Carbon Monoxide is a very toxic and dangerous that threatens our life and can cause sudden illness and death. It is the most abundant, by mass, pollutant gas generated by the engine due to the lack of oxygen and thus presented in our lives. It is true that the oxidation catalyst absorbs carbon monoxide from the exhaust of cars during combustion. But that is not enough, the catalyst is only effective when the exhaust temperature is high (more than 400°C) which is not available in a short path.
To protect ourselves from this toxic gas, we must find solutions and innovative ideas to fulfill this objective. And this is how our project was created. Our focus in this project is to create a filter that can absorb carbon monoxide using the minimum of energy possible. It will be more efficient unlike the traditional method that not only needs high range of temperature (higher than 400°C) but also takes a long period for the reaction to occur.