1894年H.J.H Fenton首先發現亞鐵離子催化過氧化氫具有強氧化力,故將其稱為” Fenton reagent”。在本研究裡將對Fenton做一深入探討,探討在不同 pH值溶液、不同Fe2+濃度比下產生氧氣的效能,並且間接也印證了 HO · 自由基在 Fenton reaction 製氧過程中的重要性。
亞鐵離子在Fenton reation ,並非單純只當催化劑。當 pH =3.0、4.0、5.0時,過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為1:0.25、 1: 0.5 、1:1 時,當 FeSO4濃度增大時,氧氣產量依序增加。依反應機構解釋,可確定亞鐵離子為Fenton reaction 反應速率之重要因子。但,當pH 較高且硫酸亞鐵濃度為過氧化氫兩倍時,反而抑制氣氣的產量。且若當條件為 pH = 5且過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為 l : l 時,氧氣生成平衡體積最接近最大體積,可證實過氧化氫在短時反應最完全。由結論中幾個論點可歸納出,常實驗條件為 pH = 5且過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵濃度比為 1: 1 時,氧氣的收集會有最好的效果。
In 1894, H. J. Fenton first found that the ferrous iron can catalyze hydrogen peroxide with the strong oxidizing ability; so we called “Fenton’s Reagent”. This discovery will make a further research to explore the efficiency of the production of oxygen that under a series of different pH values, arid different proportions of Fe2+ concentration . This experiment indirectly proves that the free radical of hydroxyl ion as a important role to produce oxygen in the Fenton reaction. In the Fenton reaction, the ferrous iron is not simply utilized as the catalyst. While the pH value is 3 4 and 5, and the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is 1:0.25, 1:0.5, and 1:1, when the concentration of ferrous sulfate increases, the volume of the oxygen produced will increase simultaneously. According to the reaction mechanism, we affirm that the ferrous iron is a significant factor in the Fenton reaction rate. But, if the pH value is higher, and the concentration of ferrous sulfate is the double of hydrogen peroxide, the rOl1jJj1C of oxygen is refrained reversely. And as the pH value is 5, and the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is 1: 1, the equilibrium volume of the oxygen produced will approach the maximum, which proves that hydrogen-peroxide can completely react in a short time. According to the conclusion, we conducted that as the pH value is 5, arid the proportion of hydrogen peroxide to ferrous sulfate is l:1.which is the optimum condition of the oxygen preparation.