1. 由以上的圖中,t1’ = T + t1 為實際由感應器開始感應到感應器#1 接收到訊號的時間;同理,t2’ = T + t2 為實際由開始感應到感應器#2
接收到訊號的時間。而T 為感應器開始感應到發聲器開始發聲的的時間(之後的 T 皆為如此)。由以下式子得知:
|t1’ - t2’|=|( T + t1 ) - ( T + t2 ) |=|t1 - t2|及為本實驗所需的時間差。利用減法將T 消除,便及為發聲器與感應器不必採取同步,此為本實驗目標以及優點之一。
2. 之後的公式推導中,實際由感應器開始感應到感應器接收到訊號的時間中,表示為t1、t2、t3……以此類推。
1.The major design of experiment is to spot the location of an object by experiment,
calculating and discussing of such figures like the transmission speed of the waver
(especially sound wave), plus time value of the receptor and so on to get the result.
2.In practice, the ordinary measuring method has to be implemented under the circumstance
of synchrony: however, the distinguishing characteristic in the experiment is to
overcome such restriction with the use of the “time lapse” concept. 3.The reflecting
measuring instrument on the market is limited by its “straight-line characteristic.”
Instead, we use multiple sensors to spot the absolute location of an object in its
1-D, 2-D, 3-D form. 4.We have now been working on the improvements of the measuring
instruments, for instance, using sound cards to connect to the microphone to make
a new sensor; also, the redesign and combination of other electric parts and circuits
are also under construction. 5. We plan to apply the experiment not only in spotting
the location of an object but also in further spotting the location of vibration
coming from various objects (e.g. in the use of rescue).