政府全面換發國民身分證,並訂定新式身分證之規格,以防範遭不法偽造之情事,確保民眾權益。然而其中的照片規格,有十多條規格的限定,若用傳統的辨別方式,近1876 萬張照片是否合乎規定,那將耗費多少的人力呢?於是本次研究主題「新式國民身分證相片規格驗證暨浮水印防偽系統」即產生,設計一套程式,提高換發國民身分證的工作效率及確保換證使用相片的正確度。並且延伸研究出使用內崁式的數位浮水印〈Digital Watermarks〉,將全國民眾的身分證照片統一建立資料庫,並自動加入個人資料浮水印。日後,照片只需透過本程式分析,即可知道其姓名、身分證字號、有無犯罪前科等個人資料。希望藉此達到降低偽造身分證之犯罪率,以保護民眾之權利。 The government is launching to renew national identification cards with new norms, to avoid fake ones. However, there are more than ten limits on photos, it could be wasting time to discern by people. Thus, I launched a research on "The xamination on new national ID card photos and watermark forgery-proof system". The program will help both to enhance efficient renewal process and to use correct photos. Also we developed the embeded Digital Watermark technology, which would create a database for ID cards of the nation and could add personal infomation automatically. With the help of the program, simply run the photo analysis, we could find out the names, ID number, criminal background, etc.We hope to decrease crimes via fake ID cards, and protect the national right.