本研究(超音波霧化降溫研究)由二實驗組成。實驗一主要針對超音波霧化器(以下簡稱霧化器)之造霧性能進行探討;實驗二則為霧化器之降溫應用。實驗一以改良傳統造霧方式,進而維持最佳造霧效果為主。由於先前的霧化方式是直接放置霧化器於水面,致使最佳霧化水深因霧氣蒸散、水位下降而無法維持;所以在實驗一裡,我們針對霧化器的使用設計一套「漂浮造霧法」:本法運用浮體使霧化器懸於水面,和水面等起伏,使霧化器底部距水面高度不變,藉以維持最佳造霧水深、造霧效果。實驗二乃霧化降溫之探討。本實驗在相同的霧化量下,操縱風速和接觸表面積的差異;利用霧、氣接觸面積與蒸散速率呈正向關係的原理,找出最佳的降溫條件。同時,也期待在兼顧環保的前提下,將之應用於未來開放空間的降溫。The research(Heat Control by Supersonic Vaporization)includes two experiments. One is focused on atomized effect of Supersonic Vaporization(so-called Atomizer); the other is about applying atomizer to temperature decrease. Exp.1 adapts formal way of atomization. Since previous way of atomization is to put atomizer directly on the water, making the change of atomizer’s distance from water as water evaporates, Exp.1 creates a way called “Floating”. In Floating, atomizer is suspended in a float; constantly keeps the bottom of atomizer from same distance from surface of water. Thus, no matter how much volume of water is evaporated, the best depth of water for atomization and also, the best atomized condition, could stay. Exp2 inquires in relation between atomization and temperature decrease. In Exp2, the atomized volume is fixed, while wind speed and air-contact area are mastered elements. By the theory that, “the wider contact area is, the more efficiently water evaporates,” we could manage out the best condition in temperature decrease. In that way, with the theory practiced, this research, considering environmental case, is supposed to be applied to open-air area one day.