
Evaluation of a fiber optic distributed temperature measurement system for a geothermal energy

As part of the European project GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET and in order to assess the capacity of heat storage in Switzerland, the Centre d'Hydrogéologie et de Géothermie de l'Université de Neuchâtel (CHYN) is taking part in the HEATSTORE project, launched in 2018. The latter is expected to lead to commercial heat storage projects in the near future in Geneva and Bern, in fractured aquifers. The evaluation of the geological characteristics of these aquifers is essential to understand the thermal energy transport processes of fractured aquifers. For this, it is necessary to be able to measure the temperature distribution along boreholes. Thus, the study focuses on the evaluation of a distributed temperature system (DTS) and its optical fiber in order to determine its operation, limits and potential for use in geothermal energy. Laboratory and field tests have been carried out that the water temperature deviation measurements, with a scan time of 30 s, are reliable at less than 0.5°C at +/-5 m over 500 m of fiber. For absolute temperature values, however, a bath and a reference probe must be used to recalculate the absolute temperature to within 0.5°C. The acquired data are essential for a broader understanding of the locations of fractured and karstified aquifers at Concise, allowing the system to be used to better understand the potential for water storage at a depth of 45°C at 35 m.





Air quality monitoring project as an educational tool for sustainable development

The research project has an extremely relevant topic - the creation of an air quality monitoring system for general secondary education. In the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, proper air sanitation is a determining factor in counteracting the spread of coronavirus infection. Special requirements for the procedure of systematic ventilation of educational premises are set before teachers and technical staff of schools "Sanitary Regulations for General Secondary Education Institutions", which is mandatory for implementation in general secondary education institutions. Together with measures to counter the Covid 19 pandemic, the new health regulations somewhat neglect resource conservation and energy efficiency issues: ventilation during the heating season can lead to wasteful heat losses. Monitoring the quality of air purification is simply necessary if teachers and parents care about creating a safe educational environment for students at school. Requirements for air safety determine and regulate its characteristics such as temperature, humidity, the presence of dust particles of different sizes, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and formaldehyde vapors. The level of hazardous substances such as formaldehyde, which can be released from building materials, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, should be closely monitored in accordance with the recommendations of sanitary regulations and hygiene requirements of health care facilities. With increased concentrations of carbon dioxide above normal, the human body will experience the negative effects of hypoxia: poor health, drowsiness, decreased cognitive processes, learning becomes less effective. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance that can damage the body, poison hemoglobin and cause constant hypoxia of all organs and systems, long stay indoors with it leads to death. Formaldehyde causes carcinogenic effects, and the excess concentration of dust particles worsens the condition of people with allergies and bronchial asthma, as well as dust promotes bacterial growth and the spread of viral particles, which is especially dangerous in a coronavirus pandemic. Our solution allows for a transparent permanent monitor of air quality in the school, makes this monitoring completely inclusive - because any user from among the participants in the educational process has access to up-to-date information about the air in the school and can make informed decisions about proper behavior Our system allows students to become more responsible, independent in terms of sanitary requirements and compliance. Therefore, the main idea of our project is extremely relevant today - to organize a digitalized system for monitoring the quality of air purification in the school, thus preventing inadequate ventilation with wasteful heat loss and reduced energy efficiency of the school building. The project has signs of sustainability - it is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals – 3 «Good health and well-being», 4 «Quality education», 5 «Gender equality», 11 «Sustainable cities and communities», 12 «Responsible consumption and production» and 13 «Climate action»

Hello 凝結核

在暖雲的形成過程中,吸濕性凝結核佔有舉足輕重的位置且在大氣層中常會有不同種類的凝結核。本研究以自製的減壓雲室瓶模擬絕熱膨脹情況,並探討不同凝結核之成雲效果。減壓使凝結成長的效果在消光量的測量上符合比爾定律。而且利用絕熱膨脹估計出本系統在0.85 atm環境下每立方公尺的液態水含量LWC大約落在1.9~2.1公克,0.93 atm環境下每立方公尺的液態水含量LWC大約落在0.3公克,表示本實驗方法能擬合絕熱膨脹過程。且0.85大氣壓下,氯化鈉與線香粒子的成長可以達到1.68至1.94μm;硫酸銨粒子成長則達到1.01~1.12μm。而0.93大氣壓下,硫酸銨粒子成長則是0.77~1.04μm。另外,比較水溶性粒子與固態微粒化學性質,發現水溶性粒子如氯化鈉和硫酸銨的確較適合做為水氣之凝結核。

臺灣北端PM 2.5來源分析與季節比對

本研究以具空間梯度的臺灣周邊離島測站實測數據及衛星氣膠光學深度時空變化及相關性推斷東亞境外氣膠對臺灣北端PM 2.5濃度的影響。我們選取鄰近中國的金門與馬祖、中等距離的馬公及臺灣北部(富貴角、基隆)、遠離大陸的日本離島(石垣、那霸)共七站,分析2015-2021年東北季風盛行冬春季與西南季風盛行夏季的資料。結果顯示各測站冬春季PM 2.5濃度均較夏季高2-3倍並由西向東下降,冬春季相關性均較夏季高;針對高濃度事件,氣膠光學深度顯現冬春季高PM 2.5傳輸和各站測值在時空上緊密連結,由西向東下降;冬春季當地汙染極低的馬公平均濃度與臺灣北端兩站數值一致但夏季顯著較低,顯示季節性境外汙染對馬公和富貴角、基隆影響程度的一致及重要性。以上結果均支持東亞境外氣膠傳輸為臺灣北端冬春季PM 2.5主要來源。



Carbone monoxide filtre

Carbon Monoxide is a very toxic and dangerous that threatens our life and can cause sudden illness and death. It is the most abundant, by mass, pollutant gas generated by the engine due to the lack of oxygen and thus presented in our lives. It is true that the oxidation catalyst absorbs carbon monoxide from the exhaust of cars during combustion. But that is not enough, the catalyst is only effective when the exhaust temperature is high (more than 400°C) which is not available in a short path. To protect ourselves from this toxic gas, we must find solutions and innovative ideas to fulfill this objective. And this is how our project was created. Our focus in this project is to create a filter that can absorb carbon monoxide using the minimum of energy possible. It will be more efficient unlike the traditional method that not only needs high range of temperature (higher than 400°C) but also takes a long period for the reaction to occur.