桃園虎頭山是位於林口台地南端的低海拔(約240~260M)丘陵地,表土層屬於紅土層,紅土主要成分為細沙(直徑>50μm,約佔50%)、粉沙(直徑2~50μm,約佔30%),其餘以黏土為主,加上少量含鐵礦物,採樣地點字圖二中的三聖宮旁的登山步道,其坡面面向東南方,對位處北緯25度的桃園屬於向陽波,經日曬適當時間後所產生的龜裂現象,是我們探討的對象;We have focused the study on the sun cracks found in the Mts.Hu-To are located in the southern part of the Mesa Lin Kou, which are 240m to 260m above the sea level. Mainly red clay, the surface soil is a composition of fine sand(diameter>50μm,up to50%)and silt(diameter>2~5 μm,up to 30%),including clay and a limited amount of iron minerals. The soil sample was gathered at the trail beneath the Hil Gue-Lun(241m,see pic.1)from the southeastern latitudes.