This research is mainly in observation with Caenorhabditis elegans ’s genetic mutation caused via nervous system abnormal character. In the study, I the sample have been cultivated purified and add some chemical material EMS to speed up C.elegans mutation. Then based on the character to further analysis what causeof gene deal with mutation and observe the effects in heredity. The research has two stages, on the first stage of study the mainly target is to both search and purify the mutation of C.elegans. The second stage is based on the exploration of mutation’s searching and purifying. Because the certain mutation bodies aren’t easy to find out, the project is still on progress at the beginning of second stage, and we conclude some heredity special cases in preliminary of study. 這個實驗主要是觀察並針對線蟲因為基因的突變所產生的神經系統異常的變異性狀,在實驗中我先將樣品線蟲培養並純化至一定數量,並加入適當藥劑EMS造成其突變,經篩選並分析此性狀,進而找出造成其突變之基因,以及觀察此性狀對遺傳表現所造成的影響。該計畫分成兩階段,第一階段的實驗重點是在突變株的搜尋以及純化上,第二階段則是在突變基因的探討上,由於特定突變株的搜尋並非容易,所以目前計畫只進展至第二階段的遺傳實驗初期,對於其遺傳特徵與突變形式上已有了初步的分析,但尚未定位出該基因的位置。