演奏樂器時,是使發聲體產生駐波而發出各式各樣悠揚的聲音及音調;樂器主要分成振動體(發聲體)及共鳴器兩部分,依發音方式分為弦樂器(使弦振動產生駐波)、管樂器(利用空氣柱振動產生駐波) 及打擊樂器(利用板、膜或磚等彈性材料的固有頻率振動產生駐波)。聲音有三要素:振幅、頻率及波型,響度取決於振幅大小、音調與頻率有關、波型則由不同的頻率及響度組成。樂音多變的主因是音色及音調。音色是發聲體的發音特性,取決於該發聲體的聲波波型。音調即聲音的高低,與發聲體的振動頻率材質息息相關,頻率愈高,其音調愈高,而樂曲中的音階高低則是由音調高低所構成。樂曲的製作及演奏必涉及到律制,從駐波的產生、律制的探討、頻率的測量和琴鍵的振動模型建立與波形的觀察,我們使用計頻器、示波器及有限元素ANSYS 軟體、數學計算Mathematica 軟體,我們設計一系列實驗,企圖對樂器聲波操作技巧有更進一步的認知。從實地走訪樂器製造廠,了解到設計與改良仍是樂器工藝家重要課題,本文的實驗方法可提供大型演奏會現場調音、樂器調音師或樂器工藝家設計製造樂器時參考用,對於發展文化產業期待提供更經濟與實用的建議。;Playing musical instrument is to make sounding part produce stationary wave so as to give off various gentle sounds and tones. According to different modes of sound producing, musical instruments which comprise vibrator (sounding part) and resonator can be divided into stringed instruments (which vibrate the strings to produce stationary wave), wind instruments (which produce stationary wave with vibration of the air column) and percussion instruments (which produce stationary wave with natural frequency of boards, films or bricks). Three Essentials of sound include amplitude, frequency and waveform, in which the amplitude decides the volume, tones are related to frequency and the waveforms are composed of different frequency and volume. Various musical sounds are mainly due to different timbres and tones. Timbres, sounding characteristics of sounding part, is decided by waveform of the sounding part. Tone means pitch of the sound and is closely related to vibrating frequency of sounding part. Higher frequency makes higher tones and pitch of a musical scale is decided by different tones. Music composing and playing is necessarily connected with music temperament including producing of stationary wave, discussion of temperament, measurement of frequency, establishment of vibrating mode of keys and observation of waveform. We adopted frequency counter, wave inspector, ANSYS software and Mathematica software and designed a series of experiment to get further knowledge of technique of handling musical instrument wave. After visiting musical instrument manufacturers, we learnt that design and improvement are still the essential subjects for instrument craftsmen. Experimental method in his article can provide reference for on-the-spot tuning of large concert, musical instrument tuner and musical instrument designing and manufacturing by craftsmen, and more economic and practical suggestion for cultural industry development.