

粒線體,『細胞內的發電廠』,它生產了我們生存所需的幾乎所有能量。除了產生能量,它也參與了細胞的凋亡的過程,或反應出自由基所引起細胞的老化。我們在此實驗中,利用酵母菌模式,跟兩個特殊的螢光染劑(JC-1與Rhodamine 123),來活體測量酵母菌裡的粒線體膜電位的變化,以了解細胞的早期凋亡的過程。並且,透過加入抗氧化劑與否,測量氧化游離基的產生,探討跟粒線體膜電位之間的關聯性。實驗結果顯示,的確酵母菌經過長期培養,且無提供適當的營養補充條件下,雖然外表還活著,但JC-1的螢光染色顯示,粒線體膜電位是有逐步遞減的現象,代表酵母菌活力慢慢衰弱。但是,另外氧化游離基的實驗結果卻沒有如預期般增加,反倒是跟JC-1的表現呈正相關現象。抗氧化劑的加入,非但沒有增加酵母菌的活力,反而是減弱了粒線體膜電位的表現,而氧化游離基也同時降低。這樣的實驗結果,雖然跟事前的預期結果不同,但也可能暗示1. 胡亂加入抗氧化劑,對生物不盡然是有幫忙的。2. 酵母菌在這一種生長條件中,可能需要一些氧化物的刺激或幫忙。3. 粒線體是細胞內氧化作用最強的單位,如果他生命力變弱了,自然產生氧化游離基的能力變弱,而非氧化游離基一開始去減弱粒線體的活性。此實驗的重大意義,是告訴我們,氧化游離基或抗氧化物的腳色並非一成不變的,甚至你原來認為的粒線體膜電位改變是細胞凋亡的起始原因,也可能相反,粒線體膜電位改變只是細胞凋亡後來發生的結果。科學的有趣也就是在這裡!我們藉助於【實驗】,不斷地實驗,去挑戰既有的知識跟原理,會讓我們發現更多的真理,一個單細胞的酵母菌就有這麼多問題需要去回答,那麼放眼將來不孕症醫師想嘗試『卵質轉移』,主要就是要取得健康的粒線體,增加懷孕的機會,那就可能需要更多的實驗跟努力,才能給出一個真正的正確答案。





Saccharomyces cerevisiae 單倍體親代的RLS年齡對有性生殖後二倍體子代的影響

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 藉由出芽生殖的方式產生子代,而執行的次數並非無所限制。酵母菌一生的分裂次數(壽命)稱為 Replicative Life Span ( RLS ),指的是母細胞在停止分裂前所產生的子代數目。本實驗將老單倍體細胞( RLS 中位數: 6代 )和年輕單倍體細胞( RLS 中位數: 20代 )透過有性生殖的方式形成合子,發現合子的 RLS ( 中位數: 10.5代 )會受到老細胞的影響而縮短,並且接近兩單倍體親代 RLS 中位數的算術平均數( 13代 ),而其 F1 子代的 RLS 卻能回復與雙倍體相似的壽命。發現單倍體親代老化導致合子短命,可進一步推測人類生殖細胞老化對受精卵的影響模式。 

A Novel Selection Process for the Conversion of Conventional Bacteria into Electrotrophs

The redox reactions of bacteria metabolism have been extrinsically studied. These mechanisms allow certain types of bacteria to be able to synthesize extremely valuable extracellular byproducts. Other types of bacteria are able to extract toxic metals from water by donating electrons directly to those aqueous metal ions, thus turning them into solid precipitates. However, the problem of these microorganisms is that their efficiency rates and production speeds are exceptionally low. This study focuses on the properties of electrotrophs, which are bacteria that can feed on pure electrons directly from an electrode (Rabaey et al 2010). Compared to normal organic-feeding bacteria, electrotrophs direct the majority of the electrons obtained to the production of metabolic byproducts (Nevin et al 2010). Therefore, when electrotrophs are employed in bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) their metabolic redox reaction efficiency rates are dramatically increased. This makes it possible to produce large quantities of valuable compounds such as hydrocarbons, plastics and medicine or efficiently remediating the environment (He et al 2016). Moreover, the usage of electricity as an energy source compared to conventional organic substrates is immensely cheaper (Rabaey et al 2010). However, not all bacteria are electrotrophs nor do all electrotrophs have favourable metabolic traits. Thus, there is a need for a novel procedure to turn conventional bacteria into electrotrophs which is a crucial step to making the BES an aggressive competitor in the sustainable energy industry.

Bioplastic - The Future is Degradable Plastics. Investigating Biodegradation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Bioplastic by 紐西蘭 Soil Microorganisms

The rate and production of conventional petroleum based plastics is unsustainable and not eco-friendly. Plastics often end up in marine environments and can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. According to Statistica, in 2015 alone, global plastic production was approximately 322 million metric tonnes and is projected to increase in the future. PHB bioplastic or Polyhydroxybutyrate is both biologically produced and biodegradable and can serve as a viable alternative to conventional plastics. But can it be broken down by soil microbes within a reasonable time frame? I have set out to answer this question. My aim was to isolate and analyse microorganisms from the Rotorua area that are capable of degrading Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) bioplastic . I isolated PHB degrading microorganisms from Rotorua soils by culturing on an agar based mineral salt media supplemented with PHB powder (MSM PHB agar). Samples were taken from Mount Ngongotaha and Te Puia geothermal soils as well as Okareka, termite frass and termite guts. One isolate from the Te Puia sample (labelled G2) was found to successfully degrade PHB powder. After isolation and purification of the G2 isolate, it was cultured on a range of media types to examine properties exhibited under differing nutrient conditions. Multiple organisms were found to be involved in the degradation of PHB bioplastic and work together symbiotically, this included bacteria and fungi which was identified as penicillium. The sample isolated from Te Puia soils (site 2 – G2Clear) in the Rotorua environment was found capable of competently degrading PHB, clearing 8% of PHB after 26 days. The G2Clear isolate is a mixture of bacteria and fungi working in an endosymbiotic relationship to degrade PHB and are unable to successfully degrade PHB individually. It is through the secretion of an extracellular PHB depolymerase enzyme that PHB is degraded, conforming with my hypothesis. This proves that PHB bioplastic is a viable alternative to conventional petroleum based plastics as PHB can be relatively quickly broken down by soil microorganisms.


