Every year more soluble and insoluble substances are added to the oceans by runoff. This process slowly increases the salinity of the oceans. As the salinity of the oceans increase, what effect will this have on our climate? The purpose of this investigation is to determine how an increase in salt concentration affects the evaporation of sea water. Four ten liter aquaria were filled with six liters of distilled water in each aquarium. One aquarium contained only water. The other three aquaria had different amounts of Kosher salt added as follows: 120. grams, 240.grams and 480.grams. Measurements of the level of water in each tank were taken over a period of two months. The tank with the highest concentration of salt had the smallest rate of evaporation. In the feature with less evaporation of sea water the atmosphere will receive less moisture. This could result in fewer clouds and less rain fall for the planet.