

Swallowtail species, Papilio memnon heronus Fruhstorfer, demonstrates sexual dimorphism with four forms in females: melanism with tails, melanism without tails, albinism with tails, and albinism without tails. This study is to understand whether environment or genetics causes the differences. Besides, we hope to discover any possible link between characteristics of larvae and the morphology of adults. We understand it is the genetic factor that controls the expression of different morphologies. The two characteristics (body color and existence of tails) are controlled by two separate genes located on different chromosomes, and the inheritance pattern is consistent with that of Mendel’s law of inheritance. As for the observation in larva stage, we fail to notice any characteristics can indicate the future morphology of a particular larva. 本研究主要是在探討為何大鳳蝶雌蝶會有四種不同的形態:1.有尾白化2.有尾黑化3. 無尾白化4.無尾黑化,而造成此形態差異的原因又是什麼?探討造成此形態差異的成因分 為兩種:1.環境因子造成的2.遺傳因子造成的,我們也就是從這兩大方向去做實驗,對於環 境因子,我們的實驗設計是列出可能影響的因子(例:光照、溫度),而我們第一個探討的 因子就是光照,然而,後來發現有尾黑化的雌蝶,其子代在有光照及無光照的環境下皆有 無尾黑化、無尾白化、有尾黑化的雌蝶出現,而且可以從實驗很明顯的看出有尾的雌蝶, 生下無尾的雌蝶為多數而非定值,故我們可以確定造成此形態差異的因子不是環境,所以 我們又趕快從遺傳因子去做探討是何種遺傳類型造成的,實驗結果確定影響翅色及尾突的 遺傳皆為孟德爾遺傳。


本文籍由一套數學遊戲的必勝方法及其背後潛藏的數學原理,來作為研究目標。透過研究德國數學家E.Sperner 提出的方法所延伸的數學遊戲,來解決潘建強、邵慰慈兩位教授留下來沒有證完的遊戲結果[1],並將遊戲增廣至三維空間的探討且得到如下的結論: 一、平面棋盤 (1)不可換色,先下者恆勝,其最快獲勝方法,為依所下位置的三角形衍生子圖周界走。 (2)可換色,獲勝規則由棋盤的總頂點數決定,若棋盤的總頂點數為奇數,先下者獲勝;若棋盤的總頂點數為偶數,則後下者獲勝。 二、空間棋盤 (3) 不可換色,先下者恆勝,而最佳下法,則是下在大四面體本身內部的某一點,且其最快獲勝方法為,依正四面體稜邊所下位置走。 This study is mainly about an invincible method of a mathematical game and its theory from which it is derived. We want to solve the problems left by Professor Poon, K.K and Professor Shiu,W.C. and meanwhile extend it into three dimensions through the method brought up by E. Sperner[1]. On two dimensional case, the first player will win the game forever on condition that these two players can't change their chesses colors at will. And the fastest way to win will be just putting the chesses that along the baby triangle boundaries. If both players can change their chesses colors randomly, count the chesses number before starting the game. It is calculated that if the number of the total chesses is odd, the first player will win the game in normal and logical circumstances. On the contrary, if the number of total chesses is even, the latter will win. On three dimensional case, the first player will definitely win the game without allowing changing chesses colors. And the best strategy is putting chesses in the inner of the big tetrahedron; what’s more, going along the edge of the tetrahedron will be shortest way to win the game.


本研究將竹炭與銀兩種不同的材料結合,研發出金屬結合非金屬的複合導電材質;利用銀鏡反應,以竹炭當作載體,製作出竹炭-銀複合物,透過自製竹炭-銀電壓與電流的裝置,發現竹炭-銀錠最佳導電的質量比例為竹炭比銀1:9,利用掃描是電子顯微鏡,分析竹炭-銀複合物,發現銀會有效分布在竹炭表面形成包覆,竹炭銀定可導電,電阻介於純銀與炭之間,其電阻極低,將來可應用在代替石墨作為電池的電極,對提升導電度會有幫助;In this work, using the silver-mirror reaction, porous bamboo charcoal has been successfully adopted as novel supports for immobilization of silver nanoparticles by a chemical reduction method and the metal-nonmetallic composites with conductivity efficacy were investigated. Through the test of homemade voltage with the electric current instrument, we found out that the best ratio of conductivity in the bamboo charcoal-silver ingot is 1:9. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the composites show uniform Ag particles distribution on the BC matrix. The bamboo charcoal-silver ingot has the conductivity. The resistance, between the pure silver and the coal (graphite), is extremely low. Thus, this composite will promote conductivity and apply in the battery of electrode for replacing the graphite in the near future.