Susanito, autonomous robot body temperature meter: support to reduce infections in rows
A variant of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV or COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, spreading rapidly around the world. Owing to a plan to reactivate the economy, the Mexican government, requested to implement protective measures to enter establishments with confined spaces: wear a mask, provide alcohol-based hand rub and the measurement of body temperature, allowing problem when not have a fever; however, these measures cause long waiting lines, causing contagion risk. To support this problem, applied and experimental research was used, generating as a result, the creation of a robot that moves autonomously thanks to a line follower sensor. Dispenses alcohol-based hand rub and determines the temperature by means of an infrared sensor, checking that the distance is adequate, with an ultrasonic sensor, using a buzzer that emits a sound of half a second when it performs a normal detection, but, if it is equal to or greater os 38 ° C, emits a sound for 10 seconds asking the person to leave the line and go to a medical service, helping to reduce problems infections in lines