雌激素為一種環境賀爾蒙,若水生動物長期暴露於其中,即會導致其生理及行為異常。我們企圖從迪化汙水處理廠中純化出能降解雌激素之菌株,希冀了解其雌激素降解機制與生理特性。首先於菌液添加高濃度雌激素(1~2毫莫耳/升)培養以純化菌株,而後測定其16S核糖體核糖核酸序列確認純化出之菌株身分並設計引子,觀察此細菌之生長情形,並進行該菌株之生理測試,包含功能基因定序、代謝產物分析、脂肪酸組成分析、利用其它固醇為碳源之降解測定等。我們純化出一株新鞘氨醇桿菌屬(Novosphingobium)的變形菌,於雌激素濃度1毫莫耳/升的環境下能大量生長,確實能降解雌激素並生成代謝產物,具有與Sphingomonas sp. strain KC8相似之降解雌激素功能基因(oecC),且能降解其他固醇,包含雄烯二酮、膽酸、孕酮和睪酮,然而並不能降解乙炔雌二醇。該菌株具修復受汙染環境及製備雌激素相關藥品之應用潛力。

探討線蟲異質核醣核酸結合蛋白hnRNP Q/R 同源分子HRP-2是否影響微小核醣核酸 let-7調控目標基因之功能

微小核糖核酸是一種由約22個核苷酸所組成的RNA分子,可與目標訊息核醣核酸3端不轉錄區域(3’UTR)配對引發基因沉默而負向調控基因表現。在線蟲中,let-7微小核糖核酸調控目標基因lin-41,進而控制發育事件如生殖孔的形成及體側皮下組織接縫細胞(lateral hypodermal seam cells)的分裂與分化。let-7(n2853) 溫度敏感低效能突變導致在非容許溫度(non-permissive)下所生長成蟲的生殖孔爆裂,也會導致接縫細胞最終分化(terminal differentiation) 的延遲,而使得接縫細胞在成蟲時重複分裂(reiterated proliferation)。我們先前已經發現,利用核醣核酸干擾技術(RNA interference, RNAi)方式去降低異質核醣核酸結合蛋白基因hrp-2 的表現可以抑制let-7(n2853)突變種生殖孔爆裂的性狀。而在本篇研究中,我們發現降低hrp-2表現也可以抑制let-7(n2853)突變種接縫細胞在成蟲時期重複分裂的性狀。此外,此抑制效果可經由去除掉微小核醣核酸沉默複合體的核心重要功能蛋白ALG-1而消除。另一方面,我們發現降低hrp-2表現也可以抑制let-7的旁系同源微小核糖核酸miR-84目標基因let-60 功能性增加突變(gain-of-function mutation)所導致的多重生殖孔性狀。這些證據顯示降低hrp-2表現可能增強了let-7及miR-84分別對於目標基因 lin-41與let-60的調控。先前研究已顯示HRP-2蛋白可結合到訊息核醣核酸介入子(intron)並調控其另類剪接(alternative splicing),我們的研究結果則顯示HRP-2可能也參與在訊息核醣核酸受微小核糖核酸所調控的機制之中。


四膜蟲(Tetrahymena)進行有性生殖的特定階段中,有RNA interference調控DNA割除(DNA elimination)的核重組現象。 Drb3p 具有dsRNA結合區域,推測為一dsRNA結合蛋白,其表現時間和四膜蟲進行IES(internal excision sequence)的時期重疊,Drb3p 可能參與RNA interference的調控。 本實驗在DRB3前接上GFP序列,以觀察Drb3p在四膜蟲中的作用位置,再以RNA干擾術進行DRB3 基因沉默(knockdown)以了解Drb3p對四膜蟲核重組的影響。結果顯示,Drb3p主要出現在有性生殖時的新大核,也就是核重組RNA interference調控機制主要發生的位置,但由於基因沉默後仍有少量DRB3表現,我們尚未確定其對四膜蟲所造成的影響。於是我們改用基因剔除(knockout) DRB3,探討Drb3p的功用,然而就目前的實驗結果來說,Drb3p對子代的大核製造並沒有顯著的影響,但並不能排除Drb3p對子代數目與生理可能造成影響。 未來,我們希望能更進一步的使用免疫沈澱法等方式研究Drb3p所結合的RNA,以期對RNA interference領域有更深入的發現

Antibacterial Properties of Mānuka

Antibacterial Properties of Mānuka Mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) is a native 紐西蘭 plant that has long been used by indigenous Maori for its medicinal and therapeutic properties, yet is relatively unknown to science. Many of our native species may contain novel compounds with practical applications in our lives. Research indicates that mānuka has anti-microbial, anti-fungal, herbicidal, insecticidal and anti-bacterial properties, and suggests that compounds similar to Grandiflorone (ß-triketones) cause these effects. This project investigates the antibacterial properties of mānuka leaves, using the bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum for biological testing. With the recent rise in multidrug-resistant bacteria, it is now more vital than ever to utilize traditional knowledge to inform research and development of innovative new antibiotics, antimicrobials and similar biologically important compounds.