流來向的凹口向下貝殼。觀察實際地層,貝類化石大致上也有方向性的排列且正反面貝殼都有,可以推得當時沉積的水流大,故有足夠的動能讓貝殼重新排列。但由於試驗環境定和自然環境有所差異,仍有限制存在。

Effect of Salt Concentration on Evaporation of Sea Water

Every year more soluble and insoluble substances are added to the oceans by runoff. This process slowly increases the salinity of the oceans. As the salinity of the oceans increase, what effect will this have on our climate? The purpose of this investigation is to determine how an increase in salt concentration affects the evaporation of sea water. Four ten liter aquaria were filled with six liters of distilled water in each aquarium. One aquarium contained only water. The other three aquaria had different amounts of Kosher salt added as follows: 120. grams, 240.grams and 480.grams. Measurements of the level of water in each tank were taken over a period of two months. The tank with the highest concentration of salt had the smallest rate of evaporation. In the feature with less evaporation of sea water the atmosphere will receive less moisture. This could result in fewer clouds and less rain fall for the planet.


搜尋太陽系外行星(extra-solar planet;exoplanet)是當今天文學家最重要的計畫之ㄧ;其中,當系外行星經過其主恆星碟面時,會造成光度略微下降,稱之為凌日現象(transit) 。本研究便是利用鹿林天文台SLT(Sne Little Telescope)望遠鏡來拍攝兩顆已知的系外行星HD 189733 b 和HD 209458 b在凌日時的影像。 我們得到約4000 張影像,再經過影像修正與資料分析後,我們作出凌日光變曲線圖、Bin圖及相位圖,並從中探討其特性。 經分析判斷後,HD 189733 看到一個剛開始發生和一個完整的凌日現象,分別由B濾鏡和 R 濾鏡所拍攝;而 HD 209458 則看到兩個剛開始發生,三個要結束的凌日現象,分別由B濾鏡、R 濾鏡和 Hα 濾鏡。 並由光變曲線,推得HD 189733 的基本參數,包括:行星半徑為 1.242個木星半徑、軌道傾角為88.94 度以及軌道半徑為 0.03115 天文單位。 Since 1995, more than 200 extra-solar planets have been found. Until today, astronomers still make efforts in searching extra-solar planets because it’s one of the most important projects in this century. During the crossing by the stellar disks (i.e., transits), the exoplanets will cause the brightness to decrease by a small amount. In the project, we have focused on the observations of two known transit exoplanets, HD 189733 b and HD 209458 b. The photometric observations were performed with the 40-cm SLT telescope on the Lulin Observatory. The results from the image procuring, data reduction and analysis are presented. We accrue and plot the light curve, bin and phase. We found out that HD 189733 has two transit ingresses with B, R band, and HD 209458 has two transit ingresses, two transit egresses with B, R, Hα band on phase. We figure out planetary parameters, RP is 1.242 RJ, inclination is 88.94° and orbital semi-major axis is 0.03115 AU by transit light curve.


In recent years, sandstorms have seriously attacked Taiwan day by day. Combining with the observations of Central Weather Bureau and the satellite images of NASA, the study has been collected the data of suspension grain in decades. And the study hopes the sandstorms’ information could be observed in early period. Still it hopes to find out the possible transmission paths in the atmosphere. Then we know how to cope with sandstorms in early time. Sandstorms attack Taiwan frequently in alternation of the spring, the autumn, and the winter. Compared with thecharts of sandstorms and the satellite images, we could broadly aware hat the moving paths of sandstorms are related to the currents and the characteristics of the atmosphere. When El Nino happens, the times of sandstorms attacking Taiwan decrease, and that increase when La Lina happens. From the observation data of acid rain, when sandstorms attack Taiwan, acid rain would diminish. Combining actual Measures and satellite data in the future, maybe we can establish a prediction mechanism of sandstorms.近年來,大陸沙塵暴侵襲台灣的情況日趨嚴重影響。本研究中收集了近十年來懸浮顆粒資料,配合中央氣象局所觀測的資料與美國太空總署的衛星影像資料,希望能夠在早期觀測發現大陸地區沙塵暴訊息,和沙塵暴所帶至大氣中的懸浮顆粒可能傳輸的路徑期能早期應映。發生沙塵暴侵臺事件的季節,主要在秋冬及冬春兩季交替期間發生的次數為最多。由沙塵暴監測氣候圖表及美國太空總署的衛星影像進行綜合比對之後,可大致瞭解大陸沙塵可能的移動路徑與大氣環流及特徵有關。聖嬰現象(El Nino)發生時,侵襲臺灣的沙塵暴次數會減少。在「反聖嬰現象」(La Lina)發生時,侵襲臺灣的次數相對增加。由酸雨中得知大陸沙 塵暴侵襲台灣時,酸雨情況會減緩。未來結合實測及衛星資料或許我們可以預報大陸沙塵暴的侵襲。