瓦斯熱水爐使用大火時廢氣的CO 濃度非常高是導致一氧化碳中毒事件的關鍵原因,要解決這個問題觸媒轉化是一種可行的方式。影響觸媒性能的因素中以活性中心的種類最為重要,我們發現對轉化一氧化碳為二氧化碳的反應而言鈷有最好的催化效果,其次分別為:鎳、銅、鐵。最好的載體是三氧化二鋁,鈷的含量使用10%,煅燒溫度使用300℃可兼顧性能與成本。
本研究中所研發的 Co/Al2O3 觸媒具備有實用的潛力,可以在空間速度高達1000min-1 的情況下將濃度14,632ppm 的CO 百分之百轉化為CO2,而僅需233℃的反應溫度。因此,應該可以應用在瓦斯熱水爐上以降低一氧化碳中毒的風險。
The incorrect usage of a natural gas powered water heater always generates
high carbon monoxide concentration in a closed environment. The dangerous CO gas
can be fatal to the careless user of the water heater. Catalytic conversion of CO
to CO2 can be a convenient method to solve this problem.
The effect of the support, the supported metal, loading of the metal, reaction temperature,
gas concentration, and reactants flow rate on the performance of the CO oxidation
catalysts have been investigated. X-ray diffraction, gas adsorption and Infrared
spectroscopy were applied to study the characteristics of catalysts.
A 100% conversion of CO to CO2 can be achieved when 1.46% CO/6% oxygen/N2 reactants
was catalyzed by a 10% Co/Al2O3 catalyst at 233℃ with a space velocity of 1000min-1 .
This reaction condition is sufficient to remove the entire CO generated by a family-sized
natural gas water heater.