兩年來,台灣仍籠罩在 921 大地震的陰影之下。而大地震突如其來的發生,往往危害到人類的生命和財產。我突發奇想的要用一些人類所能觀察到的現象來推測地震的發生,於是我想到或許可以以地震發生時強大的能量,來推估地震的發生。我起初做此研究的時候,發現用通測來測量地面溫度,並非容易 · 由於遙測大都是用來測量海面溫度,要用來測量地面溫度有其困難存在,但經過一連串的修正之後,配合中央氣象局所提供的氣象資料,以能得到準確的資料 · 研究過程中,雖然屢屢發生困難,但都能順利解決,使我自己備感高興。Two years after it happened ‘ the September 21st earthquake still haunts Taiwan. The suddenness of these earthquakes often brings great harm to our lives and property. In this research’ I try to observe some common signs that may warn of earthquakes. I thought it possible to use the massive energy release in earthquakes to predict their happening’ at first ‘ I found that remote sensing surface temperatures is not easy. Because most remote sensing is used for measuring the temperature of ocean surfaces ‘ it is difficult to measure surface temperatures ‘ but after a number of corrections and based on information from the central weather bureau’ it is possible to acquire accurate information. I am glad that all the difficulties in the course of research have been resolved.