本實驗的觀測乃著重於觀測各定點之臭氧濃度與該地天氣因子;如溫度、相對溼度、氣壓、雲量、風速、日照強度等與之比較並控制所有可能的變因,來推測一地空氣污染的程度,並從中思考影響一地臭氧濃度變化的要素。 利用自製的熊本試紙來測量在對流層中臭氧的濃度,進而來推論出我們所設的測站附近的空氣污染程度。 由實驗了解臭氧濃度和其他天氣因子如溫度、相對溼度、風向、風速、日照強度、紫外線強度、工廠作息或交通流量等因素有著很微妙的關係。 最後,我們歸納出在做此實驗時所遇到的相關問題與解決方法。 This experimentation is about the ozone of troposphere. We try to find out how the weather elements affect the ozone consistency (for example: air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, cloudage, wind speed, solar insolation), and to discover the relation between the ozone consistency and the air pollution. We use the test paper which is made by ourselves to measure the ozone consistency of troposphere, so that we con use the date to infer the air pollution level at the area where we conduct our tests. According to our experiment, we find out the ozone consistency and other weather elements (ex: air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, cloudage, wind speed, solar insolation or traffic), have some delicate relations with each other. Finally, we conclude all the relative problems we face in this experiment and their solutions.