Mentor Hunt App








Fundação Escola Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha


Marcio Leandro Souza Momberger


Matheus Henrique Schmokel




The Information Technology (IT) area has shown great growth in recent years, even with the economic recession that 巴西 has been through and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It is estimated that by 2024 the area will have a deficit of more than 290 thousand professionals. However, companies still face other difficulties in hiring, especially people who are looking for their first job in the Information Technology area. Most part of these difficulties are lack of qualified manpower and high prerequisites to fill internship or junior positions. As a result, the objective of this project is: to develop a platform that connects people who seek guidance, improvement or professional relocation in the Information Technology area with professionals that already have the experience they are seeking. The first step was a research and analysis of similar platforms in the market, whose proposal involves mentoring or professional connections, and it concluded that there are no services that fully meet the project’s proposal. In the second step, a research was done about mobile development, highlighting Flutter and Firebase platform. The third step defined the application’s features, such as suggestion of users and mentors, search for users, become a mentor, private chat, video calls, Portuguese and English languages, light and dark themes and profile customization. The suggestion of users and mentors is done by a match with the registered users, relating their areas of work (where the user has experience) and the areas of interest of each one. For the coding of the project, Flutter and Firebase technologies were used. To design the app, it followed Material Design specifications. For testing and distribution, the app was published on Play Store, Google’s Android application platform. The tests were performed by both the researcher and a selected group of users to verify if the functionalities were in accordance to what was defined in the beginning of the project. Perceiving the correct functioning of the application, the project achieved the proposed objective. In addition, it expanded its reach area, because it is possible to find users and mentors from any other area of the market.


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